Eins Jra7

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JRA7: Internet as Critical Infrastructure; Security, Resilience and Dependability Aspects

Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, 21-22 December 2011

Georg Carle (TUM)

FP7-ICT-2011.1.6-288021 EINS

Network of Excellence in Internet Science

WP Objectives
Bring together experts from different sectors for a more systematic approach to the criticality of the Internet Evaluate the various existing and up-coming technologies to improve resilience and dependability Study the impact of social and intentional behaviour Understand human perception of threats and failures

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

WP Tasks
R7.1 Resilient and Robust Services R7.2 Planning and Evaluation of Critical Resources R7.3 Impact of Social Behaviour R7.4 Dependability and Perception of Threats R7.5 Impact of Intentional Behaviour R7.6 Critical infrastructures in future Internets

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

R7.1 Resilient and Robust Services

How can resilient and robust services be provided?
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Share insights and approaches Categorize existing solutions Potential of emerging technologies

Impact of severe incidents and solutions for severe incidents Partners: TUM, UoS, IIN, CNR, OXF, UNI PASSAU, UiO

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

R7.2 Planning and Evaluation of Critical Resources

How critical infrastructures can be planned?

Tools / Methods to discover bottlenecks and check for weaknesses o Assess cost and potential utility / level of protection of remediation schemes

Combine technical aspects with economics Partners: TUM, UoS, IIN, UNI PASSAU, NKUA

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

R7.3 Impact of Social Behaviour

How technology and social behaviour interact to produce threats?
Flash crowds, flash mobs, social amplification of attacks o Self-fulling tendencies, social cascades

What does this imply for providing vital services? Partners: ULANC, TUM, NKUA, NEXA, CNR

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

R7.4 Dependability and Perception of Threats How threats are perceived, selected and responded to?
Perception of risks in soceity, leads to a certain behaviour of users o Impact on actual threats

Collect existing activities, stimulate innovative future research combining CS with psychology and social sciences Partners: ULANC, TUM, NEXA

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

R7.5 Impact of Intentional Behaviour

How risk arising from intentional behaviour can be analysed?
Understand rules, conventions and procedures that systems rely on when protecting resources o How will malicious and non-malicous users form their intentions?

Risk Analysis based on user intentions Partners: ULANC, IIN, NKUA, NEXA

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

R7.6 Critical infrastructures in future Internets How protected resources found in social organisations can operate in the context of a future Internet.
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Vital services are realized in certain ways today. Do they use methods that contradict architectural aspects of a future Internet?

Transition from critical services today to critival services in future Internets Partners: ULANC, UoS, IIN, OXF

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

WP Action List for the 1st Year


D7.1.1 Overview on Methods and Tools for Resilient Services (M18) o D7.2.1 Social aspects in understanding Internet as critical infrastructure and implications for future networks (M18) o D7.3.1 Reports on integration and excellence building in Internet as critical infrastructure (M15)

Bring together participants of workpackage and individual tasks First draft versions of deliverables.

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

Interdependencies with other WPs

With the foundational JRA1-3
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solutions for resilience / dependability in architecture evaluate proposals with respect to WP goals JRA7 solutions need security Many threats have impact on objectives JRA5 and JRA7

With JRA5
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EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

WP Impact
Internet is and will be critical infrastructure
A systematic approach for critical infrastructures needed o Existing solutions, up-coming technologies, future options

WP will stimulate cross-sector research on Internet as critical infrastructure

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

Issues to be discussed and decided

First meeting How to organize work and exchange for the tasks Plan a public event (like workshop, etc.)?

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

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