EC Presentation Digital Agenda Europe

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Europe 2020

vision of Europe's social market economy for the 21st century. smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

Agenda for Digital Agenda for efficient Industrial policyfor new skills Resource European platform Innovation Unionthe move Youth on and jobs Europe Europe the globalisation era against poverty

The European Digital Agenda:

Europe's strategy for a flourishing digital economy by 2020 The European Digital Agenda is the new framework for EU research in ICT and Future Internet Objectives:
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reinforcing European competitiveness demonstrating concrete social benefits of new Internet solutions

A Digital Agenda for Europe

online content, digital copyright, IPR, trust open standards

The 7 pillars: digital single market openness & interoperability online trust & security Internet for all ICT research & innovation enhancing e-skills ICT for social challenges

privacy broadband infrastructures

web-based apps and services

digital literacy, inclusion

energy efficiency, environment

Internet governance

Techno-socio-economic aspects of Internet and the DAE

Online content, digital copyright, intellectual property (actions 5, 6) Privacy (actions 12, 35), trust (action 17), security (actions 28, 29, 32) Interoperability (action 24) Broadband infrastructures (actions 42, 43, 44, 45, 46) Development of web-based applications and services with social value (action 54, 79, 80, 82), innovation pilots funded by CIP (action 56) Investments in ICT R&D, next action plan (actions 55, 88) Digital literacy, inclusion (actions 59, 63) Overall energy efficiency and attention to environment (actions 69, 86) Internet governance (action 97, 98) The Innovation Union Strategy underlines the need for multidisciplinary approaches to create the e-skills necessary for innovation and competitiveness, and to properly address the upcoming societal challenges

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