EC Presentation Rodriguez Rosello

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Strategic Relevance of the Internet Science NoE to future Research, DAE and Horizon 2020: the Future Networks


Network of Excellence on Internet Science 21/12/2011

Luis Rodrguez-Rosell Head of Unit Future Networks
Information Society and Media DG European Commission

The Network of the Future Internet architecture designed

for broadband fixed and mobile access

Future Internet Technologies

Converged and Optical Networks
Application Server Gateway
Optical Switching High Speed Broadband Access

Public Internet
Operator A Ad-Hoc Mesh Relay Personal Space

Optical Transmission

Application Operator B Server

Cellular and beyond


Object and Sensor Networks

Radio Access and Spectrum Use

Main trends affecting research and innovation in the communications networks area
Research & Technology drivers: Societal drivers:
Urbanisation Smart cities Mobility Information availability Social networks Privacy Security Energy efficiency Demographic trends Healthcare Education

Capacity/Efficiency Service/Content centricity Virtualisation & Cloudification Cognition Context awareness Manageability Self-organisation Self-optimisation Cross-layer optimisation Flexibility Smart environments, Sensors M2M

Democratisation of the Network Towards a Seamless Information Space

Trend: Smart environments enabled by networked sensors (real world Internet, context awareness)
Common sensor and actuator information infrastructure across cities

Sensor information enablement

o o o o o o o

provides secure and reliable access to sensor and actuator information services for multiple players, and so that information can be efficiently shared across verticals, this provides application enablement

aggregation and collection of data directory services data brokering and service composition information federation privacy and integrity protection access policy enforcement accounting and revenue,....

Image: SENSEI project, FP7 215923

Trend: Green ICT/Low energy Networks Ultrafast, highest performance

Wireless and Radio Networks

Strong incentive for Energy efficient radio, as radio network represents about 90% of operators OPEX Energy consumption of Mobile Networks is growing fast Uneven load: 10% sites carry 50% traffic, room for optimisation; Requires holistic approach: components, traffic optimization, protocolsMulti layer issue ICT research: EARTH, target to decrease energy consumption in radio access by 50%

Optical networks
Strong potential for energy efficiency; Despite all technology improvements, router energy will become unsustainable beyond 2020 because of traffic increase FTTH could lead to a bottleneck at the core network Calls for optical architecture with lowest possible switching layer, traffic aggregation, all optical end-to-end architecture (requires radio over fiber interfaces)

Towards multiple, cognitive, elastic, adaptive, seamless, E2E Wireless and Optical Networks

The interplay with the NoE Internet Science towards smart innovation
1. Interoperability/open standards as important as ever so as to avoid silos/ fragmentation; M2M, IoT which impact on society/economy/key services and infrastructures? 2. Research with strong innovation orientation: Future Internet architectures need to enable new usages, new business models, new governance and meet (new?) societal needs; 3. Europe can build on its telecommunications and applications/services strengths, but also on its researchers and social assets and take a leading role in ICT-enabled smart growth linking via policies into social-economic goals 4. Need for critical mass; involvement of new players beyond ICT boundaries: networks theory; complexity theory, social construction of technology, games theory, social networks; 5. User driven open innovation, large scale test-beds;

The NoE on Internet Science should help in putting the future networks research within the broader picture

Thank you for your attention!

Luis Rodrguez-Rosell
Head of Unit Future Networks European Commission, DG INFSO, Brussels

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