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Multidisciplinarity and its implications

A Web Science Perspective

The Web
Micro scale
of documents of links of data Macro scale of social activity of business activity of citizen activity

Do we have what is needed to:

Understand its evolution? Analyse its impact on human behaviour? Anticipate future developments?
EINS Kick-off Meeting

Web Science
Studying the Web as Infrastructure Studying the Web as a phenomenon Interdisciplinary research methods
o o o

Analyse the evolution of the Web Detect current trends Predict future developments Computational perspective Mathematical perspective Social science perspective Economic perspective Legal perspective

A research roadmap
o o o o o

EINS Kick-off Meeting

The cost of interdisciplinarity

Resources to kick-start activities Resources to maintain momentum Peer review across disciplines PhD supervision and examination Benefits in the medium or longer term

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Web Science Trust (WST)

WSTnet Curriculum Design ACM Web Science Conference

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Web Science DTC

Recruiting up to 20 students per year PhD supervisors from different disciplines Disciplines currently represented:
o Computer

Science, Criminology, Law, Management, Humanities, Psychology, Social Statistics, Sociology

EINS Kick-off Meeting

WAIS - Web and Internet Science Group

Web Science Semantic Web Linked data Social Web and virtual communities Knowledge Technologies Pervasive Web Trust and Provenance Multimedia Web Sensor Web Technology enhanced learning Web accessibility

EINS Kick-off Meeting


Draw from existing relevant work in the interdisciplinary area Identify the low-hanging fruit Curriculum design activity Identify initial project themes that will carry the work forward o People o Data o Infrastructures o Industrial liaison Anticipate growth of research area (new participations, variations of research themes, multiple conferences)

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Open Data Institute

EINS Kick-off Meeting

thank you
Thanassis Tiropanis

EINS Kick-off Meeting

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