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JRA8 Internet for Sustainability

Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, 21-22 December 2011

Bart LannooInterdisciplinary institute for BroadBand Technology (IBBT)

FP7-ICT-2011.1.6-288021 EINS

Network of Excellence in Internet Science

WP Objectives
How could the Future Internet help to relieve the main problems affecting sustainability at planetary scale?
Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions need to be drastically diminished during the coming decades o European 20-20-20 objective: by 2020,

 20% increase of energy efficiency  20% increase of renewable energy sources  20% reduction of CO2 emissions

Green ICT vs. ICT for Green Multi-disciplinary approach required


Cf. rebound effects

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

How green is ICT?

Footprint of ICT itself
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About 4% of primary energy today About 8% of primary energy by 2020 Potential high Rebound effects (realistic savings much lower) Green ICT:
 Energy evaluation of different network paradigms  New energy-sparing network paradigms (Future Internet)  additional challenges: full LCA, not only CO2,

ICT lowering footprint in other sectors

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2 key research tracks:


ICT for Green:

 Tele- through high-quality networks  Energy optimization in heating, transport, power grids,  additional challenge: estimating rebound effects

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

Multi-disciplinary approach
Interaction between different factors:
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Technical potential User behaviour Economic drivers Regulation

User behaviour greatly affects potential vs. realistic energy savings

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User adoption: are energy-efficient technologies used? Rebound effects: cf. using a less energy consuming product more frequently

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

WP Tasks
R8.1: Assessment and reduction strategies for ICT energy consumption R8.2: Investigating ICT for Sustainability tracks R8.3: How to influence the user behaviour R8.4: How to be influenced by the user behaviour: potential versus realistic benefit from ICT for Green solutions

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

R8.1: Assessment and reduction strategies for ICT energy consumption

Giving an overview of the carbon footprint of the Internet


Frameworks and methodologies for measuring and reporting energy consumption of ICT

Identifying directions to lower the environmental impact Short task (6M), being a common foundation and benchmark for R8.2, R8.3 and R8.4 Scanning results from various similar initiatives

GreenTouch, FP7 projects, workshops, standardisation bodies

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

R8.2: Investigating ICT for Sustainability tracks

Environmental monitoring
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To assess consequences of e.g. pollutions Using distributed sensor networks, by opening traditionally closed sensor systems o Technical & social [privacy] apects
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Smart grid solutions

To reduce carbon footprint of energy supply Introducing smart meters, adjusting scheduling strategies Technical feasibility & steering user behaviour

Starting from existing activities Identifying areas for further innovative research

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

R8.3: How to influence the user behaviour

Estimating and judging user behaviour of new ICT for Green solutions Designing measures to drive user behaviour
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Financial stimuli Policies and regulations Feedback to users themselves

Investigating how user-centric monitoring and feedback solutions could help Interdisciplinary approach

ICT, social sciences and transportation area

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

R8.4: How to be influenced by the user behaviour: potential versus realistic benefit from ICT for Green solutions

Potential benefit and reality can be quite different

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Influence of user behaviour on actual savings Psychological and sociological factors

 Adoption  Rebound effects

Investigating and estimating the above factors for some ICT for Green solutions Helping to identify
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Barriers responsible for this gap Measures to overcome these barriers

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

WP Detailed Workplan
Request for 4-5 lines of text with partner contributions and interests!

Email to:

Table with partner interests will be compiled and distributed Goal: bringing partners together with common interests Contributing partners:


JRA8 mailing list?

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

WP Action List for the 1st Year


Month 6: D8.1 Overview of ICT energy consumption

 Overview of Task R8.1  Basis for the other JRA8 tasks

Month 15: D8.5.1 Reports on integration and excellence building in Internet for Sustainability o Month 18: D8.2 Investigation of ICT for Green solutions
 Final report for Task R8.2  Elaborating on some promising ICT for Green solutions


Month 12: MS35 Interdisciplinary workshop on environmental monitoring Year 1 progress o Month 18: MS36 Intermediate report on Task R8.3

EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

Interdependencies with other WPs

With the foundational JRA1-3
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Solutions for sustainability in the architecture Evaluate proposals with respect to JRA8 goals Attention for sustainability in standards and regulation Impact of resilience on energy footprint

With JRA4

With JRA7


EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

WP Impact
ICT has and will have an important energy footprint
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Will consume 8% of primary energy by 2020 Roadmaps for a Green ICT infrastructure
 Input from GreenTouch, other FP7 projects,

ICT also used to lower energy consumption in other sectors

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Innovative solutions with a high potential Potential vs. reality check needed By its multi-disciplinary approach, EINS can make the difference!

User behaviour crucial in these topics


EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

Issues to be discussed and decided

Involved partners per task? How to organize the work?
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How to exchange information? How to bring partners together? Public event? Co-located with other event?

Workshop by Month 12
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EINS Kick-off Meeting

Brussels, December 21-22, 2011

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