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A kind of advertising aimed at selling particular kinds of goods or services to selected types of customers. E.g. drugs to doctors, books to school Purpose is to persuade the reader that he needs what you are selling and to get him to buy it. So you make it seem attractive and necessary

Some elements
A good one should arouse interest, create desire, carry conviction, and induce action. 1. Attractive opening Must appeal to buying motive: To self esteem e.g. Are you nervous to take the chair at a meeting or to make a speech? If so, you are one of the people for whom this letter has been specially written.

To economy if you are looking for a means of cutting your domestic fuel costs by 20 per cent, you should read the following

To health the common cold, says Dr James Cartier, probably causes more lost time at work in a year than all other ilness put together.

To fear more than 50 per cent of people have eye trouble and in the past year no fewer than 16,000 people in Britain have lost their sight. Are your eyes in danger?

To future prospect dont bother to read this letter-if you want to lose your chance of promotion

To caution dont buy a hearing aid-until you have seen and tested our remarkable invention for good hearing.

2. Explain the product

Stress such points as quality of the materials used and the special features that make it more convenient or efficient than its rivals the recorder is a carefully designed high quality stereo apparatus, made from the very best components, suitable for both mono and full stereo recording and playback. It is supplied with two high quality microphones and two loudspeakers separately mounted in solid, polished teak cabinets. Its clearly arranged controls make for very simple operation.

3. Make good your claims

To be convincing, support your claims by evidenceevidence-by facts, such as laboratory tests and sales statistics, and by the opinion of other users. You could invite the readers to your factory or showroom, offer to send samples, or provide a firm guarantee, etc. remember, we sell these shirts on the clear understanding if they are not satisfactory and completely to your liking, you can return them to us without any obligation whatever and at our expense, and we will refund to you the full amount of the price you paid. paid.

4. Effective close
 Persuade the reader to take the action you wantwant-to visit showroom, receive your representative, send sample, or place order. Then provide the reader with a sound reason why he should reply. For example: if you will return the enclosed request card (action) we will show you how you can have the advantages of cold storage and at the same time save money (reason). OR the special discount now offered can be allowed only on orders placed by 30th June. After that date full catalogue prices will be charged.

Sales appeal to self esteem

Dear Reader Your speech labels you-and the label sticks. People judge you by how you say youit rather than what you say. Many a pretty girl loses her charm when she opens her mouth and many a man loses his wits if asked to speak in public. Your speech reflects your personality and controls the impression you make on everyone you meet and it is easy to see how your voice can become one of your most powerful assets. That is why we are sending you the enclosed folder how to talk. Read it carefully and think of the many advantages that can be yours and the confidence you will acquire when your conversation attracts and holds the attention of others. If you want to improve your voice and make your conversation more forceful and convincing, fill in the enclosed form today. An initial payment of $3 and then only $2 for twelve months will bring you the book of instructions and a set of six records. Or, if you prefer, you may send $15 now to cover the total cost and save $2. in either case, you may return both book and records within seven days if you are not completely satisfied and we will refund in full whatever money you may have paid.

Useful expression
Openings  We are taking liberty of sending you a copy of our latest catalogue and pricelist  As you have placed many orders with us in the past, we have decided to make you a special offer of  We feel you will be interested in the newwhich we are shortly to place on the market.  Having just made a special purchase ofon very favorable terms we are able to offer them to you at the following very attractive prices.  I am sorry to note that we have been without an order from you for over  With reference to the offer we made you on, we regret that we have not yet had an order from you.



We hope you will take full advantage of this exceptional offer. We are most anxious to serve you and hope to hear from you very soon. We are offering you an article of the highest quality at very reasonable price and hope you will take the opportunity to try it. We feel sure you will find a ready sale for this excellent material and that your customers will be satisfied with it. We will gladly arrange for our traveler to call on you if you will complete and return the enclosed enquiry card. We should be pleased to welcome you to our showroom at any time to give you a demonstration.

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