6 Traits of Revision

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6+1 Traits of Revision

Writing Instruction

Ideas Voice

Ideas Organization





Organization Voice Word Choice

Sentence Fluency

IDEAS & CONTENT: The heart of any piece of writing

 The paper has a clear purpose or

makes a point.
 Each paragraph relates to the

paper's main idea.

 Each paragraph contains clear,

relevant details and examples in every that develop and support the main idea.

Ideas & Content, cont.

 The writer sticks to the main idea

and leaves out details that do not matter.

 The paper contains enough

information to cover the subject.

 The title, if there is one, relates to

the main idea of the paper and "hooks" the reader.

make up the content of the piece of writingthe heart of the message.
Ruth Culham, pg 11


The lead grabs the reader's attention, making the reader want to read more. It also gives a sense of the main idea. The organizational pattern makes sense. It is easy for the reader to follow along. There are no gaps where something seems to be missing. Each paragraph talks about only one idea.


Organization, cont.

ideas are linked together with smooth transitions.  The conclusion ties everything together with a final point or summary.  The reader isn't left "hanging."

is the internal structure of the piece, the thread of meaning, the logical pattern of the ideas.
Ruth Culham, p 11

 The paper sounds different from

everyone else's. It's unique.  The paper sounds like the writer.  The writing shows how the writer feels and thinks about the topic.  The paper has personality, is convincing, fun to read, lively, or exciting in some way.

is the soul of the piece. Its what makes the writers style singular, as his or her feelings and convictions come out through the words.
Ruth Culham, p 12

Voice separates writing that is read from writing that is not read.
Donald Murray

The words paint a picture in the reader's mind.  There aren't any words that are repeated too often.  The language is natural, not overdone.  The writer used strong action verbs to add drama to the paper.  The writer has used specific nouns to identify people, places, and objects.

Word Choice, cont.

The writer has used descriptive adjectives to help create a mental picture for the reader.  The writer has used similes or metaphors to explain anything unusual to the reader.  The writer has avoided vague, boring, overused words, slang, and clichs. He/She has tried something new.

Word Choice
is at its best when it includes the use of rich, colorful, precise language that moves and enlightens the reader.
Ruth Culham, p 12

Each sentence is a complete thought that makes sense. No words have been left out.  Any fragments used are intentional and add to the message of the paper.  Not all sentences are the same length, have the same structure, or begin the same way.  The paper is smooth and easy to read.

Sentence Fluency
is the flow of the language, the sound of word patterns-the way the writing plays to the ear, not just to the eye.
Ruth Culham, p12


The paper isn't one or two huge paragraphs. Each new idea has its own paragraph, which is indented, and similar ideas are in the same paragraph so there aren't too many paragraphs. There are no spelling errors, capitalization is used correctly, and sentences are punctuated correctly. There are no grammatical errors. The reader doesn't have to stop reading to mentally correct mistakes in the paper.

represent the pieces level of correctness- the extent to which the writer uses grammar and mechanics with precision.
Ruth Culham, p12

Spelling  Punctuation  Capitals  Grammar and usage  Paragraphing

How text is formatted and presented  Varies if text is hand written or word processed  Text is readable and understandable  Integration of visuals  Use of white space  Titles, page numbering and bullets

zeroes in on the form and layout- how pleasing the piece is to the eye.
Ruth Culham, p12

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