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 Behavioral Therapy is effective for individuals who

require treatment for some sort of behavior change, such as addictions, phobias and anxiety disorders.
 Based on the principle that behavior is learnt.  Therefore be unlearnt, or reconditioned.  Behavioral Therapy concentrates on the 'here and now'

without focusing on the past to find a reason for the behavior.


 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) combines cognitive and

behavioral therapies, and involves changing the way you think (cognitive) and how you respond to these thoughts (behavior).
 CBT focuses on the 'here and now' instead of focusing on the

cause of the issue, and breaks overwhelming problems into smaller parts to make them easier to deal with.

 CBT is based on the principle that individuals learn unhelpful

ways of thinking and behaving over a long period of time.

 CBT can be useful for dealing with issues such as:

anger anxiety depression drug or alcohol problems eating disorders obsessive-compulsive disorder phobias post-traumatic stress disorder Sexual and relationship problems


Humanistic therapy emerged in the 1950s This approach focuses on recognizing human capabilities in areas such as Creativity personal growth and choice.

Two major theorists associated with this approach are Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow.

The main is to find out how individuals perceive themselves here and now and to recognize growth, self-direction and responsibilities.

This method is optimistic and attempts to help individuals recognize their strengths


 Humanistic approach provides them with an opportunity to

explore creativity, personal growth and self-development, as well as acknowledging a variety of choices.
 The foundations of the humanistic approach provide the client

with a deeper understanding of who they are, what they feel , the opportunity to explore the possibility of creating personal choices. It encourages self-awareness and self-realization.


 The counsellor or psychotherapist in this approach aims to

provide an environment in which the client does not feel under threat or judgment.
 This enables the client to experience and accept more of who

they are as a person, and reconnect with their own values and sense of self-worth.
 This reconnection with their inner resources enables them to

find their own way to move forward.

 Gestalt Therapy focuses on the whole of an individual's

experience; their thoughts, feelings and actions.

 Concentrates on the 'here and now' - what is happening from

one moment to the next.

 Roughly translated from German, Gestalt means 'whole' and

was developed in the 1940's by Fritz Perls.

 The main goal of this approach is for the individual to become

more self-aware, taking into account their mind, body and soul.


Transactional Analysis was developed during the late 1950's by psychiatrist Eric Berne.

Berne recognized three key ego-states - Parent, Adult and Child. The Parent ego state is a set of thoughts, feelings and behaviors we leant from our parents and other important people. The Adult ego state relates to direct responses to the 'here and now' that are not influenced by our past. The Child ego state is a set of thoughts, feelings and behaviors learnt from our childhood.

Transactional Analysis seeks to identify what goes wrong in communication and provide opportunities for individuals to change repetitive patterns that limit their potential.

 Focuses on exploring the meaning of certain issues

through a philosophical perspective, instead of a technique-based approach.

 It is appropriate for those wishing to increase their self-

awareness and broaden their views on their surrounding world

 Goals of counseling in General:-

1. Providing the psychological support. 2. Adjustment and resource provision 3. Problem-solving and decision making. 4. Improving personal effectiveness, 5. Insight and understanding. 6. Self actualization 7. Achievement of positive mental heath.

 Remedial Goals (medical model) : goals of counselling are

not curative but foster improvement

 Developmental Goals : focus on helping people acquire

psychological abilities and/or preventative

 Ultimate Goals : outcomes desired and for whom  Mediating Goals : process oriented e.g. emphasis on

facilitating self-directedness

 A positive influencer  Enthusiastic  Caring  Supportive trusting  Focussed  Goal-oriented  Knowledgeable  Attentive  Clear and concise patient  Observing  Responsive

 Empathy  Genuineness  Warmth  Concreteness  Sense of humor  Tragic sense  Self awareness

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