CaafBiodiversity and Conservation

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Biodiversity and conservation



Biodiversity Conservation

Biodiversity is the natural variety of life (native wildlife, plants, fungi and microbes and humans!). humans!). It includes species, the genes individuals contain and the communities or ecosystems they are part of (at local and regional scales). scales). The Burnett Mary region has very high biodiversity values due to an overlap between tropical and temperate climatic conditions. conditions. The region contains the southern limit of the natural range of many tropical species, and the northern limit of many temperate species, creating unique assemblages of plants and animals within many ecological communities. communities.

Glossy Black Cockatoo Glossy Black Conservancy

Biodiversity Fact Sheet

PLANNING FOR THREATENED SPECIES RECOVERY IN THE BURNETT MARY Information regarding plant and animal species requirements and distribution in the Burnett Mary region is held by many groups and organisations, and for some species, is lacking altogether. altogether.
Richmond Birdwing Butterfly Don Sands

The Burnett Mary Regional Group has formed a team of regional experts in species management to undertake a multi-species planning project. The multiproject. projects primary purpose is to allow for the identification and targeting of future investment for the onon-ground recovery of the regions at risk fauna and flora species. species. The first step of the process is to gain a better understanding of the distribution and habitat requirements of the species under investigation. More investigation. detailed information on the project, the project team and the species under investigation can be found in the project brochure Planning for threatened species recovery in the Burnett Mary

Stephens Banded Snake Michael Murphy

The project team is particularly interested in sourcing information from the local community who may have knowledge of listed species in their local area. area. BMRG encourages those who have recorded or sighted any of the species under investigation to contribute their knowledge to this project. project.

Several ways to inform BMRG of sightings exist. exist. The Community Data Form Print (a single species record sheet) can be mailed or the Community Data Form Online can be filled out and emailed to BMRG. BMRG. Where numerous sightings or species records exist, a Community Data Collection Spreadsheet can be downloaded and emailed to the BMRG. BMRG. The records submitted will be used by the project team to enhance understanding of the habitat areas in the region of the species under investigation. investigation. Future stages of the project will include the identification of threats that exist within the determined habitat areas so that remediation actions can be determined. Workshopping with local determined. community groups and community members within subsub-catchment areas will occur in early 2008 to gather information about threats and actions. actions. For further information regarding this project in your local area, please contact the relevant MultiMultispecies Planning project Team Member: Member:

Mt Berryman Phebalium (Phelabium distans) Anne Windsor

India: Land of Phenomenal Biodiversity

India is a country of phenomenal biodiversity. biodiversity. It is also home to a number of grassroots environmental movements that have received attention around the world. This talk world. will focus upon three such movements: the movements: Chipko Movement of UttarPradesh, the Narmada Bachao Andolan (or Save the Narmada Movement) in Gujarat and Maharashtra, and Ralegan Siddhi, a village in a drought prone region of Maharashtra that through inspired leadership and local initiative transformed their village from poverty to plenty. The talk will be plenty. illustrated by pictures taken by the speaker. speaker.


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