Fredric Jameson

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Fredric Jameson
American literary critic & Marxist political theorist Born 14 April 1934 in Cleveland ,Ohio

Graduated from Haverford College in 1954 Travelled to Europe,studied at Aixen Provence,Munich & Berlin Learned new developments in Continental Philosophy including the rise of Structuralism Returned to America to pursue doctoral degree at Yale University

Eric Auerbach
Influenced Jameson Following Erics steps he examined the articulation of poetry,history,philolo gy& philosophy in Sartres works

Infiuence of Sartre
Doctoral dissertation; Sartre the origins of a style Analyses Marxian aspects of Sartres work Differed markedly from Angloamerican academia

Frankfurt School

Theodore Adorno

Kenneth Burke

Frankfurt School

Walter Benjamin

Louis Althusser

Terry Eagleton
Marxist cultural critic Articulated Marxisms relevance in respect to current philosophical& literary trends

Hegelian Concept of Immanent Culture influenced Jameson

Multilayered appraisal of literary texts, including genres and contemporary authors who were scarcely treated by by academic studies ranging from science fiction to Raymond Chandler

Raymond Williams
History became a central role in Jamesons interpretation of both reading& writing Borrowed notions of history from Williams work

Professor at University of California

Followed Adorno & Horkheimers analysis of culture industry Discussed this phenomenon in achitecture,film,narrative & visual arts Postmodernismor The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism was published in 1984







1984 The Seeds of Time 1988 Ideologies of Theory Essay (1971- 1986) 1989 Post modernism & Cultural Theories 2005 Archaeologies of Future 2009 Valences of Dialectic

Honors, Awards
1956-57 Fullbright Fellowship to University of Munich and Berlin 1968 Humanities Institute Grant 1984 Honors American Academy of Arts & Sciences 2008 Holberg International award

On Marxist Criticism On Post modernism On Ideology & Utopia On Politics in the contemporary world

Other Contributions
Influence in China Post modernism cultural theories contributed to post modern studies in China


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