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Bully pre production

Distribution methods
The short film is mostly colour but has scenes of black and white to give a overall sense of dread and suspense. It is a one off drama and is teaching a lesson about why bullying is wrong. The short film will run for 5-10 minutes. The short film is a narrative and is called violence. This film will be shown in hd and letterbox and will be in in a avi format . i will promote the film by putting posters around schools and showing the film in assembly. i will also put posters on bus stops and we will put them on shops where teenagers visit.

Target audience
Bully victims and the people who bully Parents to give more awareness on bullying Primary and secondary pupils to show the effect on bullying on a person and how serious bully is. They could show the film in assembly or on an advert and you could put posters around public places like schools, libraries etc

Objective of production
To promote anti bullying and to hopefully get more people to give to a bullying charity Give awareness about bullying Show both sides of bullying Use in an advert for television show the consequences of bullying and what could happen To Help to understand bullying Show the most extreme situation of bullying and shows the worst possible consequences

Crew and Services

For my short film we will have a scriptwriter, a production company, producer, director, actor ,editor and distributor . Scriptwriter- Joe Kowalski Production company: JK pictures Producers: Joe Kowalski Talent/actor: Freddie fort ,Daniel Walton, Scott allum, Tom Montgomery, Joe Kowalski, Rory kavanagh Director- Joe Kowalski Editors: Joe Kowalski Distributor: dazzle films Completion date: 10th December 2010

My short film is a one off drama about bullying and to show how serious bullying is, people think calling people names won t effect the victim but this film will show it does effect people. The main aim of this film is promote awareness on bullying physically and cyber bullying. I feel this film should be shown to all children from primary school onwards to show children how much of an effect bullying can be on peoples lives.

This film will be shown in hd and letterbox and will be in a avi format. This short film is for teenagers to see how bad bullying can be and what consequences bullying can have an individual. It should be advertised to every age group as you can get bullied at work etc. my main aim is to show bullying is wrong in anyway from physical bullying to cyber bullying. But the our main audience is 15 to 20 years old for subject matter. It will be on after 9pm watershed as It contains disturbing violence as it involves children. It could be shown on bbc 1 as it gets a big audience so our short film will be shown to more people and it will pass the campaign of anti-bullying better as more people will be aware of it. The purpose of this short film is to promote anti bullying and show the effects of bullying on people who are getting bullied . This film is to inform people on bullying and its effects on a person getting bullied and it shows retaliation. The short film will run for around 5-10 minutes.

The film opens in the day with people screaming and shouting, the crowd of people will be gathered around someone bleeding on the floor lying on the floor. Then the camera backs off from the crowd and tilts up to the sky and then fades out to bring it to the flashback as the short film is all a flashback leading up to how the person ended up bleeding on the floor. A nerd called peter is walking down the school corridor with his friend and he see s the bully walking towards him he looks down to try so the bully doesn't notice him, but the bully see s him and he trips the nerd over and everyone laughs at him. The bully walks off and says he should watch his back. The nerd then goes to his friend and asks for help and his friend says he cannot help him. The nerd then goes home and goes on his xbox 360 and goes online and he finds messages of people saying he was a loser and they are going to spread around the school he got beaten up. The nerd goes into school and everyone in his classes points and laughs at him. He then goes home and looks at himself in the mirror and asks himself why me?. He then logs on to Facebook to find lots of notifications and messages saying he is a wimp and that everyone hates him in the school. So he is now getting bullied at school and is getting cyber bullied. He walks into school the next with his head down and he see s bully and the bully see s him and he nerd runs and the bully chases after him and the bully catches the nerd and pushes him over. The nerd gets up and tries to defend himself but the bully pushes him over again and challenges the nerd to a fight the next day.

Synopsis continued
The nerd goes home and calls his friend telling him he is having a fight with a school bully and his friend says he will be there to back him up and he gives him advice. The nerd looks at his mirror and asks who he is and he needs to prove himself. His friend comes and over and helps and shows the nerd how to fight and wish him luck. The nerd wakes up for school and slips a knife into his jacket pocket and casually walks into school. Every one at school he see s looks and him and just stare at him. After school the nerd walks with his friend to the field and he see s the bully with a group of people of school laughing at him. The bully and the nerd square up and the nerd pulls out a knife and stabs the bully in the stomach, the screen goes black and white and the bully falls to the floor. The nerd drops the knife and looks at the bully in shock and falls to his knees and repeats what have I done. The spectators of the fight are quiet and still and look shocked. The end credits appear with a message saying bullying is wrong, bullying can lead to serious consequences. And then appears with an anti bullying charity and the crew and actor credits appear with music in the background.

Location reccie

I will use a hd camera a tripod

Boom microphone to record audition tapes


Computer software e.g. premier pro, Photoshop

Tape- so you can tape the wires to stop actors and crew tripping over

Casual clothes e.g. jeans, shirts for actors Hats, hoodies for certain actors High visibility jackets for crew to prevent hazards e.g. getting hit by cars Glasses for certain actors e.g. the nerd Television Laptop Xbox 360 Ipod/I phone Bins School books

Shot list
Shot types
extreme Long shot Long shot Mid shot Close up Extreme close up Tilt Tracking Panning zooming Static

Shot movements

Cast lists
cast/characters Bully friend Bully friend bully Nerd s friend The nerd

Tom Montgomery Rory kavanagh Steve Walton Scott allum Fredrick fort

Contact info
07540120603 07538734516 07943831211 07845916825 07804650053

Location Release
This a consent forum we got the Haydon school site manager to sign so we can be given permission to use Haydon school for filming

Start of filming: 1st November Completion of filming: 30th November Periods/time free for filming Monday- after school filming, lunch time Tuesday-periods 1,2,5,6 Wednesday-periods 3,4 Thursday- periods 1,2 Friday- periods 3,4,5,6 Any other filming will be done over the weekend

Call sheet

This is to show when the actors have free periods to film our short film

Floor plans

Floor plans

Floor plans

Talent/performers release

Talent/performers release- Rory

Talent/performers release-scott

Talent/performers release-Daniel

Actor profile Scott

Actor profile Steve

Actor profile Tom

Risk assessment

Risk assessment Continued

Risk assessment





Hired Null For scripting

- - - 400 300

-- Req - Null for boom - 100 Specific actors 2000 Electronical eq Electronical eq 400 500

-- -

- -

Electronical eq 50 500 From shop

Animatic Auditions


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