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Business plan For Pioneer company

Anera 2

In this study we will present our project pioneer company , where we will take a view about the business plan , fragmentation of the work , feasibility ,organization , management and .the benefits of the project

We live in the age of information technology, although the increasing of using the computerized system in the world and especially in Palestine so that this companies are needed in our society , so that we create our Pioneer company for computers . and information technology

:Address Gaza , El_Remal :Team Work Yaser Ahmed Elsa'ti Mohammed Elbardaweel Khalil Ibrahim Madi

:Target segment
Our work in the company depend on develop
information systems for individual and organizations , so that the target segment in the beginning will be the individual and small organization , then we looking to develop our work to cover large organizations such as: hospitals , universities , ministries and assurance companies . So we looking to provide our services for individuals and organizations.

Company goals:
We looking to enter the industry of
information technology.

Provide best products with least cost.

Goals Fragmentation: Short term goals. Medium term goals. Long term goals.

Short term goals

Profitability High quality Continuity and progress Production with the least price

Medium term goals

Increase our segment to cover the
governmental organizations and other organizations in the country

Long term goals

Increase our segment to cover the all
organizations and increase our market to cover the world , and begin the global competitions in IT industry.

The message
Pioneer company for computers and information technology

Participate in the industry of IT. Provide the Palestinian organizations by IS. Provide the customers new technologies. Simulate the rapid development in IT .

Types of products



Computers & Equipments

Products cont
Sales computers and other equipments. Maintenance . Develop IS . Design web pages . Hosting . System Analysis and design DSS Consultations .

:Technology used
Our company depend on electronic operations and procurements on our web site

Product System
Some products are continuous development The others are build-to-order

We need about 400000 $ to cover our project

Organizations, hospitals, universities, ministries and companies .

Strengths : Produce new products. Experiences. Continuous development and maintenance for our products. Support products by new tools Weakness: Complex and rapid exchange.


Interesting of technology in the

communities significantly The entrance of technology in our life. Risks: Rapid development in IT. CASE Competitors

The best way for the project

Create the project from the beginning to collect the benefits of create new project and avoid the problems of .buying existing system

The functional structure of the company

Management and finance affairs. Sales and marketing. Procurement . Analysis and design. Software. Consultations. Maintenance.

:Supervision domain
Every section is a team work with three employees and the manger of the section.

The strategies decision taken by the senior manager , and other decisions will be at every section in the company.

Number of employees in the :sections

Management and finance affairs (3). Sales and marketing (6). Procurement (3). Analysis and design (4). Software (3). Consultations (3). Maintenance (2).

Total number of employees are 24 and the senior manager of the company.

:Finance needed
Capital Support Operational Support.

:Investment source
Personal investment Capital. External investment loans.

:Company Architecture

The IT market is a global market with a
rough competitions in the industry of IT And we have competitors in our domain in Gaza strip so we will discuss the competitors to have a hard ground in the competition.

..Competitors cont
Elnabee company for IT. Elfajer group. Elnabras company. PIT. Finix bird company. Future company for IT.

:Finix bird company

Is a Palestinian company for information technology , and it is a .company of the finix group in UK

The company information

Company name
Company Representator Address

Finix coany
Yaser Shantaf Elremal

Telephone Number fax Number

Web site Products Company Type Segmentation Market Employees Annual sales Creation

2886377 8 970+ 2886378 8 970+ Programming,VOIP Commercial company Computers & IT
The world

50 - 11
About one million Dollars 1994

Elnebras company for media and :IF

:Services URL reservation Hosting on windows servers Hosting on linux servers

Marketing Strategy
Product Price Promotion Place
Marketing goals: Attract the customers Evaluation in timetable

Service consultations. Hard & soft products.
Sales: Our Soft products. Other products.

Consultations. Maintenance. Hosting.

The pricing strategy is depend on the
prices in the market.

Advertisements. Public relations . Direct marketing.

Centralization Sales Also we depend on internet in

ordering and sending products for customers.

:Marketing Budget
About 25000$ every year.

Thanks For Attention

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