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Pasta production

under supervision of Prof. Sobhy Mohsen

Made by:
Salma Hussien Awad Salma Mohamed Esmael Abd Elrahman M. Rowezak Ahmed Aly Esmael

Raw materials needed for pasta production. Processing of pasta. Defect that could occur. Finally, the solutions.

A few ingredients needed for the production of pasta.
(1)WHEAT: Durum wheat is the hardest of all wheat grains its high protein content (12-15) & gluten strength make durum good for pasta. Durum Wheat has a yellow endosperm, which gives pasta its familiar color. When the grain is milled, the endosperm is ground into a granular product called semolina which used in pasta.

(2) WATER: water used in pasta production should be pure, free from off-flavors, and suitable for drinking. Also, since pasta is produced below pasteurization temperatures, the bacterial count of the water is directly related to the bacterial count of the final product. Consequently, only water of low bacterial count can be used.

(3) EGGS: Eggs improve the nutritional quality and richness of the pasta and can be added as fresh eggs, frozen eggs, dry eggs, egg yolks, or dried egg solids. Only pasteurized egg products that have low bacterial counts, show negative Salmonella, and have less than 10 mold and yeast spores per gram of egg are used in pasta production. Special high yellow eggs are sometimes added to pasta to improve color.

Optional Ingredients
optional ingredients may also be added to pasta to enhance flavor. For example, salt, celery, garlic, and bay leafs may be added to season the pasta.

Semolina is mixed with water to form a lumpy dough. Moisture content in dough is approximately 31 percent. Eggs and any optional ingredients may also be added. A special twin-shaft mixing chamber is used to obtain a uniform mixture (The special mixing chamber
contains shafts that rotate in opposition to pull the dough simultaneously in two different directions, which minimizes the amount of balling that can occur).

Most modern pasta presses are equipped with a vacuum chamber to remove air bubbles from the pasta before extruding. A vacuum is applied either by enclosing the entire mixer in the vacuum chamber or by drawing a vacuum on the pasta immediately prior to extrusion. If the air is not removed prior to extruding, small bubbles will form in the pasta which diminish the mechanical strength and give the finished product a white, chalky appearance.

Dough is forced through various shaped dies , under very high pressures, to produce a wide range of different shapes of pasta products. The extrusion chamber is designed to draw off heat generated by the pressure and friction created during the extrusion process. To prevent the pasta from sticking together in the drying process, long pasta is subject to a blast of air immediately after extrusion. Short pasta is transferred to a shaking pre-dryer to ensure it is separated

Drying is a crucial part of the process for production of high quality pasta products. Humidity, air flow and temperature are carefully controlled as the pasta passes through several dryers. Modern high temperature drying systems improve pasta color and cooking quality. In the final stage of drying, cooling chambers return the dried pasta to normal atmosphere conditions. In general, the product is dried to a moisture level of about 12 per cent. The total drying time can take from six to 24 hours depending on the drying technology used.

Pasta Flaws and Defects

Causes and Solutions

Common Pasta Flaws and Defects

White Spots Dark Spots Misshaped Pasta Stickiness Cracking

CAUSES 1. Presence of whitish particles in the flour that are difficult to hydrate 2. Irregular granulometry in the flour with large diameter particles present alongside fine particles 3. Uneven kneading, too dry or not enough kneaded, or unevenly moistened SOLUTION
 Ensure good quality of flour

 Ensure good quality of flour

 Flour moisture must be within

range Maintain dough temperature between 26-28oC

CAUSES 1. Presence of foreign particles in the flour SOLUTION
 Ensure good quality of flour

2. Dirt and residue build up during dough preparation or subsequent machine processing

 Thorough cleaning of the pasta

machine before operation especially the mixer, extrusion head, the die, screens, and sealing plate

CAUSES 1. Uneven ventilation during the drying phase SOLUTION
 Maintain dryer circulating fans

and inlet/exhaust air fans in good condition

 Flour with high protein content is

2. Insufficient pasta strength and weak protein structure

ideal in making pasta Maintain cylinder cooling and extrusion head temperature within range
 Moisture content and water

3. Excessively moist dough

absorption of the flour must be within range  Correct setting of the flour and water feedrate must be maintained


SOLUTION Maintain correct setting of the hygrothermal process parameters (temperature and relative humidity of the air inside the dryers) Maintain dough moisture at the extrusion press within range Maintain dryer circulating fans and inlet/exhaust air fans in good condition

1. High moisture content of pasta due to inefficiency in the predrying and surface drying phases

2. High percentage of damaged starches in the flour or a protein structure that is weak or quantitatively insufficient in the dough

 Ensure good quality of flour

CAUSES 1. Violent surface evaporation, in turn caused by an incorrect ratio between temperature and the relative humidity of the ventilation air SOLUTION
 Maintain correct setting of the

hygrothermal process parameters (temperature and relative humidity of the air inside the dryers) Maintain equipments and accessories of the heating system in good condition

Thank you

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