2011 OM Lec 1 Intro To OM Feb 18 2011

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Introduction to Operations Management


Production & Operations Management

McGraw-Hill/Irwin Operations Management, Eighth Edition, by William J. Stevenson Copyright 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


Introduction to Operations Management

Operations Management

William J. Stevenson

8th edition


Introduction to Operations Management


Introduction to Operations Management


Operations Management, Eighth Edition, by William J. Stevenson Copyright 2005 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


Introduction to Operations Management

What is meant by OPERATIONS


operations function consists of all activities directly related to producing goods or providing services.


Introduction to Operations Management

Examples of Operations Performed by Organizations

Operation Examples
Farming, mining, construction , manufacturing, power generation Warehousing, trucking, mail service, moving, taxis, buses, hotels, airlines Retailing, wholesaling, banking, renting, leasing, library, loans Films, radio and television, concerts, recording Newspapers, radio and television newscasts, telephone, satellites

Table 1.4
Goods Producing Storage / Transportation Exchange Entertainment Communication


Introduction to Operations Management

Main Functions in organizations

Organizatio n




y The

operations function is a core function in all organizations.


Introduction to Operations Management

Operations Management The management of systems or processes or function in an organization that create goods and/or provide services


Introduction to Operations Management

Figure 1.2


The difference between the cost of inputs and the value or price of outputs.
Value added
Inputs Land Labor Capital

Transformation/ Conversion process


Outputs Goods Services

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Introduction to Operations Management

Food Processor
Table 1.2

Raw Vegetables Metal Sheets Water Energy Labor Building Equipment

Processing Outputs
Cleaning Making cans Cutting Cooking Packing Labeling Canned vegetables

1-10 Introduction to Operations Management

Hospital Process
Table 1.2

Doctors, nurses Hospital Medical Supplies Equipment Laboratories

Examination Surgery Monitoring Medication Therapy

Healthy patients

1-11 Introduction to Operations Management

Manufacturing or Service?



1-12 Introduction to Operations Management

y Operations

Management includes: y Forecasting of demand y Capacity planning y Scheduling y Managing inventories y Assuring quality y Motivating employees y Deciding where to locate facilities y And more . . .

Scope of Operations Management

1-13 Introduction to Operations Management

Figure 1.4

Year Mfg. Service 45 79 21 50 72 28 55 72 28 60 68 32 65 64 36 70 64 36 75 58 42 80 44 46 85 43 57 90 35 65 95 32 68 00 30 70

U.S. Manufacturing vs. Service Employment

100 80 P er c e n t 60 40 20 0 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 00 Year

Responsibilities of Operations Management Table 1.6

Capacity Location Products & services Make or buy Layout Projects Scheduling

1-14 Introduction to Operations Management

Degree of centralization Process selection

Hiring/laying off Use of Overtime


Incentive plans Controlling/Improving Issuance of work orders Inventory Job assignments Quality Costs Productivity

1-15 Introduction to Operations Management

y What

Key Decisions of Operations Managers

What resources/what amounts y When Needed/scheduled/ordered y Where Work to be done y How Designed y Who To do the work

1-16 Introduction to Operations Management

Decision Making
System Design
capacity location arrangement of departments product and service planning acquisition and placement of equipment

1-17 Introduction to Operations Management

Decision Making
System operation
personnel inventory scheduling project management quality assurance

1-18 Introduction to Operations Management

Decision Making
Models y Quantitative approaches y Analysis of trade-offs y Systems approach

1-19 Introduction to Operations Management

Systems Approach The whole is greater than

the sum of the parts.


1-20 Introduction to Operations Management

Business Operations Overlap

Figure 1.5




1-21 Introduction to Operations Management

Operations Interfaces
Industrial Engineering Maintenance Distribution



Public Relations

Personnel Accounting


1-22 Introduction to Operations Management

Trends in Business
y Major
y The


Internet, e-commerce, ebusiness y Management technology y Globalization y Management of supply chains y Agility

1-23 Introduction to Operations Management

Other Important Trends

y Ethical

behavior y Operations strategy y Working with fewer resources y Cost control and productivity y Quality and process improvement y Increased regulation and product liability y Lean production

1-24 Introduction to Operations Management

Pareto Phenomenon
A few factors account for a high percentage of the occurrence of some event(s). 80/20 Rule - 80% of problems are caused by 20% of the activities. How do we identify the vital few?

1-25 Introduction to Operations Management

A model is an abstraction of reality.
Physical Schematic Mathematical


What are the pros and cons of models?

1-26 Introduction to Operations Management

Models Are Beneficial

y Easy

to use, less expensive y Require users to organize y Systematic approach to problem solving y Increase understanding of the problem y Enable what if questions y Specific objectives y Consistent tool y Power of mathematics y Standardized format

1-27 Introduction to Operations Management

Quantitative Approaches
Linear programming Queuing Techniques Inventory models Project models Statistical models

Historical Evolution of Operations Management Table 1.7

1-28 Introduction to Operations Management

Industrial revolution (1770s) y Scientific management (1911) y Mass production y Interchangeable parts y Division of labor y Human relations movement (1920-60) y Decision models (1915, 1960-70s) y Influence of Japanese manufacturers

1-29 Introduction to Operations Management

Simple Product Supply Chain

Figure 1.7 Suppliers Suppliers Direct Suppliers Distributor Final Consumer Producer

Supply Chain: A sequence of activities and organizations involved in producing and delivering a good or service

1-30 Introduction to Operations Management

A Supply Chain for Bread

Stage of Production Farmer produces and harvests wheat Wheat transported to mill Mill produces flour Flour transported to baker Baker produces bread Bread transported to grocery store Grocery store displays and sells bread Total Value-Added Value Added $0.15 $0.08 $0.15 $0.08 $0.54 $0.08 $0.21 $1.29 Value of Product $0.15 $0.23 $0.38 $0.46 $1.00 $1.08 $1.29

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