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Where Philippine Colonial Education fostered the belief that scientific psychology in the country.

(95% of literature came from Western country) Under graduate psychology courses were taught in College of Education, University of the Philippines using textbook and English as the medium Language of Instruction. Documentary proof between Hispanic and Indigenous. During the time of Governor-General Francis Burton Harrison s policy of Attraction, only upper-middle class can afford and can be accommodated by the University.

Agustin Alonzo found concrete manifestation of American Education together with Colonial culture through Harrison s policy of Filipinization.  Alonzo s M.A. proceeded to University of Chicago to take PhD. In Experimental Psychology.  Alonzo came through handling of rats in maze to provide Manual Guide to his laboratory Animals.  Alonzo s role in Early American Colonial Psychology in Philippines passed unnoticed when he died in 1981.

1921 the end of Harrison s era of Filipinization but the beginning of American-oriented graduate psychology in the Philippines. Filipino Sikolohiya was derived from Spanish term Psicologia was part of layman s term even if the spelling was standardized.

Spanish Rational Psychology  Metaphysical discipline that attempted to determine the nature of the human soul by a priori (knowledge that is independent of all particular experiences) reasoning.  Kant identifies rational psychology as a bogus doctrine of the soul and self-knowledge which arises from the common and natural reason of men , rational psychologists attempt to extend knowledge beyond possible experience, and thus employed rational psychology is entirely up of paralisisms.

American Behavioral Psychology  School of psychology which seeks to explain animal and human behavior entirely in terms of observable and measurable responses to environmental stimuli.  Behaviorism was introduced (1913) by the American psychologist John B. Watson, who insisted that behavior is a physiological reaction to environmental stimuli.  The conditioned-reflex experiments of the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov and the American psychologist Edward Thorndike were central to the development of behaviorism. The American behaviorist B. F. Skinner contended that all but a few emotions were conditioned by habit, and could be learned or unlearned.

 Del Pilar are rich Sources of psychological theories and insights but they were mainly propagandist and not psychologist.  UST change its admission policy to accommodate Filipinos.  Emilio Aguinaldo Acknowledge Psicologos del verbo Tagalog in his inaugural speech in 1899.  William Mckinley sends soldiers to Philippine to civilize and Christianize the islanders.

 English Language and the American System of Education proved to be the most efficient instruments for the noble purpose.  William Howard Taft impose English as the medium of Instructions in the Philippines, it was the simplest master stroke to transfer the burden of developing psychology as a discipline from the hand of Spanish speaking Friars to the shoulders of Native American speaking English.  In the 20 s American teachers were replaced by the new breed of Filipino teachers.  In the 60 s, Instructors were armed with a copy of American textbook and background of EnglishLiterature, Education and Laws.

 Sinforoso Padilla attempt the 1st Local Psychological Test development also authored the Philippine Mental Ability Tests.  1926, Manuel Carreon a young and Productive colleague of Padilla took an appropriate and relevant Psychological testing.  1926 Carreon published his PhD dissertation in New York entitle Philippine studies in Mental Measurement.  Carreon s writing considered was all valid but he committed mistake of mastering English Language.

 Copies of Malaya, Ilang-Ilang, and Sinag-Tala sold in public for five centavo.  Liwayway strike American Colonial Administrators, World War, Japanese Occupation etc. With this matter his work were not claimed on Psychological Testing but rather landed on Filipiniana Section.  Carreon s Effort rewarded at the Northwest University Library but castigating his poor Mastery of the Language.  Meanwhile, Pagtatawas projective techniques reserved as topic for Clinical psychologist and Anthropologist for Future.  Carreon Misluck with Harrison s successor in the person of Major-General Leonard Wood who believed that Filipinos needed more time and efforts for worth of America s trust. a

 Carreon Misluck with Harrison s successor in the person of Major-General Leonard Wood who believed that Filipinos needed more time and efforts for worth of America s trust.  Educationalist and Guidance Counselors continue administering Psychological Tests which hardly understood by the test-takers and even eager administrators, for this reason Carreon s Message fit Philippine Condition, Later known as change apples to papayas approach to improve test validity.

 Isidro Panlasigui; American-trained Filipino Psychologist  In 1928 he completed PhD in Educational Psychology in Iowa through the support of Americans.  Panlasigui shows admiration for mother American as he wrote the Filipino Psychology and as he argues for the colonial Language.  H.G. Wells quoted Panlasigui was quick to remind us that: The Language of the conquered may be adopted by the conqueror or vice-versa . He considered it as strength to boost our dignity in order to be classified with the great natives of America and Europe.

 Manuel L. Quezon contrast what Isidro Panlasigui believed throughout of intellectual and emotionally Americanized the Filipino Psychologists. Quezon denoted: I would rather have a government run like hell by the Filipinos than a government like run heaven by Americans.

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