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Human Resource Planning

Nile Hilton Hotel

Year start Meeting 8th Jan 2006

2005 Xerox Corporation Xerox is a copyright of Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.

Human Resource Planning

Aya Ahmed Rania Fuad Alina Mitru Mohamed Essa

2005 Xerox Corporation Xerox is a copyright of Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.


Introduction HR Scorecard Man Power planning Job analysis Job description & specification Recruitment & sourcing Selection, Hiring

Introduction :
Employees are the human resources, as opposed to capital and equipment resources, in a company. Human resources (HR) departments are responsible for all polices and activities that impact employees. The HR department is a crucial area of business success, as talented employees are a company's most important asset and greatest competitive advantage. Thus, HR executives are tasked with developing strategies that ensure employees contribute to the company's success. This is a difficult challenge, given that they must also increase efficiencies and reduce operational costs while administering a mountain of recordkeeping. HR departments are responsible for the following tasks: Evaluating, creating and administering compensation and benefits programs Training and professional development Employee manuals Time and attendance

* Planning and measuring HR * SYSTEM

Whatever is the size of one business should always have a strategic planning. Strategic planning means identify the company goals and objectives and communicate this goals to the organization's constituents. This develop a sense of ownership of the plan and have important value in building a consensus about where an organization is going.

Importance of HR planning
Producing efficiency and effectiveness Bridging staff and board of directors Building strong teams in the board and staff Providing the glue that keeps the board together Ensuring a great satisfaction among planners Identifying the quality and quantity of HR, the supply and demand, eliminate the gap between the last two. Increasing productivity and solving major problems Implementing the company's policies

HR planning means to develop a four steps process

1.The first step is to develop a strategy planning
organization's mission, vision and values. which match with the

The mission
increase the profit satisfy the partners finding new customers developing quality products and tools eliminate the non-profitable measures. The 2006's mission is You Must Be A STAR S - Speed T - Team A - Approach R - Results Reaching new heights

The vision
Build, create the environment& culture that attracts, retains, breeds the present and future leaders, expertise &innovators

The values
Core values :  Reward  Resourcing  Development  Employee relations

Priorities :

Improve Customer Experience Grow Revenue. Improve Profitability & cash flow. Create a great employee experience Live our Values.

2.The second step is predicting demand for HR


Change from 1 tire to 2 tire Decrease costs Vacant jobs Train on new equipment

3.The third step is determining HR supply available


DAP development action plan improve the skills of employees list with employees needs analyze and choose the common needs XVLE, Xerox virtual learning education , e-learning, e-training appraisal at the end of the year in developing the employees skills replacement charts

4. The last step is formulating the plans for action : decisions with a shortage of employees : selection , overtime , recruitment Purpose : To define Xerox Head quarters procedure for recruitment of permanent / temporary employees.

Xerox Methods of Recruitment


Job posting inside moonlighting media advertisement recruitment agencies e-recruiting interviews.

An HR scorecard
Is aligned with the strategic plan of the company Provides focus, accountability and prioritization to all HR initiatives Is used to determine the individual performance expectations of HR staff members and line management Is used by the entire organization, not just HR Identifies the role employees outside of HR play to impact results.

Job Analysis

Job Analysis is: the procedure through which you determine the duties of positions and the characteristics of people to hire for them. Use of Job Analysis Information
Job Analysis

Job Description and Job Specification

Recruiting & Selection Decisions

Performance Appraisal

Job EvaluationSalary Decisions

Training Requirements

Job Analysis Process

Step 1: Reason for the job analysis: Job Description or Analysis or Compensation.

Step 2: Review back ground information like organization charts and process charts.

Step 3: Select representative positions.

Step 4: Collect job data like job activities, required behaviour, working conditions & human traits.

Step 5: Confirm analysis information with person performing the job.

Step 6: Develop a job description and job specification.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information

Interviews Questionnaires Observations Diary Logs Our company mainly uses interviews for identifying job responsibilities.


Interview Guidelines:
The Job Analyst & Supervisor should work together to identify which employees know their job best. Establish rapport with interviewee. Follow a structured Guidelines or Checklist that lists questions and leaves space for answers. When duties are not performed in a regular manner, ask employee to list his duties in order of importance. Review and verify the data after the interview.

2. 3.



Example of Job Analysis Questionnaire:

Job Analysis Information Sheet
Job Title: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________ Job Grade: ___________________________ Dept: ______________________________ Supervisor's Title: ________________________________________________________ Hours worked: _____________ AM to:______________ PM Employee's Name: ________________________________________________________ 1. What is the job's overall purpose? _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Kindly list the number of subordinates you supervise list their job title. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Check the activities that are part of the employee's supervisory duties: Training Performance Appraisals Inspecting work Budgeting Coach and/or counselling Others (please specify)_________________________________________ Describe the type and extent of supervision received by the employee._________________________________________________________ JOB DUTIES: Describe the duties of your current job as following: A. Daily duties:_______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ B. Main Duties:______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ C. Periodic Duties:______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ D. Duties performed at irregular intervals:_____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Are you performing duties that you see as unnecessary? If so, please describe:__________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________




Job Specifications

Job Specifications answers the question of "What human traits and experience are required to do this job well? It shows what kind of person to recruit and for what qualities that person should be tested.

1. 2. 3.

Our company's job specifications include:

Required Knowledge for a certain position Required Skills for a certain position Required Mental Abilities for this position

Example of a detailed Job Specification for the Sales Manager position in our company:
Job Specification Information Sheet:
Job Title: Sales Manager Required Knowledge for: Sales Manager Position Mathematics -- Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications. Sales and Marketing -- Knowledge of principles and methods for showing, promoting, and selling products or services. This includes marketing strategy and tactics, product demonstration, sales techniques, and sales control systems. Computers and Electronics -- Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment, and computer hardware and software, including applications and programming. English Language -- Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar. Customer and Personal Service -- Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer and personal services. This includes customer needs assessment, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction. Administration and Management -- Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.

Skills Required for: Sales Manager Position Active Listening -- Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times. Speaking -- Talking to others to convey information effectively. Mathematics -- Using mathematics to solve problems. Time Management -- Managing one's own time and the time of others. Service Orientation -- Actively looking for ways to help people. Persuasion -- Persuading others to change their minds or behavior.

Job Description

There is no standard format for writing a job description. However, most descriptions contain sections that cover: Job Identification Job's Purpose Responsibilities and Duties Job Specifications

1. 2. 3. 4.

Example of the job description of the Sales Manager in the company:

Job Description:
Job Title: Sales Manager Department: Sales Previous Department: N/A Reports to: Ahmed Emam Title: Senior Sales, Marketing & Customer Service Manager Level/Grade: Type of position: Duty Hours 45/week Full-time Exempt Part-time Nonexempt Contractor Shift Hours
A- Purpose and Scope:

Direct the actual distribution or movement of a product or service to the customer. Coordinate sales distribution by establishing sales territories, quotas, and goals and establish training programs for sales representatives. Analyze sales statistics gathered by staff to determine sales potential and inventory requirements and monitor the preferences of customers. B-Duties and Responsibilities: Resolve customer complaints regarding sales and service. Monitor customer preferences to determine focus of sales efforts. Direct and coordinate activities involving sales of manufactured products, services, commodities, real estate or other subjects of sale. Determine price schedules and discount rates. Review operational records and reports to project sales and determine profitability. Direct, coordinate, and review activities in sales and service accounting and record keeping, and in receiving and shipping operations. Confer or consult with department heads to plan advertising services and to secure information on equipment and customer specifications. Advise dealers and distributors on policies and operating procedures to ensure functional effectiveness of business. Prepare budgets and approve budget expenditures. Represent company at trade association meetings to promote products. Plan and direct staffing, training, and performance evaluations to develop and control sales and service programs.

Xerox Egypt Recruitment & Process

Recruitment Definition:
The process of discovering potential candidates for organization vacancies, it requires forecasting and and comparing labor supply and demand.

Labor Supply:availability of workers with the needed skills in the organization( internal labor marker) outside the organization( external labor market) Labor demand: number of workers an organization needs.

All vacancies for permanent & temporary job.

Xerox Methods of Recruitment

Xerox Egypt use both Internal & External recruiting but when no internal candidate exist from the job posting, determine the appropriate advertising media & advertise the position externally as appropriate

Pre-Internal Activity to initiate the recruitment process:

Raise staff requisition which records the reason for the vacant position & Summary of the key attributes sought against which recruitment decision will be made & ensure a clear job description exists prior to recruitment & if the position has been formally evaluated, prepare a job description.

Recruitment & sourcing

To decrease the selection ratio( number of opening divided by number of applicants) A lower SR( more applicants per opening) is desirable because the lower SR, the higher the average performance. To lower SR, have two options:

Increase recruitment Decrease the number of opening

Recruitment & sourcing

Internal VS external:  Moral:Internal builds morale, external creates resentment

Learning Curve: Internal candidates already familiar with organization, external not. Knowledge of candidates: internal candidates are better known Skills: Internal perpetuates old ways of doing things are perpetuated; external brings new ideas, connections. External candidates may have more skills than internal candidates. Expense: Internal less costly than external.

Recruitment & sourcing

Other things to keep in mind regarding recruitment methods:

Need to do more to attract applicant in tight labor marker, ways to attract:

Friendly recruitment: applicants assure positive things about the organization when recruiter is friendly and as a result are more attracted to the organization. Additional company perks, benefits Sign on bonuses

Method must match market (e.g., dont go to state employment office for high education positions; advertise in appropriate media that the type of candidate you are seeking reads) Methods differ in effectiveness in terms of quality of applicants and quantity of applicants.

Recruitment & sourcing

Methods have hidden costs (e.g., time of recruitment committee). Affirmative Action in recruiting: Actively recruit minorities and women because they tend to respond only to active recruit efforts (probably due to past experiences of discrimination).

Recruitment & sourcing

Methods of Recruitment used: Referrals and e-recruitment

Referrals: Asking employees in the similar position to find suitable candidates. Job Posting: Using the Job description and job specification to extract the data to be used in the job posting. This data includes a job summary for that position and the mandatory specifications that should exist in the person taking up this position.


The second major step involved in managing human resources for the organization is selection _ choosing an individual to hire from all those who have been recruited . Hence , selection is dependent on and follows recruitment . The cartoon below light- heartedly illustrates the importance of selecting the right people for an organization.

The selection process typically is represented as a series of stages through which prospective employees must pass to be hired. Each stage reduces the total group of prospective employees until,finaly,one individual is hired . figure 11.6 lists the specific stages of the selection process, indicates reasons for eliminating prospective employees at each stage , and illustrates how the group of potential employees is narrowed down to the individual who ultimately becomes the employee . Two tools often used in the selection process are testing and assessment centers.

Stages of the selection process :

Preliminary screening from records , data sheets , etc. Preliminary interview. Intelligence tests Aptitude tests Personality tests Performance references Diagnostic interview Physical examination Personal judgment

Interviews are extremely important in the selection process because of the information exchange they allow. It is a time when both the job applicant and potential employer can learn a lot about one another. However, interviews are also recognized as potential stumbling blocks in the selection process . sometimes interviewers ask the wrong things, sometimes they talk too much , sometimes the wrong people do the interviewing , and other times the interviewer falls prey to personal biases and makes a judgement that fails to fully consider the applicant's capabilities.

Employment tests :
Testing is often used in the screening of job applicants . Some common employment tests are designed to identify intelligence, aptitudes, personality, and interests. Whenever tests are used and in whatever forms , however , the goal should be to gather information that will help predict the applicant's eventual performance success. Like any selection device , an employment test should meet the criterion of validity and measure exactly what it intends to reative to the job specification_ for example , written communication skills or manual dexterity. It should also meet the criterion of reliability by yielding approximately the same results over time if taken by the same person . Any employment test used in the selection process , furthermore , should be legally defensible on the grounds that it actually measures an ability required to perform the job .

New developments in testing extend the process into actual demonstrations of job_relevant skills and personal characteristics .An assessment center evaluates a person's otential by dialy work . computerized testing is becoming more common today , aided by specialized software that includes interactive and multi_media approaches . such computerized tests often ask the applicant to indicate how he or she would respond to a series of job_relevant situations. Another form of this testing approach is work sampling , which directly assesses a person's performance on a set of tasks that directly those required in the job under consideration . Here , applicants are asked to work on actual job tasks while being graded by observers on their performance.

Reference and Background Checks :

Reference checks are inquiries to previous employers , academic advisors , coworkers , and/or acquaintances regarding the qualifications , experience , and past work records of a job applicant . Although they may be biased of friends are prearranged " to say the right things if called " , reference checks can be helpful . They can reveal important information on the applicant that was not discovered elsewhere in the selection process . The Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) , for example , estimates that 25 percent of job applications and resumes contain errors . The references given by a job applicant can also add credibility to an application if they include a legitimate and even prestigious list of persons .

Physical Examinations :
Many organizations sak job applicants to take a physical examination . This health check helps ensure that person is physically capable of fulfilling job requirements . It may also be used as a basis for enrolling the applicant in tealth-related fringe benefits such as life , health , and disability insurance programs . A recent and controversial development in this area is the emerging use of grug testing . This has become part of preemployment health screening and a basis for continued employment at some organizations . At a minimum , care must be exercised that any required test is job relevant and dose not discriminate in any way against the applicant .

Final decisions to Hire or Reject :

The best selection decisions are most likely to be those involving extensive consultation among the manager or team leader , potential coworkers , and human resource staff. Importantly , the emphasis in selection must always be comprehensive and focus on all aspects of the person's capacity to perform in a given job . After all , the selection decision poses major consequences for organizational perfoemance and for the internal environment or work climate . Just as a " good fit " can produce long term advantage , a " bad fit " can be the source of many and perhaps long term problems . sometimes the people who know this lesson best are those that run small businesses . Says one dairy store owner who knew the importance of customer service in retail sales , " If applicants have a good attitude , we can do the rest but if they have a bad attitude to start with , everything we do seems to fail. fail.

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