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International Business

Chapter Eight

Cross-national Cooperation and Agreements

Chapter Objectives
To profile the World Trade Organization To discuss the pros and cons of global, bilateral, and regional integration To describe the static and dynamic effects and the trade creation and diversion effects of bilateral and regional economic integration To define different forms of regional economic integration To present different regional trading groups, such as the European Union (EU), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) To describe the rationale for and success of commodity agreements

Economic Integration
Economic integration: an agreement between or amongst nations within an economic bloc to reduce and ultimately remove tariff and nontariff barriers to the free flow of products, capital, and labor across the bloc
Approaches to economic integration include: global integration via the World Trade Organization bilateral integration between two countries regional integration via an economic bloc
Neighboring countries tend to ally with one another because of their proximity, their somewhat similar tastes, the relative ease of establishing channels of distribution, and a willingness to cooperate with one another for the greater benefit of all parties.

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT): established by twenty-three signator nations in 1947 as a multilateral agreement whose objective is to liberalize world trade
Most-favored nation clause (MFN): the fundamental principle of trade without discrimination, i.e., each member nation must open its markets equally to every other member nation Eight major rounds of negotiations from 1947 to 1994 led to a wide variety of multilateral reductions in both tariff and nontariff barriers. The World Trade Organization was created in 1995 for the purpose of institutionalizing the GATT.

The World Trade Organization (WTO)

World Trade Organization (WTO): a permanent body founded in 1995 to (i) facilitate the development of a free and open international trading system according to the GATT and (ii) adjudicate trade disputes between or amongst member nations
normal trade relations: replacing the most-favorednation clause, the principle prohibits any sort of trade discrimination
Exceptions: preferential treatment for products of emerging economies concessions granted to members of economic blocs

dispute resolution: a clearly defined mechanism for the settlement of disputes [continued]

The WTO: Decision-making Units

Ministerial Conference General Council Goods Council Services Council Council on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS)
Countries may bring charges of unfair trade practices to a WTO panel; accused countries may appeal; WTO rulings are binding. If an offending country fails to comply with a judgment, the rights to compensation and countervailing sanctions will follow.

GATT/WTO Milestones
1947 Havana, Cuba: 23 countries negotiated major reductions in trade barriers that are codified as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1947 Geneva, Switz.: 23 members held first official meeting of the founding nations 1949 Annecy, France: 13 members negotiated tariff concessions 1951 Torquay, UK: 38 members negotiated tariff reductions and concessions 1956 Geneva, Switz.: 26 members negotiated tariff reductions and concessions 1960-61 Dillon Round (Geneva, Switz): 26 members negotiated tariff reductions and concessions


1964-67 Kennedy Round (Geneva, Switz): 62 members reviewed new trade rules and passed an anti-dumping agreement 1973-79 Tokyo Round: 102 members reduced customs duties and nontariff barriers 1986-94 Uruguay Round: 123 members expanded negotiations to include trade rules, services, intellectual property, dispute resolution, textiles, and agriculture; World Trade Organization was created 1995: World Trade Organization was formally institutionalized 2001 Doha Development Agenda: 148+ members continue to meet to resolve contentious issues between developed and developing nations

Types of Regional Trade Agreements

Agreements that primarily address barriers to trade: free trade areas: economic blocs in which all barriers to trade, i.e., tariff and nontariff barriers, are abolished amongst member nations, but each member determines its own external trade barriers beyond the bloc customs unions: economic blocs in which all barriers to trade, i.e., tariff and nontariff barriers, are abolished amongst member nations, and common external barriers are levied against non-member countries A more extensive type of regional trade agreement : common market: an economic bloc which also permits the free flow of capital and labor


The Effects of Economic Integration

static effects: the shifting of resources from inefficient to efficient firms as trade barriers fall
-trade creation: production shifts from less efficient domestic producers to more efficient regional producers -trade diversion: trade shifts from more efficient external sources to less efficient suppliers within the bloc following the imposition of common external barriers

dynamic effects: the gains from overall market growth, the expansion of production, the realization of greater economies of scale and scope, and the increasingly competitive nature of the market

The European Union (EU)

The European Union (EU): represents the most advanced regional trade and investment bloc in the world today evolved from the European Coal and Steel Community to the European Economic Community (EEC) to the European Community (EC) to the European Union (EU) has grown from six members in 1951 to twentyfive member nations in 2004 has been moving toward a single market since the passage of the Single European Act of 1987

The EU s Organizational Structure

European Council: designed to lead the EU
[proposes legislation, monitors compliance]

[sets priorities, gives direction, and resolves issues]

European Commission: functions as the EU s draftsman and servant

European Parliament: the EU s sounding board

[considers legislation, controls the EU budget, and supervises decisions]

European Court of Justice: the supreme appeals court for EU law

[ensures consistent interpretation and application of EU treaties]

These governance bodies set the parameters under which MNEs must operate within the EU.

European Union Milestones

1951: Belgium, France, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands signed the Treaty of Paris to establish the European Steel and Coal Community. 1957: The Six signed the Treaty of Rome to establish the European Economic Community (EEC). 1960: The Stockholm Convention established the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). 1962: The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was adopted. 1966: The EEC became the European Community (EC); agreement was reached on a value-added tax (VAT). 1967: All remaining internal tariffs were abolished, and common external barriers were imposed.


1972: The currency snake was established. 1979: The European Monetary System came into effect; the first European Parliament was elected by universal suffrage. 1990: The first phase of European Monetary Union came into effect; Germany was unified. 1993: The Single European Market came into force. 1999: The single European currency [EURO] came into effect. 2002: EURO coins and notes entered circulation; all IS member states ratified the Kyoto Protocol.
Source: http://europe.eu.int/abc/history.


Map 8.1: European Trade and Economic Integration


The Single European Act of 1987

Common Trade and Foreign Policy: The initial focus of the EU was primarily upon economic integration. In 1993, however, the EU began to formalize common objectives on armed conflicts, human rights, and other international foreign policy issues. The Euro. The Treaty of Maastricht of 1992 sought to foster both political and monetary union within the EU. Members that adopted the euro on January 1, 1999, were: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain; Greece followed on January 1, 2001.
Now one of the most widely traded currencies in the world, the euro has -contributed to price transparency for customers -eased pricing decisions and transaction reconciliations for firms

Challenges Facing the EU

the transition of economically disparate entrants into the EU the unanimous adoption of a new constitution the resolution of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) with internal constituencies on the one hand and non-members nations on the other the harmonization of fiscal, monetary, and commercial policies
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) represents a set of rules and mechanisms designed to: - regulate the production, trade, and processing of agricultural products in the EU - provide farmers with a reasonable standard of living and consumers with safe, quality food at fair prices

2003 Comparative Statistics by Trade Group

($US BIL.)





[+2004 ADMITS]

379.7 454.0 424.9

31.6 102.3 291.0

$10,116 $10,544 $12,340

$ 757 $ 637 $10,946

$26,641 $23,224 $29,042

$23,930 $ 6,230 $37,610

Canada Mexico USA

Source: 2005 World Bank Development Report.



$ 2,848

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

was preceded by the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement of 1989 incorporates Canada, Mexico, and the United States into a regional trade bloc became effective on January 1, 1994 addresses free trade in good and services and investment rules claims a total GNI that is greater than that of the 25-member EU phases in over a period of 15 years

NAFTA specifies:
market access via the elimination of tariff and nontariff barriers the harmonization of trade rules the liberalization of restrictions on services and foreign investment the enforcement of intellectual property rights a dispute settlement process regional labor laws and standards strengthened environmental standards

Regional Economic Integration in North America


Regional Economic Integration in the Americas: Central America

The two major blocs in Central America are: Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM)
[Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua]

Central American Common Market (CACM) [Comprised of 14 member nations]

The post-WWII strategy of using import substitution to resolve balance-of-payments problems was doomed in many Latin American nations because of the small size of many of their national markets. Economic cooperation is needed to enlarge potential market size.


Map 8.2: Economic Integration in Central America and the Caribbean


Regional Economic Integration in the Americas: South America

The two major blocs in South America are: Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR)
[Comprised of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, MERCOSUR generates 80 percent of South America s GNI and has signed free trade agreements with Bolivia and Chile.]

Andean Community (CAN)

[Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela]

The 12-member Latin American Integration Association (LAIA) encompasses the countries of MERCOSUR and the Andean Community plus Mexico and Cuba.
Regional integration in Latin America has not been particularly successful because many countries rely more on the U.S. for trade than on members of their own groups.


Map 8.3: Latin American Economic Integration


Regional Economic Integration in Asia: ASEAN

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
was first organized in 1967 is now comprised of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam formed the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) on January 1, 1993, for the purpose of cutting tariffs on inter-regional trade to a maximum of 5% by 2008
ASEAN holds great promise for market and investment opportunities because of its large market size.

Regional Economic Integration in Asia: APEC

Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC):
was founded in 1989 to promote multilateral economic cooperation in trade and investment amongst 21 countries bordering the Pacific Rim on either the east or the west is committed to achieving free and open trade in the region by 2010 for the industrial nations and by 2020 for the remaining member countries includes more than half of the world s population and approximately 60 percent of the world s GNI
APEC s progress is hampered by the number of members, the geographic distances between nations, and its lack of a binding treaty.


Map 8.4: The Association of Southeast Asian Nations


Regional Economic Integration in Africa

Regional trade groups in Africa that are registered with the WTO include:
Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)
With the notable exception of South Africa, markets are small, and many nations rely more on trade links with former colonial powers than with each other.


Map 8.5: Regional Economic Integration in Africa


Commodity Agreements
commodity agreement: a form of economic cooperation designed to stabilize the price and supply of primary commodities through the use of buffer stocks and/or quota systems
producers alliances: exclusive membership agreements between or amongst producing countries (a cartel)
- Organization of Oil Exporting Countries (OPEC): a producer

cartel whose members include Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela

international commodity control agreements (ICCAs): agreements between or amongst producing and consuming countries
- International Cocoa Organization (ICO)

- International Sugar Organization (ISO)


The effects of regional economic integration can be economic, cultural, and/or political in nature. Regional (as opposed to global) economic integration occurs because of the greater ease of promoting cooperation on a smaller scale. Member states must determine the degree of national sovereignty they are willing to surrender in order to capture the benefits of economic integration.


A common market goes further than free trade areas and customs unions by permitting the free flow of capital and labor and possibly harmonizing commercial, monetary, and fiscal policies and establishing a common currency plus a supranational political structure dedicated to dealing with common economic issues. Commodity agreements exist to help developing countries stabilize prices, supplies, and hence their export earnings.

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