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Northern Territory Community Sector Development Strategy

Building a Strong and Sustainable Community Sector

Who is NTCOSS?
The Northern Territory Council of Social Service is a peak body for Community and Social Services Sector and an advocate for social justice on behalf of people and communities who may be affected by poverty and disadvantage.

What is the Community Sector?

The community sector is made up of a range of community managed and non government organisations who deliver human services.

Creating Safer and Healthier Northern Territory Communities

The community sector is vital to the future wellbeing and sustainability of the Northern Territory.

Growing the Community Sector?

The Northern Territory community sector employs approximately 5000 people.

Northern Territory Community Sector Challenge?

High staff turn over is due to low wages and lack of job security

What is the Community Sector Development Strategy?

The community sector development strategy aims to build a strong and sustainable community sector.

Information Gathering
NTCOSS gathered information by direct engagement with the Northern Territory community sector.

Some Insights
The top three reasons staff leave their community sector job were: - better pay elsewhere - stressful and exhausting work - bullying in the workplace

Workforce Toolkit
The Community Sector Workforce Toolkit was a practical tool to assist organisations recruit and retain staff.

NTCOSS partnering with community organisations , including the Northern Territory Working Womens centre to develop and deliver sector specific training Anti Bullying in the Workplace Award Modernization Financial Management Workforce Development

Network Facilitation
Community Sector Managers and Community Sector Peak Body Networks were established

The Sector Development Mentoring Service supports individuals within organisations to obtain the understanding, skills and access to information, knowledge and training that enables them to perform effectively.

Other Activities

Community sector fact sheets Information dissemination Website development Indigenous participation handbook Community services directory

Feedback from the Sector

We found the workshops extremely valuable because the facilitators had a great understanding of the local social service industry. Melaleuca Refugee Centre I have advertised for staff and used your tool kit with an quite overwhelming response. Gove Crisis Accommodation

In Conclusion
The community sector in the Northern Territory can expect to see an increasing demand for organisation services and continued challenges for organisation to provide sustainable quality services.

References and Contacts

ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics), 2010. Australian Standard Geographical Classification ACOSS (Australian Council of Social Service) Australian Community Sector Survey Paper 173 Volume 4 NORTHERN TERRITORY Productivity Commission (2010) Contribution of the Not-for-Profit Sector: Research Report. Australian Government Productivity Commission, Canberra.(Briggs et al 2007; ASU 2007; ACOSS 2010). NTCOSS Community Sector Fact Sheets 2010

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