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The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a "name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of other sellers.

Brands enable customers to remember your product-service. Brands build customer loyalty and lead to repeat purchases. Brands make it easier for current clients or customers to refer you to others. Brands send a message as to what your customers can expect. Brands convey an emotion. Brands add value.

Brand is not only convenient for businesses for repeated customer purchase but also easier for customers to filter out the countless generic items (store brands). Brand gives consumers the reason to buy it and wastes less time for consumer to choose.

There are ways to improve a brand from advertising such as viral campaign, online ads, print ads and commercials. Another way is to improve product or services that will reinforce the brand. This is a good way to promote brand by always being in the cutting edge or customers first image.

To Analyze the market and its activity, including the growth factors of the total market and various market segments within it, and their performance relative to the competition Ensure that the brand platform is maintained and that the brand stays true to its values and positioning Propose future brand strategy with particular regard to positioning, extensions and others Manage the marketing mix-price, promotion, packaging and others Measure the success of brand performance, assess expenditure against volume, profit and other variable.

Identifies resources needed and works with all agency functions to assign individual responsibilities. Creates and executes project work plans and timelines and revises as appropriate to meet changing needs and requirements. Manages day-to-day operational aspects of a project and scope. Opens jobs/creates change orders in software system. Provides appropriate job specifications.

Brand Managers can have an array of responsibilities. Individuals are expected to develop both long- and short-term strategic marketing plans for the brand. These might include marketing initiatives, special packaging, and/or point of purchase pieces for the specific brand, as well as promotions, sweepstakes, contests, giveaways, and coupons.

Brand Managers often work with the research and development team. The Brand Manager also works with members of the production, packaging, promotion, distribution, advertising, and sales departments in developing the most effective packaging, promotional materials, advertisements, and commercials. He or she is also expected to develop pricing and distribution strategies. The Brand Manager does everything possible to make the brand competitive in the marketplace.

The Brand Manager is essential to the success of the brand. His or her decisions and expertise can make the difference between a brand or product making it and one that ultimately falls between the cracks. For those who enjoy being in the forefront of the corporate industry, this might be the ideal career choice.

BRAVE: He should be bold in respect of taking initiatives. BRILLIANT: he should adept in designing better brand strategies. BACKING: Company should support him in sensitive situations. BRIDGE: He is a person that creates a link between customers and company works as a bridge. BENEFICIAL: He should provide benefit to his company in which he is working.

Brand positioning refers to target consumers reason to buy your brand in preference to others. It is ensures that all brand activity has a common aim; is guided, directed and delivered by the brands benefits/reasons to buy; and it focuses at all points of contact with the consumer.

Under positioning- This is a scenario in which the customers have a blurred and unclear idea of the brand. Over positioning- This is a scenario in which the customers have too limited a awareness of the brand. Confused positioning- This is a scenario in which the customers have a confused opinion of the brand. Double Positioning- This is a scenario in which customers do not accept the claims of a brand.

Surf is positioned quality. Nirma is positioned on economy and price conscious segment.

Brand names







 Easily Recognized  Easily Recalled

Flexible & Updateable

 Credible & Suggestive  Rich Visual & Verbal


 Fun & Interesting  Aesthetics

Protectable Legally Competitively Transferrable

Within & Across Product Categories Across Geographical Boundaries & Cultures

Brands. Whats in a Name ?

Word Marks:

Abstract Logos:

Literal Logos:

"Think different" - (1997-2002)

The Kentucky Fried Chicken slogan finger-lickin good came out as eat your fingers off.

URLs (uniform resource locators) specify locations of pages on the web and are also commonly referred to as domain names. A company can either sue the current owner of the URL for copyright infringement, buy the name from the current owner, or register all conceivable variations of its brand as domain names ahead of time.

Special type of brand symbol. Can be like human or animated character. Role in advertising & package design.

Examples: Some are animated like Pillsburys Poppin Fresh Doughboy,

Britannia Treat Funtoon McDonald. Amul Girl, Onida Devil, Britannia Tiger

When consumers become committed to your brand and make repeat purchases over time. Brand loyalty is a result of consumer behavior and is affected by a persons preferences. Loyal customers will consistently purchase products from their preferred brands, regardless of convenience or price. Companies will often use different marketing strategies to cultivate loyal customers, be it is through loyalty programs (i.e. rewards programs) or trials and incentives (ex. samples and free gifts).

A Brand Extension occurs when a firm uses an established brand name to introduce a new product When a new brand is combined with an existing brand the brand extension can also be a sub-brand.

An existing brand that gives birth to a brand extension is the parent brand. If the parent brand is already associated with multiple products through brand extensions, then it may also be called a family brand.

LINE EXTENSION The parent brand is used to brand a new product that targets a new market segment with in a product category currently served by the parent brand. A line extension often adds a different flavor or ingredient variety, a different form or size, or a different application for the brand.

The parent brand is used to enter a different product category from that currently served by the parent brand.

Brand equity

Brands may be linked to other entities that have their own knowledge structures in the minds of the consumers Because of these linkages consumers may assume or infer that some of the associations that characterize the other entities may also be true for the brand

Rebranding is the creation of a new name, term, symbol, design, or a combination of them for an established brand with the intention of developing a differentiated (new) position in the mind of stakeholders and competitors.

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