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Background of study
1. What was the problem or what is the research all about? The research study is all about the macopa (Syzygium samarangense) fruit to be acceptable as table wine. Macopa offers substantial source of vitamin C for healthy bones, muscles and teeth. And it also contains alcohol, that can be use to make wine.

2. Why was it necessary to solve the problem or work on it?

In this days, macopa (Syzygium samarangense) that is well cultivated in the country is not been known for its uses. And this study is conducted to give rise on the significance of the macopa (Syzygium samarangense) fruit and one way is to use it as wine.

3. What were the findings of previous authors who work on aspects related to the problem?
For home consumption and as a small cottage industry, banana wine could be processes with the use of simple methods and procedure which have been developed by the laboratory services divisions, Bureau of Plant Industry.(preservation of fruits and vegetables)

This study is conceived with hope and inspiration to create a study about Macopa an appreciable amount of calcium, phosphorus, juice. A study in Hawaii showed nutritional value of macopa. The study claimed that the fruit contains protein, sugars ,and B1,B2 and B3. ( april 2009)

For home consumption and as a small cottage industry, santol wine could be processes with the use of simple methods and procedure which have been developed by the laboratory services divisions, Bureau of Plant Industry.(preservation of fruits and vegetables)

4. What did I expect or prove?

The researcher prove that the macopa (Syzygium samarangense) fruit is acceptable as a table wine

Statement of the Problem

Main problem
This study is conducted to determine the acceptability of macopa (Syzygium samarengense) fruit as wine. Specifically it generates to answer the following questions:

Sub problems
1.How will the macopa (Syzygium samarangense) fruit be a table wine?

2. What are the different treatments made in the macopa (Syzygium samarangense) fruit extract?

3. Which among the treatments exhibits the best characteristics of a wine in terms of : a. odor b. taste c. alcohol amount 4.What is the significant difference of the commercially available wine and the wine from macopa(Syzygium samarangense) in terms of : a. odor b. taste c. Alcohol amount


1.There is no significant difference between the commercially available wine and the wine from macopa (Syzygium samarangense) fruit in terms of: a. odor b. taste c. alcohol content 2. There is a significant difference between the commercially available wine and the wine from macopa (Syzygium samarangense) fruit in terms of: a. odor b. taste c. alcohol content

3. If there is a significant difference between the treatments in terms of odor, taste and alcohol contents, therefore, the treatments are significantly different.

Independent variable macopa (Syzygium samarangense) extract Dependent variable wine Control variables amount of yeast amount of sugar days of fermentation

Experimental design
TREATMENTS T1 REPLICATION 1 120cc of macopa extract REPLICATION 2 120cc of macopa extract REPLICATION 3 120cc of macopa extract


100cc of macopa extract

100cc of macopa extract

100cc of macopa extract


80cc of macopa extract

80cc of macopa extract

80cc of macopa extract

T4 (control treatment)




The End



Submitted to: Mrs.Elizabeth G. Bravo (advisor)

Submitted by: Angelica Joyce Co (IV-Rizal)

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