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By Dr.

Aftab Alam MBBS

Dog bites Bruise, breaks,puncture,cuts What to do? y Assure ,wash hand. y Wash wound with running water(atleast 5min) and soap. y Puncture wound-irrigate. y Alcohol (40-70%) or betadine. y Anti-rabies,(0,3,7,14,28) anti-tetanus serum, antibiotics. y Delay suturing. y Observe animal.

Snake bite y TYPES

y BITES y SYMPTOMS- swelling ,burning ,diarrhea ,blurred vision, numbness, vomiting, fever ,convulsion . What to do? y Assure. y Apply pressure on bitten area. y Bandage around the limb. y Immobilize the affected limb. y Wash the wound with soap-water or betadine. y Lying on one side DONTS-Incise, suck, apply, elevate, cool.

Insect bite
y WHAT TO DO ? y Remove sting. y Wash with soap-water. y Place ice wrapped in a cloth in every 10 min. y Apply antiseptic cream. y Take pain killer. y Take antihistaminics. y Remove rings from finger ,nose, ear. y Check for sudden anaphylactic attack.

y Common types of injuries:-sprain, fracture, y y y y y y y y y

dislocation. SPRAIN What ? When ? What to do ? Pain killers. Immobilize till heal. Cold compression -20 min 4-8 times. Elevation. Crepe bandage. Remember always start with warming exercise.


y What ? When ? y What to do ? y Medical condition? y Pain killers. y Immobilize the joint. y Ice. y Splinting in original position. y Don t-massage ,move without support.

y Clean wound with water. y Remove debris/dirt . y Apply antiseptic ointment. y Apply pressure if bleeding don t stop. y Bandage. y Take ATT(<5yrs). y Consult doctor if fever ,pus ,healing delayed.

R.T.A. & INJURY safeguard ,align & immobilize.

y Fracture ,shock ,sever e bleeding ,heart arrest, y y y y y y y y

Spinal injury. FRACTURE SHOCK & SEVERE BLEEDING. What is shock? What to do ? Lie down, elevate leg. Check breathing ,heart rate, consciousness. Severe bleeding - stop bleeding and shock. Spinal injury & head trauma -align limbs, immobilize spine (carry),check consciousness.

Heart arrest & CPR

Assess . Perform CPR. 1.Find consciousness ---------------2.Find pulse ----- ----3.chest compression ------------4.breathing(htcl) y Compression rate -100/min. y Compression depth 2 y Compression breathing ratio -30:2.

y y y y y y y y y y y y y

Categories . What to do ? X First degree. Run cool water. Dry gently. Apply sos /silverex cream. Sterile bandage. Pain killers ,ATT Second degree.(blister & scare) Clean area, apply cream ,pain killers, rehydrate. Third degree. All skin layers, no pain ,dehydration ,eschar severe. CHEMICAL BURNS-wash, ointment, bandage & consult.

Electric shock
y Save yourself. y Switch off main fuse. y Move the victim through insulation. y Assess victim for pulse & breathing. y Treat if minor burn.

y Foreign bodies in ear. y If object is protruding use tweezers. y If small shake head with ear facing downward with y y y y y

straight canal and with ear bud. If insect --put baby oil in ear &flush with water Foreign bodies in nose Breath through mouth. Blow gently through affected nostril after closing the unaffected nostril. Don t use tweezers if FB is not protruding.


y Avoid rubbing the eyes. y Flush with normal saline. y Remove by wet cotton bud. y If not ,cover the eyes.



y Sit & Lean forward. y Pinch nose for 10 min. y If not then for another 10 min. y Place ice pack on nose bridge. y Drink cold water. y Don t sneeze ,suck or lean backward.

y y y y y y y y y

Fever Monitor temperature . Remove excess clothing. Keep in cool place. Plenty fluid . Sponging. Take needed dose of PCM. Don t give asprin. Consult doc. If!

y Headache y Most headaches are treatable. y If tension headache take cool shower. y Consult doc. If ! y Gastric problems. y If chronic take DIGENE/Gelusil .Rentac /pantaprozole y Timely food. y Gastroenteritis. y sufficient fluid & ORS. y Take carbohydrates . y Take PCM if pain. y Avoid dairy products.

Oral problems
y Toothache y Remove any food particle or anything lodge between y y y y y y y y

teeth. Take any pain killer. (avoid aspirin) Apply clove oil or benzocain containing antiseptic. Tooth loss. Gently hold the fallen tooth by top. Don t touch the roots. Rinse the tooth gently (avoid running water) Try to replace tooth in socket. If you cant place in whole milk/your saliva/salt soln.

y Bleeding gum. y Apply pressure using ice pack. y Mouth rinse- pinch of salt in lukewarm water-

twice daily. y Massage regularly .Avoid aspirin. y Consult DENTIST if bleeding continue.

y Identify poison. y Check for burning around mouth ,breathing difficulty. y If unconscious position victim on one side.

Fainting Make him/her sit down or lie down. Position on back. Clear airway . Elevate feet loose collar or belt. Consult doc. Epilepsy. -assess Make person safe. Lie him/her on one side. Don t put anything in mouth.
y y y y y y y

y Anaphylaxis /allergic attack y same as fainting, but if breathing difficulty sit up. y asthma. y Heart attack.

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