Our Project

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Our Project.

By Hannah Burgess, Katie Charman & Lauren Hill.

Body Horror.
-Explores the abjection & disgust of the human body. -Often involves mutation, disease and fetishistic behaviour e.g. Cannibalism.


We liked the idea of an alter-ego and wanted to include this in our plot.

Inspirati on

Sweeny Todd.
We like the graphic murders in Sweeny Todd and we will use this as inspiration when filming the murder scenes to create an effective horror feel.

Jack the Ripper.

We like the idea of the serial killer whos victims are vulnerable because of their lifestyle. We also liked the idea of a specific type of victim and we have chosen to incorporate this into our plot.

Stone Cold.
The book Stone Cold by Robert Swindell informed us of how

The Protagonist ~
Name: Nicola Bates Age: 28 years old

Hardworking Independent Manipulative Privileged Smart Clothes Clever

Alter Ego:

What does she want from life:

Money To secure a moral high ground To feel superior

Hopefully she will look something like this.

Story Statement.
Journalist, Nicola Bates feels that in order to save her career and society, she must rid London Docklands of all homeless people. However she goes about this in the most gruesome way possible.

Plot Synopsis.
Nicola Bates is a Journalist who works by the Docklands in London. She is struggling at work to secure a good story for the newspaper she works for. She walks to work everyday, and sees homeless people on her journey, she is always polite and smiles. We see where she lives, her flat and the surroundings of her walks to and from work. As a storyline for an article, Nicola interviews tramps and they inform her that some of their friends have gone missing- unknown in society, the police refuse to do anything about the missing persons. A graphic murder of a tramp is shown, yet the killer is anonymous. Nicola arrives at work the next day and she has been asked to do an article by her boss as a tramp has been found murdered. More graphic murders are shown, the killer is still anonymous in the clips. Another interview is made with the tramps and Nicola says a piece of information that no-one would have known unless they were present at the murder, she covers this up by saying that the newspaper gets anonymous tips from the public who write in. Another graphic murder scene is shown, but this time the murder goes

The Opening.
Setting: London Docklands Time of day: Early Morning On way to work Protagonist is walking alone on the streets of London, smartly dressed and ready for work. As she walks, flash backs of gruesome murder scenes are shown, the identity of who is carrying out the murder is unknown. After each clip, it cuts back to the lady walking to work. As the clip cuts back to the woman walking, this is where the title and credits will be shown. The writing will be written in a

The Ending
As the identity of the killer is still unknown. One dark night by the Docklands, the killer meets another tramp. Yet this time, the murder goes wrong- the tramp fights back and manages to kill the killer himself. The identity is now revealed- It was Nicola Bates.

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