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Assignment Purpose
To undertake an analysis of the culture of an organisation

Assignment Requirements
Introduction: A brief background to the organisation and its environment Introduce the central issue to the organisation that you think is appropriate Outline, justify and briefly explain the theoretical framework (or frameworks) you will use to conduct your analysis of the chosen central issue relating to the organisation.

Assignment Requirements
Main Body Using the theoretical framework(s) that you have identified critically analyse the chosen central issue that relates to the organisation e.g. You could be analysing one of the following: cross cultural management, sub-cultures, management, human resource management, organisational aesthetics, management of diversity or a specific organisational event / problem using the relevant theoretical framework(s) Suggested applicable solutions, changes or improvements

Assignment Requirements
Conclusion The Conclusion provides a summary of the cultural issue that you have identified Remember that any issue(s) could be a problem or a strength.

Features of a good assignment

Organisation - Beginning, Middle, End - Consistency - Clear Relationships between sections - Proper referencing, grammar, spelling

Features of a good assignment

Identify An Issue The analysis will illustrate the culture by focusing on an issue in the organization that is effected by its culture Examples: In the cases we have looked at in class the following may be identified as issues effected by organizational culture: 1/ The poor accountability of surgeons at Bristol RVI 2/ The socialization of employees at Disney 3/ The resistance of employees to change at Home Depot 4/ The lack of managerial responsibility at Nissan

Features of a good assignment

Theoretical framework - All theories have a focus, those things they attempt to understand, explain and predict - Outline the theoretical framework (What does it argue? What it does it attempt to explain?) - Outline its central concepts (e.g. Masculinity / Femininity in Hofstede) - Provide examples of where it has been used and show how these might compare with your case

Features of a good assignment

Why this theoretical framework? - Show your understanding of different theoretical frameworks for understanding culture - Explain why you have chosen a particular framework for this particular focus - Arguments could include the ways in which this framework has been applied to similar cases or the appropriateness to the central focus of your assignment

Features of a good assignment

Analysis of the Issue through Concepts and Theory - Theory is applied through its concepts (e.g. Values in Schein). - When applying a theory to a case, ensure that you use all of the key concepts within the theory e.g. Identifying the central organizational values if using Schein - Identify the particular ways in which these concepts find application in the case (e.g. Creativity as an example of a Value may be seen in organizational artefacts / rituals/ stories) - Provide examples to build your argument about the important values in the culture. Credit will be given for the range of evidence that you use - Having analysed the case through concepts, critically evaluate the culture a whole by relating the concepts to each other (e.g. Schein s levels, Hofstede s dimensions, Handy and Harrison s cultural types)

Features of a good assignment

- Conclude with an argument about the impact of culture on the organization e.g. How might the organization be different if the culture was different ? / Has the culture promoted the achievement of the organization s aims? - Use other cases and examples to illustrate your arguments e.g. What are the similarities and differences between this case and other cases? What could be learned from this? - Add Recommendations about how the culture might be improved if you think these are appropriate.

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