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 EBSILONProfessional  The system for planning, construction, optimization

and plant control  EBSILONProfessional serves the energy- and mass balancing of power plant processes. It is used for planning, construction, optimization and plant control. The closed solution algorithm has optimal convergence properties. Data analysis and the generation of process models are supported by a comfortable graphical user interface. The validation of measure values of your plant allows a reliable process representation.

It permits efficient usage and specific maintenance activities. design, projection and calculation of power plant processes will be faster more detail-adjusted more cost-efficient Ebsilon advantages: comfortable graphical user interface intuitive handling comfortable online user support in German and English possibility to integrate user specific components

Graphical User Interface The graphical interface is developed completely using the Microsoft Foundation class and supports all of the typical features of Windows applications. As an MDI (Multi-Document Interface) application EBSILONProfessional allows to work on several drawings at the same time and copy and paste sections from one circuit to the other. All information for a circuit is stored in a single file, easy to copy or to distribute by E-Mail. For a convenient construction, components can be inserted, moved, rotated and resized with the mouse, retaining the connections to other components, connections between components are inserted by doubleclicking on open component pins and are normalized automatically, sections of the construction can be grouped by a frame and stored as macros, there are various possibilities for automatic and manual zooming.

Calculation Modes EBSILONProfessional offers different modes of operation: Design Mode used for the development of power plant cycles. In this mode, the user adjusts the cycle according to the design of the components. The results of the design calculation are stored as reference values for partload calculation. Partload Mode used for determination of the plant behavior under various load situations (power generation, heat decoupling). Validation Mode used for controlling of existing power plants. Primary, weak points in the measurement are detected. On a longer term, quality statements about power plant components are derived. The main advantage of EBSILONProfessional is in the consistency between the simulation and the validation by the using the same model. Optimization Mode used for the variation of power plant parameters and what-if calculations. Depending on the individual requirements of the user, different optimization strategies may apply. A combination with validation is possible. EBSILONProfessional uses a closed mathematical solution for determined and overdetermined nonlinear systems of equations


Cycle Construction Directly insert components with specification of size and orientation with the mouse Move and change the size of components at any time Rotate components by menu command or context menu (popping up with the right mouse button) Copy components by menu commands, CTRL-C/CTRL-V or moving with the CTRLkey pressed dow Construction of appropriate lines by double-clicking on a free connection point Automatic orthogonalization of lines, even through edges For the correct type of fluid and orientation, the end of the line jumps automatically to the connection point when approaching it Modification of lines using the context menu (Delete Point, New Point) Moving of line sections with pressed Shift-key Making line sections invisible by a menu command (Object Toggle Linesections). With a right mouse click, the whole line is visible again. Moving components including the connected lines by dragging with the mouse. When moving lines, start values and control values are moved together with the line. A spot indicates whether a start value is connected to a line

Groups Selection of components and lines by clicking or by a catching frame (to be drawn with the left mouse button) When moving components and lines that were selected by mouse click, the connections at the components are retained, the connections at the lines are broken down Selected objects can be grouped to one object by the menu command Object Group or by the context menu Copying is possible for several selected objects as well as for groups Copying between different cycles is possible Ungroup can be performed even at the copied object Hierarchical grouping

Zooming Detail enlargement by drawing a catching frame with the right mouse button Zooming with a scaling factor by the menu command View Zoom or by a combo box in the menu bar, retaining the center of the picture If there are several drawings, different zoom factors may apply to each. The display switches automatically. Percentage specifications are relative. The 100% key scales to make the whole drawing visible in maximize

Component Properties The property sheet is activated by double-click on the component or by the context menu Enlarged image of the component in the same view and orientation as in the drawing Modification of component connections Input of characteristics via value pairs (alternatively to Excel input) Input of specification and nominal values: analogue values can be inserted directly, state value can be selected via a combo box or directly by number

Report Writing
 Structure to be jointly decided by designated

consumer and accredited energy auditor as per guidelines of BEE.  Importance of report is to highlight 1)Details of energy consumption and its costs 2) Specific Energy consumption 3) Energy efficiency and performance analysis of various equipments. 4) Energy conservation measures

Content of the Report

 Title Page  Table of Contents  Acknowledgement  Auditor Firm and audit team details and

Certification  Executive Summary  Introduction to Energy Audit and Methodology  Description about the plant/establishment

Content of the Report

 Energy Consumption profile and evaluation of

energy management system  Equipment /sections specific report  Summary list of recommendations and action plan  Suppliers list of retrofits and vendors  Annexures/Appendix  References , software tools used

Title Page of Report

 Audit Report Title and Name of the Power

Plant and Location  Date of Report  Auditor Name  Mandatory Audit Details

Table of Contents

Audit Firm, Team Details and Certification

Certification shall also state that 1) Data Collection has been carried out diligently and truthfully 2) All data measuring devices are in good working condition and have been calibrated and certified by approved agencies authorized and no tampering of such devices has occurred. 3) All Reasonable professional skill, care and diligence had been taken in preparing the energy audit report and the contents thereof are a true representation of the facts. 4) The energy audit has been carried out in accordance with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency Regulations 2009

Executive Summary
 Brief Company Profile  Scope of audit study  Date of audit  Energy consumption and energy generation of the plant fuel consumption,cost,efficiency,heat rate, auxiliary power consumption, major performance indicators etc  Major Observations

Executive Summary
 Energy Saving measures
S.N Energy Saving Measure Fuel Savings MT/year Electricity Cost Savings savings MWh/year Rs lakh/year Investment required Rs.Lakh/Year Simple payback period years

Short/medium/lon g term measure

Introduction to EA & Methodology

 Audit Objectives and purpose of energy audit  Scope of work  Methodology and approach followed for audit  Time schedule for conducting the energy

audit  Instruments Used


 General Overview  Process Description  Salient Features  Brief Description of major Equipments  Salient Design Features on heat rates,

efficiencies  Salient operational features of the plant

Energy Consumption Profile EMS

 Energy consumption pattern  Specific energy consumption data  Identification of major energy consuming

section, process, equipments  On Yearly Basis

1) Units Generated (Gross and net) 2) Coal Consumption (MT) 3) Gross Heat rate 4) Plant Availability in % 5) PLF 6) Auxiliary power consumption 7) Oil Consumption 8) Thermal Efficiency 9) Average Hours of generation 10) DM water consumption

Energy Consumption Profile EMS

 Ultimate & proximate analysis of fuels and

their GCV and NCV  Auxiliary power consumption and its break up  Unit cost considered for technoeconomic evaluation  Details of EMC and EM policy  Review of present energy consumption metering and monitoring system and suggestion to improve the same.

Energy Consumption Profile EMS

 Types of benchmarking if any followed and

suggestion to improve the same.  Development and establishment of procedures and energy efficiency possibilities  General audit review

Equipment /Major areas for EA

 Under each equipment and section the following

may be given 1) Introduction & description of process/equipment 2) Operation & operating parameters and data 3) Surveys 4) Test and trial runs 5) Performance analysis and evaluation of efficiency 6) Energy saving recommendation 7) Summary list of recommendation & classification as per schedule 8) Impact of implementation of energy saving recommendations

 All suggested measures during study shall

1) A suitable title of recommendation 2) A brief of present practice/ system/ equipments , loss due to present system. 3) Details of recommendation with technical specification if required. 4) Detailed techno-economic evaluation 5) Suppliers /vendors /contractors list 6) Cost effective monitoring and verification protocol.

 Action Plan Preparation  Suppliers /vendors/contractor list  Appendices

1) Facility lay out diagram 2) Process Diagrams 3) Reference curves used in calculation 4) Data sets 5) Detailed specifications , design details,test certificates,performance curves 6) Detailed calculations

 References , software used

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