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Sustainable Development Activity 2 Class 03 Team G

Submitted By: Kiranmayee J Akash Singhal Subhash Tirkey Aveg Srivastava Varun Jhaveri

The Current Status of India

Life Support Services

The need for survival

What made life on earth possible?

Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen in combined form. Protective Ozone Layer Natural ice caps to provide perennial water Presence of water The rainforests which provide sustenance and convert sunlight into

energy which can be used. The oceans Largest natural sink of carbon dioxide Optimum temperature on earth Atmosphere that surrounds earth

Life Enhancement Services

Faster Transportation Ready to eat food Electricity round the clock. Cheaper modes of communication Increased life expectancy Vast improvements in the field of medicine. Higher yielding crops in Agriculture Gaming and racings Breweries, Distilleries, Drugs trade. War, nuclear weapons, atomic bombs etc

Prospects for Sustainable Development

Sustainable development as a broad concept  It ties together concern for the carrying capacity of natural systems with the social challenges facing humanity

It is a multidimensional challenge in 3 dimensions  Economic  Environmental  Social All these are in a fragile balance and are driven or affected by the technological innovation. These should be addresses together in a coherent and mutually reinforcing way.

The Dimensions of Sustainability

To xic Poll ution Eco syste m D amag e Reso urce D eple ti on Cli mate Cha nge

e nviro nmen t Effects o f en viron me ntal p oli cies on e mplo yment, an d hea lth & sa fe ty U ncoo rdin ated en viron mental an d hea lth & sa fe ty po lici es Trad e and e nviro nmen t Inve stmen t an d en viron me nt De vel opmen t & envi ron me nt rap id tech chan ge & g lob ali zation eco nomy Co mpetitive ne ss, prod uctiven ess, u se of physi cal, na tura l, and h uman cap ital Fina ncin g deve lop ment and g rowth

work Jo b skill s N umbe r o f Job s Jo b securi ty Jo b satisfaction H eal th & Safety Wag es Pu rchasi ng po wer

Cha nge i n intern ation al Di visi on of lab or Con ting ent work Cha ng e i n de ma nd for skill s


In ade qua te re spon se & a dap ta ti on times Insu ffici ency of dome sti c p oli cy o ption s U ncoo rdin ated in dustria l, e nviro nmen ta l, e mp lo yme nt, a nd trade p oli cies

Sustainable Development Policy Agenda

Sustainable development policy agenda focuses on growth in which resources use aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come Comparison of Current and Sustainable Policy Agendas Agenda Competitiveness Environment
Control Pollution/make simple substitutions or changes Conserve energy and resources Change nature of meeting market needs through radical or disrupting innovation (a systems change) Prevent pollution through system changes Change resource and energy dependence

Ensure supply of adequately trained people; dialogue with workers Provide safe workplaces


Improve Performance/ Cut Cost


Radical improvement in human-technology interfaces (a systems change)

Origin of Sustainability Problems

The following problems triggered the need for sustainable development  Adverse Climate Change  Toxic Pollution  Inadequate Goods and Services  Natural Resource Depletion  Affect of Biodiversity and Ecosystems  Environment Injustice

Solutions to Sustainability Problems

The following measures needs to be taken for sustainable development:  Education Initiatives  Industry Initiatives  Government Intervention/Regulation  Stakeholder Involvement  Financing Sustainable Development

Man Made Capital Constituents - Indian Context

Man made capital in Indian context can be segregated to the following ways: There can be logical segregations:
y Tangible Reproducible capital This includes all physical infrastructure (buildings, roads, tools, machinery, etc.) used to produce goods and services. yWealth Assets minus debts; the net worth of an individual, business, or government after deducting all liabilities.
Corporate Wealth Individual Wealth Public Wealth

yWastage Worthless or useless by-products resulting social and economic processes, but environmental processes.  Nuclear Waste  Solid, Liquid, and Gas Waste  Wastewater


yRecorded knowledge

The physical representation or manifestation of man's knowledge and culture (the Social Information endowment under Social Capital). This includes the content of all books, magazines, videos, tapes, film, and other recording media  Art  Artefacts  Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, and Licenses  Fossils  Scientific and Historical Knowledge

What constitutes Natural Capital

Natural capital is the sum of cropland, pasture land, timber forest resources, non-timber forest resources, protected areas and sub-soil assets (oil, natural gas, coal and minerals). Assets for which data are not available include subsoil water, diamonds and fisheries.

How far we can reach tomorrow?

y We have always thought that we should not reinvent the wheel, but now it is necessary. Each of us should be wondering how to do it capitalizing on the past and creating new scenarios. y The social situation and lack of public services characterizing the region show that, so far, nothing significant has been achieved. It is necessary take further steps so that CSR develops its transforming potential. There are new tools, but they don t seem to be enough to generate such changes since it is complex to alter values and the rules of the game, both social and business ones, and that it is a task that takes time. y What has been achieved at a micro level has not been taken to scale. There are punctual projects where it is clear the positive impact on the quality of life of a specific population. Now we have to multiply it.

y The path of change is marked by global agents like inter-governmental

organizations, transnational corporations and civil society. According to the document from Global Scenario Group (GSG), The great transition: the promise and lure of the times ahead, and a global less tangible fourth agent: the public s awareness about the need for a change, and the dissemination of values prioritizing quality of life, human solidarity and environmental sustainability .
y At an individual level, it is about the advance towards citizens aware of

their responsibility in their different roles they play: in their family, like users and consumers, like clients, like workers, like business people.

y The pending challenges cannot be considered a limiting factor; on the

contrary they represent opportunities, fertile ground where we should sow with support and incentive, mostly based on the experiences that are part of this movement and its potential contributions to transformation.
y Companies have the resources, the acquired tools and the knowledge to

be active participants in this process.

y Quality of life has to do with companies, but above all, with the

system. We have to work together to bring about a change in the existing system. This is a pending issue to really achieve a social transformation and sustainable development.

A feasible Road The Indian Context

y Consolidation of the region: reach consensus on standards y Development of innovative and effective solutions y Implementation of objective mechanisms of awards and punishments y Empowerment: social participation and a conscious attitude about

consumption. y Coordination, integration and global alliances y Business behavior: from a reactive attitude to a proactive one

Thank You

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