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Personality Persona", Mask

The word personality derives from the Latin word persona which means mask. Personality is the study of masks that people wear. These are the personas that people project and display, Includes the inner parts of psychological experience which we collectively call our self.

Benefit of learning about personality

 Better understanding of strengths and  Improve interpersonal relationships  Realign expectations towards each other  An understanding of indirect influence on performance weaknesses.


Diagnostic and Statistical Manual(DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) define personality as Enduring patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself that are exhibited in a wide range of social and personal contexts a) traits are relatively stable over time b) traits differ among individuals (e.g. some people are outgoing while others are reserved) c) traits influence behavior.

Personality Defined

Characteristics, pattern of Thought, Emotion and Behaviour that define a persons style and influence interactions with the Environment. P = BXE Personality can also be understood as unique and relatively stable pattern of behavior over time

DETERMINANTS OF PERSONALITY Personality gets shaped by 1- Heredity 2- Society 3-Culture 4-Situation Heredity an individual is born with Society,culture,situations are made, maintained and can be modified by humanbeing

Characteristics of-- Type A Severe sense of time . Relaxation gives a feeling of guilt Over achievers, Move eat and walk fast Stressed, overwhelmed by the amount of tasks .. Competitive and has a high challenging spirit.

ex repeatedly looking at the

watch while giving exam or waiting for an appointment

Type B opposite of Type A. An easy going Relaxed by nature and no sense of time urgency No problems relaxing or sitting without doing anything Don't get stressed by delay ex for exam they work hard score above average celebrate an keep performance consistent

Lewis Goldbergs BIG FIVE

Openness to Experience: The tendency to be imaginative, independent, and interested in variety vs. Practical, conforming, and interested in routine. Conscientiousness The tendency to be organized, careful, vs. Disorganized, careless, and impulsive. and disciplined

Extraversion Tendency to be sociable, fun-loving, and vs. Retiring, somber, and reserved. Agreeableness: Tendency to be softhearted, trusting, and vs. Ruthless, suspicious, and uncooperative. affectionate


Neuroticism Tendency to be calm, secure, and self-satisfied vs. Anxious, insecure, and self-pitying


Interested in surrounding Open and often talkative Need to have own territory Compare own opinions with others Like action and initiative Usually do not have many friends Easily make new friends or adapt to a new group Easily break unwanted relations Have difficulties in making new contacts Often appear reserved, quiet and thoughtful


Interested in own thoughts and feelings

See everyone and sense everything Live in here and now Quickly adapt to any situation Like pleasures based on physical sensation Practical and active Realistic and self-confident

Mostly in the past or in the future Worry about the future more than the present Interested in everything new and unusual Do not like routine Attracted more to the theory than the practice Often have doubts

Interested in systems, structures, patterns Expose everything to logical analysis Relatively cold and unemotional Evaluate things by intellect and right or wrong Have difficulties talking about feelings Do not like to clear up arguments or quarrels

Interested in people and their feelings Easily pass their own moods to others Pay great attention to love and passion Evaluate things by ethics and good or bad Can be touchy or use emotional manipulation Often give compliments to please

Start many things at once without finishing them properly Prefer to have freedom from obligations

Do not leave unanswered questions Plan work ahead and tend to finish it Do not like to change their decisions Relatively stable workability

Act impulsively following the situation

Curious and like a fresh look at things Work productivity depends on their mood Often act without any preparation

Easily follow rules and discipline

Personality And Communication

For leaders and managers it is essential to understand Basics of communications Own communication styles Role of emotional intelligence the impact of all of this on their co-workers and their organization:

People who choose to move ahead in lives, relationship or career, need to train themselves to become more effective, interpersonal communicators and these individuals succeed with their goals every time.


Personality influences individual's leadership ability and style team performance Organizational effectiveness. Management asses personality suitability at the time of selection evaluation rejection training people.

Person-Environment Fit: Looks at person and job fit in organizational environment. Optimum performance and more job satisfaction Holland has given a broad choices about Personality and Congruent Occupations.



1) Meet people in a positive state of mind . First impression is the most important. 2) A warm smile is almost always returned. 3) Be empathic listener and enthusiastic to meet people.

4) Address the person with the same level of respect as you wish to be addressed. 5)Project the qualities you would like the person to show you in return. Following are few general steps to practice


Understand your strengths and weaknesses and get connected to your true self. Maximize your full potential as a person.

Be an emphatic listener. People are attracted to someone who listen. The easiest way to gain other peoples confidence is to hear them out

Smile and laugh a lot. Doses of smile and laughter inspire us, improve health, and benefit both the giver and receiver. A smiling person attracts people

Always be glad and ready to lend a helping hand. A persons actions mirror the contents of his heart. Find every opportunity to help others. Helping somebody brings about good feelings and paves the way for the receiver to like and respect you in return.

Be profuse with giving compliments. Tongue has the power to heal or destroy and curse or bless someone. Every human being is dying to hear good things about themselves

Positive personality is oriented towards creativity,hope,wisdom and spirituality and less concerned with aggression,weakness and pathology.

THANKS are intricately linked, and personality has Personality and performance
proven to have a direct influence on an individual's leadership ability and style, team performance, and overall organizational effectiveness. In Personality and the Fate of Organizations, author Robert Hogan offers a systematic account of the nature of personality, showing how to use personality to understand organizations and to understand, evaluate, select, deselect, and train people.

I know I can't expect you to want the same things that I want. We are not the same person, so we will not always see things the same way. I have my own Thoughts and my own ideas that may or may not fit into your vision of who I should be. But I want for us to understand each other, and communicate well,because we live in same world. By learning more about my own Personality, and about other Personality Types, I can come to a better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses. I can improve my interpersonal relationships, realign my expectations towards others, and gain a better self-knowledge that will help me define and achieve goals.

Person-Environment Fit: Looks at if the person and job are suited to one another and at how well the individual will fit in the overall organizational environment. The Organisational Competencies are Denifed in order to look at the requirements of the company which an individual is applying to. The Individual is then Assessed on these competencies and the competency fitment between the individual and the company is found out. The Competencies can be assessed using various tools like Psychological Tests, Competency Based Interview, Situational Analysis, Etc. If the Individual is found out to be good on competencies defined for the company using the various tools, we can say that the Individual would be able to adjust in the company environment and work culture and would be able to perform at his Optimum level, taking the performance to maximum level when required.

Type A Personality The following are the characteristics of the type A personality Type As has got a severe sense of time urgency. They are always running and can hardly relax. If they sat without doing something useful they may end up feeling guilty Type As are over achievers, they usually get themselves involved in many different unrelated activities and perform well in them all. Type A's biggest problem is stress, they are usually overwhelmed by the amount of tasks they have to do. These tasks are usually a huge list that they planned for themselves. Type A is usually competitive and has a high challenging spirit.

Type B Personality Type B personality is almost the opposite of Type A. This type of person is relaxed by nature and has no sense of time urgency Type Bs have got no problems relaxing or sitting without doing anything Type Bs may delay the work they have to the last moment and they usually don't get stressed that easily. Type B could be an achiever too but his lack of sense of time urgency helps him much in not feeling stressed while doing his tasks.

Lewis Goldberg BIG FIVE

Openness to Experience: the tendency to be imaginative, independent, and interested in variety vs. practical, conforming, and interested in routine. Conscientiousness: the tendency to be organized, careful, and disciplined vs. disorganized, careless, and impulsive. Extraversion: the tendency to be sociable, fun-loving, and affectionate vs. retiring, somber, and reserved. Agreeableness: the tendency to be softhearted, trusting, and helpful vs. ruthless, suspicious, and uncooperative. Neuroticism: the tendency to be calm, secure, and self-satisfied vs. anxious, insecure, and self-pitying

Underlying all these typologies are four personality traits (functions): Extroversion (E) --- Introversion (I) Do you recharge your energy via external contact & activity (Extroversion) or spending time in your inner space (Introversion)? Intuition (N) --- Sensing (S) Do you rely on your inner voice (Intuition) or observation (Sensing)? Thinking (T) --- Feeling (F) When making decisions, what do you rely most on? Your thoughts or your feelings? Judgement (J) --- Perception (P) Do you tend to set schedules and organize your life (Judgement), or do you tend to leave the options open and see what happens (Perception)?

Personality Types:
1 Reformer 2 Helper 3 Motivator 4 Romantic 5 Thinker 6 Skeptic 7 Enthusiast 8 Leader 9 Peacemaker


interested in serrounding open and often talkative compare own opinions with others like action and initiative easily make new friends or adapt to a new group say what they think interested in new people easily break unwanted relations

interested in own thoughts and feelings need to have own territory appear reserved, quiet and thoughtful usually do not have many friends difficulties in making new contacts like concentration and quiet work well alone

Relations hips among Occupati onal Personali ty Types



Personality And Communication Interpersonal communication is one of the most challenging and important aspects of a successful career. It is essential for leaders and managers to understand the basics of communications, their own communication styles, the critical role of emotional intelligence, and the impact of all of this on their co-workers and their organization:

communication intake modes come from our inborn preferences that are part of our personality type . Some people are more energized by talking and interacting; others are more comfortable reading and then thinking it over. One preference is not better than the other they are equally valid ways of receiving information. If you wish to be effective in your communication with employees, peers, clients or the boss remember to use both forms of expression! Learning to understand and work with different personalities is key to being a successful in any organization.

communication intake modes come from our inborn preferences that are part of our personality type . Some people are more energized by talking and interacting; others are more comfortable reading and then thinking it over. One preference is not better than the other they are equally valid ways of receiving information. If you wish to be effective in your communication with employees, peers, clients or the boss remember to use both forms of expression! Learning to understand and work with different personalities is key to being a successful in any organization.

Man is the maker of his own destiny(personality)

Man is the maker of his own destiny(personality)

Introvert _ leave me alone think to much Extrovert _ let do it together speak to much Ambivert _ so so

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