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Dia do Diretor

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Parabns Cristiane

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To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

Mais do que mquinas precisamos de humanidade.

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Mais do que inteligncia precisamos de afeio e doura.

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Sem essas virtudes a vida ser de violncia e tudo estar perdido.

Charles Chaplin

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O Diretor de Escola , por muitos motivos,

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uma figura exponencial na estrutura de qualquer sistema de ensino, seja pblico ou privado.

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Suas funes alcanam praticamente todos os setores da escola,

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e mltiplos so os seus afazeres numa instituio que congrega milhares de alunos, centenas de pais, dezenas de professores e funcionrios.

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Suas responsabilidades so imensas, uma vez que esto sob seus cuidados crianas e jovens nem sempre preocupados consigo mesmos,

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ao longo dos 200 dias letivos, numa escola onde tudo pode acontecer, inclusive tragdias.

ao longo dos 200 dias letivos, numa escola onde tudo pode acontecer, inclusive tragdias.

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O Diretor o mestre pensador, aquele que projeta a escola de qualidade desejada pela comunidade,

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embora quase nunca possvel, pelos pssimos salrios e condies de trabalho.

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A tanto empenho do diretor, qual a contrapartida dos governantes e das autoridades educacionais?

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De concreto, nenhum. Geralmente, apenas pronunciamentos vazios e hipcritas, tais como "A Escola a Cara do Diretor".

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Em funo de todas as adversidades que cercam nossa profisso

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diretores da escola pblica estadual, neste 18 de outubro temos que comemorar, o sentimento do dever cumprido.

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Porque, acima de tudo, somos educadores!!!

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To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

Que o menino Jesus te proteja e te abenoe todos os dias

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e que ele te d muita fora e coragem para voc fazer o melhor, o diferente, o novo.

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de pessoas assim que se torna necessrio em qualquer lugar do mundo. PARABNS!!!

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To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.


To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

Uma Homenagem da Equipe Presidente Kennedy PARABNS!!!

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To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.

To help protect your privacy, PowerPoint prevented this external picture from being automatically downloaded. To download and display this picture, click Options in the Message Bar, and then click Enable external content.


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