Managing Careers

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Managing Careers

Help people learn the skills they will need lifelong to be self-reliant, resilient citizens, able to find work they love in times of constant workforce change and to maintain balance between work and their other life roles.
Source: Phil Jarvis, Vice President National Life/Work Center

Basic Concepts

CAREER: CAREER: a lifetime journey of building and making good use of your skills, knowledge and experiences. It experiences. is the total of all events and relationships in our lives: lives: family, friends, education, work, and leisure activities. activities. A career cuts across organizations and roles. roles.

Basic Concepts
CAREER PATHS: PATHS: Flexible lines of progression through which employees move OR a sequential pattern of jobs. jobs. CAREER GOALS: The future positions GOALS: that an individual strives to reach as part of a career. career. CAREER PLANNING: The process by PLANNING: which one selects career goals & the path to those goals. goals.
Individual Career Planning Organizational Career Planning

Basic Concepts
CAREER DEVELOPMENT: DEVELOPMENT: The personal actions one undertakes to achieve a career plan. plan. CAREER MANAGEMENT: The process MANAGEMENT: of designing and implementing plans & strategies that enable HR professionals & mangers to satisfy workforce needs & allow individuals to achieve their career objectives. objectives.

Basic Concepts
CAREER RESILIENCE: The degree to RESILIENCE: which employees can cope with problems affecting their work. work. CAREER INSIGHT: The extent to which INSIGHT: employees are aware of their interests, skills, strengths & weaknesses and how these perceptions relate to their career goals. goals. CAREER IDENTITY: The extent to IDENTITY: which employees define their personal values in accordance with their work and the degree of alignment between the two. two.

Career Issues
CAREER DRIFT: The phenomenon of DRIFT: people entering jobs, occupations & careers with little attention to career planning & then feeling disengaged. disengaged.
Reasons for getting into the wrong careers Financial needs Inadequate knowledge Improper guidance Family background

Career Issues
Low Ceiling Careers: Careers: Highly

specialized jobs with little rooms for advancement. advancement. Career Plateaus: Reach a plateau in Plateaus: career where person feels there is nothing more to achieve. achieve. Dual Career families: Organizations families: have to address the career

development of both spouses. spouses.

Career planning for Organizations: Why?

The nature of work is changing and continuous learning is required. People must take charge of their own careers and build a portfolio of skills.

It ensures availability future

of resources for the

Enhances organizations ability to attract & retain talent Ensures growth opportunities for all Handles employee frustration

Career planning for Individuals: Why?

Helps understand ones own strengths &

weaknesses. weaknesses. Better knowledge of career opportunities Helps chose a suitable career Opportunity to change career plans with changing needs & environment Sense of satisfaction & achievement

The Old Paradigm

Traditional career paths. paths. on-theEntry and establishment: Involves on-the-job establishment: development of relevant skills and abilities. abilities. Advancement: Advancement: The individual seeks growth and increased responsibility. responsibility. Maintenance, withdrawal, and retirement: retirement: Individuals may experience continued growth of accomplishments or may encounter career stability. stability. At some point, individuals consider withdrawal and ultimate retirement. retirement.

Career Development & Planning: Old Paradigm

From: A linear, destination-oriented model of:

What do you want to be when you grow up?


Job Choice




Source: Phil Jarvis, Vice President National Life/Work Center

Career Development & Planning: New Paradigm

Source: Phil Jarvis, Vice President National Life/Work Center

Careers are no longer viewed as an upward linear progression but reinvented constantly as work environments change

Career Anchors
Basic attitudinal characteristics that guide people throughout their careers. 8 Anchors identified by Edgar Schein

Autonomy/ Independence Entrepreneurial creativity Technical/ Functional competence General Management

Service Security/ stability Pure challenge Life Style

Career Development Cycle

Exploration: Exploration: Seek identity for himself, unstable, less productive Establishment: Establishment: Settling down,

Interactions, Productivity increase Maintenance: Maintenance: Mentoring, Productivity maximum, stagnation Disengagement: Disengagement: Productivity declines, evaluate his life/career

Career Planning Process

Individual Assessment

Organizational Assessment

Need Analysis

Opportunity Analysis

Need-opportunity Alignment

Career Counseling

Linking Organizational & Individual Career Needs

Organizational Needs
STRATEGIC Current Competencies Future Competencies Market Changes Mergers etc. Joint Ventures Innovation Growth Downsizing OPERATIONAL Employee turnover Absenteeism Talent Pool Outsourcing Productivity

PERSONAL Age/ Tenure Family Concerns Spouse Employment Mobility Outside Interests PROFESSIONAL Career Stage Education & Training Promotion Aspirations Performance Current career path

Individual Career Needs

Individual Assessment
Wrong career choice leading to Career drift Assist individuals decide their career objectives & career path Providing them information about the job, future prospects, career path & employee himself Helps organization determine possible avenues for employee development

Individual Assessment
Basic elements of need analysis: analysis:
Understanding career aspirations of employees Determining his knowledge, skills, competencies and attitudes Identifying areas that need training inputs Communicating results of analysis

Organizational Assessment

Individuals career aspirations to be aligned with organizational possibilities. Inform employees about the future prospects in the organization. Communicating organizational opportunities for all in terms of promotional channels, transfers etc.

Common Assessment Tools

Role Plays Interviews / counseling Career workbooks Career-planning workshops

Assessment centers Psychological testing Performance appraisal Promotability forecasts Succession planning

Sample Skills Assessment Exercise

Use the scales below to rate yourself on each of the following skills. Rate each skill area both for your level of proficiency and for your preference.
1 Still learning 1 Dont like to use this skill 2 OK competent 2 OK Dont particularly like or dislike 3 Proficient


3 Really enjoy using this skill

Skill Area Proficiency 1. Problem solving _______ _______ 2. Team presentation 3. Leadership _______ 4. Negotiation _______ _______ 5. Conflict management 6. Scheduling _______ 7. Delegation _______ 8. Participative management _______ _______ 9. Feedback 10. Planning _______ 11. Computer _______

x Preference _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

= Score _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

Need Opportunity Alignment

HR function plays an important role. role. A formalized system of recording across and the




organization helps. helps. Two steps: steps: Identify employee potential Undertake Career Development programs

Career Counseling
This refers to one-on-one sessions with the goal of one-onhelping employees examine their career aspirations. aspirations. Provide answers to questions like: like:
What are my skills and what is the possibility of developing them or learning new ones? What are the future prospects if I pursue my career objectives? What are the opportunities available given my current abilities & skills?

Career Development: The Individuals Role





responsibility for his or her own career: career:

Assess their interests, skills & values Take the steps required to achieve a happy and fulfilling career

Career Development: Employers Role

Management must provide development opportunities, feedback, and careercareeroriented appraisals Providing employees with clear set of expectations & directions for their development

Career Management Practices

Competency Analysis Posting job openings Job Progressions Succession planning Career counseling

Career Moves Career Planning Workbooks Career Planning Workshops Mentoring CareerCareer-oriented performance appraisals

Managing Early Career Stages

Reality shock - phenomenon that occurs when a new employees high expectations confront the reality of an unchallenging job

Realistic job previews can help prospective employees more accurately gauge whether the job is for them

Competency Analysis
Study jobs carefully to identify & assign weights to Knowledge & skills each requires. Can be achieved with Job Analysis & evaluation systems.

Posting Job Openings

Five steps routinely used by internal placement centers (IPC):

Conduct an internal, external, or combined search Manager completes job description for the position Recruiter posts current job opportunities Interested employees apply for the position Center coordinator assesses each applicant

Job Progressions

Hierarchy of jobs a new employee might experience, ranging from a starting job to jobs that successively require more knowledge/ skills. skills.

Alternative Career Moves


Promotions or advancements to positions of greater responsibility involve four decisions: decisions: 1st is seniority or competence the rule? 2nd how should we measure competence? 3rd is the process formal or informal?

Handling Transfers
A transfer: a lateral move to another job with no change in salary or grade Transferees are looking for: Personal enrichment Interesting jobs Convenience Better hours or location Transfers should result in better productivity

Succession Planning

Helps identify specific individuals to fill future vacancies in key positions. Effective succession planning incorporates the following elements: Continuity Long term perspective Organizational Need perspective Turnover Management Emphasis on results

Career Counseling

Involves discussing with employees: Their current job activities & performance Their personal & career interests & goals Their personal skills Suitable career development objectives

Career Planning Workbooks

Workbooks to guide employees individually through systematic self assessment of values, interests, abilities, goals & personal development plans

Career Planning Workshops

A planned learning event Provide a chance to compare & discuss attitudes, concerns, and plans with others in similar situation. situation. Workshop activities include: include: SelfSelf-assessment Environmental assessment An individual segment


Mentoring relationships generally involve advising, role modeling, sharing contacts, and giving general support. support. Mentoring Functions: Functions: Career Functions: Include sponsorship, exposure, Functions: coaching, protection, challenging assignments Psychosocial Functions: Include role modeling, Functions: acceptance & confirmation, counseling & friendship


GOOD MENTORS.. Listen & Understand Challenge & stimulate learning Coach Build Self Confidence Provide wise counsel Teach by example Act as a role model Share experiences Offer Encouragement

GOOD MENTEES.. Listen Act on Advice Show commitment to learn Check ego at the door Ask for feedback Are Open minded Are willing to change Are proactive


Career Oriented Appraisal

Help ensure that the persons current position makes sense in terms of the persons skills, and that the person has a sensible career path Foster commitment Indicates promotability and developmental needs

Employee Work Profile

Keys to Successful Learning/Career Development Plans Inform Know thy
employees self If it is to be, it is up to me

Communicate your goals

educational goals

what is needed that it is the employees responsibility to make you aware of their career, professional and

with employees on your side of learning and development plans.
with employees on helping them achieve their career goals.

Be Willing to Learn
see willingness to learn as a critical indicator for long-term career success view experiential and academic learning, lateral moves and career changes as creative career moves stay aware of employee developmental needs, and make opportunities available for higher performers to achieve their goals and contribute to the organizations success.

Employee Work Profile

Preparation -- identify
give Employee information, options, and time to prepare a plan do your own research on priorities, budget, resources, employee capabilities and interests

Year-End Learning Accomplishments -- evaluate

review previous years accomplishments celebrate successes, learn from failures WHAT went well? WHAT can be improved?

Personal Learning Goals -- decide short and longer term

employees career and organizations business goals identify by employee or supervisor generated WHAT motivates the employee? WHY do it?

Update annually no later than Dec. 31 after completion of annual performance evaluation. Retain in confidential departmental employee file.

Learning Steps/Resource Needs -- prioritize list specific steps by owner

assign due dates, conditions WHO needs to do WHAT? WHEN?

Employee Work Profile

Patricks Goal Current Future Take Access class create faculty database provide backup for Joyce Learn faculty search process Cross training build value in career/enrichment Take Dept. course through Know more about dept. classes possible masters degree Tuition Waiver/Comm. Scholar Supervisor Goal Current Future Agree with employee above. Also: Expand leadership experience Increase leadership skill Develop supv. potential By participating in Univ org. & experience, expand network Career enrichment. Univ. org. in leadership role.

Name Patrick Supv. Supv. Patrick Patrick

Specific Steps Get info on ITC Access class, Dept. class, Comm. Scholar, TW. Ensure funding for Access, get coverage during class Email Joyces supv. to sched. Crosstraining for next 6 mos., schedule coverage. Prepare TW and registration forms and get signatures Research Empl.Council, P&T committee, EAN and propose to Supv.

Due Date xx/xx/xxxx xx/xx/xxxx xx/xx/xxxx xx/xx/xxxx xx/xx/xxxx

Comments Talk to E. Bardeen re TW B. Fornadel on Comm. Schol. Email to bus. Mgr., Chair Patrick attend 1st mgt. then propose schedule for approval class needs to be during slow time not summer ask E. Missana for more ideas

Employee Work Profile

Attended dealing with difficult people workshop. Attended advanced Excel training. Received Career Services certificate.

Employee Work Profile

All classes very useful in current position. Career classes helped to see how to build value in my position and career.

Arlon has made productive use of the classes he attended. Next years classes will help position him for expanded responsibilities and for great career opportunities in the University.

Planned Self Development

Continuous Assessment Venture Leverage Network

Decision making Opportunity Analysis Self Assessment

Other Techniques
Coaching: Coaching: Employee coaching consists of ongoing, sometimes spontaneous, meetings between manages and their employees to discuss the employees career goals and development. development. Job Rotation: Job rotation involves assigning Rotation: employees to various jobs so that they acquire a wider base of skills. skills. Tuition Assistance Programs: Organizations offer Programs: tuition assistance programs to support their employees education and development. development.

WebWeb-based career planning

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