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Reading Skill (Physical factors)

Prepared by : Nur Ezatulfisah bt Mohamed PISMP PK(BM)/PSV/PJ SEM 3

Physical Factors In Reading Skill

"Children may fail to develop adequate reading skills because of their environment, abnormal brain structure, or both," says lead study author Mark A. Eckert, Ph.D., of the McKnight Brain Institute of the University of Florida.

Reading is a complex combination of skills. The human brain must act like a computer, data is taken in via the eyes (or fingers, in the case of Braille), processed within the brain, interpreted and becomes information.

Several factors affect an individual's ability to read : -

Neural processing


The nature of the reading material

Hearing problems

Chronic illness

Prior knowledge

Other Factors That Effect The Reading Skill

Environmental factors such as ambient lighting, temperature, comfort, and complexity of the material affects reading greatly. Intrinsic factors such as regression, eye movement, and number of words per fixation also affects reading. It all depends on numerous factors that weigh into whether someone can read well or not. Socio-economic status, schooling, whether or not a child has siblings and the mother's education level all can negatively or positively influence motor development in children. Children from low-income families performed more poorly on the reading skill, brain asymmetry had similar effects across income levels.


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