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Presenter Jan Triplett, Ph.D.


CEO, Business Success Center

Sales, Marketing & Financial Strategy

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Provide sales, marketing & financial strategy, to growing & under-achieving businesses. Worked with high tech to no-tech product & service businesses Built businesses that last Global Experience Started in 1981. Survived 6 downturns City of Austin Certified Green Business NCRC Certified Technical Advisors National & International Award Winners

Where nature makes natural allies of us all, we can demonstrate that beneficial relations are possible even with those with whom we most deeply disagree, and this must someday be the basis of world peace and world law.

Business Success Center, Austin, TX 2011. All rights reserved

Have you been part of a strategic alliance?

Yes No Results? (Good, Bad, Mixed)

What was the main goal of your most successful alliance?

Grow a career Grow a business

What kind of alliance are you involved with now or would you like to create?
Career Business

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Stores got cheap signs. Coca Cola got promotion.

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All it takes is a Handshake Strategy

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Joint marketing, sales or distribution Keeping competition out Joint production Establishing standards Design collaboration Technology licensing Research and development
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A formal or informal agreement

Between two or more individuals or entities To achieve a common goal

Can take many forms

Equity Partnership Private label/OEM Spiderweb Alliance Sales Rep Co-op Marketing Franchise Alliance Joint Venture Merger/Acquisition Keiretsu/Shudan Trading Company

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Once/Trial Periodic Regular

Period of time Forever

Handshake Verbal

Signed mutual agreement of understanding Legal contract

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Vertical between a vendor & a customer, competitors, two or more businesses Horizontal between employees, supervisors, managers, departments Local or global; internal or external
Better when allies have complementary strengths & limited weaknesses.

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Simplest form of alliance Link operations (Cross training, R&D, etc.) Collaborative, strategic orientation Coordinate mgmt Each remains independent Vested interest in each others future

A legal contract that joins two or more entities together Creates a new entity Staffing by separate mgmt team All parties agree to share in the profits and losses

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Strategic Alliances

Joint Ventures
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Businesses use alliances for:

x Achieve advantages of scale, scope & speed x Enhance product development x Diversify

x Increase market penetration x Expand market development x Keep competitors out

x Enhance competitiveness in domestic &/or global markets x Develop new business opportunities through new products & services x Increase exports

x Create new businesses x Reduce costs

Why do you want an alliance?

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Individuals use alliances for

Promotion & growth Career moves Connections (sales, networks, etc.)

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Friend/Life Saver Network Addition for job/career advancement, accomplishing joint mission Cross Marketing Ally Cooperative Advertising Shared Manufacturing Expense Joint Venture
Whats yours?

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Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.

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Companies report 18% of revenue is from their alliances.

Increase profits
Need for or leverage resources Downsizing Production costs & R&D World class status goals

Meet Threats
Regulations & taxes Increased competition Hostile takeover

Take Advantage of Opportunities

Need to operate globally Technology changes new, hybrids, commercialization Fast changing marketplace Industry convergence Minimize risk/share risk
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Cooperative competition Learning component Skill building Cost reduction Risk reduction

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Limits to cooperation Conflict/disharmony (can be ok) End up weaker than ally


Not as Good
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Locate near each other
x Food court, Marine repair (Keema, TX), Japans business streets x IBIZ Districts, Enterprise Zones,

Joint negotiations for supplies Shared staff Shared resources

Joint marketing efforts

x Coupon book for restaurants x Shared ad

Cross promotion, joint events/activities

x Health fairs, trade shows, hiring fairs x Workshops
*Term adopted by Brandenburger & Nalebuff originally from Ray Noorda, founder of Novell Networking Software
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Plan it, work it, stay on top of it lan

Builds trust Understandable goals Measurable objectives Verifiable Controllable Diagnosable/Fixable Predictable Replicable Trainable Valuable
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Thousands of alliances formed each year 15% annual growth 60% fail 1/3 report alliances are a struggle 9% build successful alliances

Top successful alliances added $72 Billion in shareholder value over 2 yrs.; bad alliances cost companies $43 Billion. (Harvard/Accenture study 2003)

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Big Alliances
Got Milk? Campaign

Smaller Alliances
Security Company & Wholesaler BSC and PRE Mgmt

Corning & Samsung (glass TV tube/Korea market) Airbus (Britain, Spain, Germany, France)

Bundled contracts

Your examples? What alliances youve tried? Results?

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Networking First job, RISE Austin 2011 with 23 firms simultaneously, Community activist, author of Networkers Guide to Success Cooperative competition Austin Technology Incubator (contract), Attorney (speaking), Thinking Big, Staying Small (co-author) Sales Rep Virtual Marketing Director Co-op marketing for clients and with clients Acquisition Entrepreneurs Association Trading Company 2 international trade missions, Japanese colleague

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On the ground of intersecting highways, join hands with your allies. BUT We cannot enter into alliances until we are acquainted with the designs of our neighbors.
- from The Art of War

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Leverage Strengths Minimize Weaknesses

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To be successful:
Set reasonable, realistic goals Choose the right kind of alliance Know the rules Select the right allies Work the alliance Measure results Have a way out (transfer, transform, exit) & a contingency plan

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Your strategic alliance process Getting through the differences Not giving away too much Training everyone Sharing power

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Keeping it going Communication both ways Getting out of a bad/ unproductive alliance Ultimate outcome Legally speaking

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Two possibilities
Choosing allies Being chosen to be an ally

Same issues
Choose allies that match your profile Do your due diligence (whats their alliance history) Set rules of engagement Communicate often Measure results (including Early Warning System)

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Demographics Psychographics Vision Behaviors Risk Tolerance Decision-Making Style Management Style Game Food Choices

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Your strengths & weaknesses Are you willing to let your potential allies know these? Who are you?
Believer, Rebel, Competitor DIAYDo It All Yourself, Worker Bee, Investor/Inventor Big gridder, little gridder Decision style Management style Entrepreneur, Proprietor, Guild Game Food Preferences
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Every step is necessary


Set goal, ID potential ally/allies Complete due diligence to assess fitness of ally Negotiate alliance Transfer alliance to mgr Launch and train all alliance staff Manage Audit (Early Warning System & Metrics) Transform/Transfer/Exit
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2. 3. 4.


6. 7.



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Goals who wants what Responsibilities who does what Rules how its done (including culture business & personal attitudes & exit strategy)

What you & they willing to do or not do.

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Authority Marketing Sales Finance Assets Personnel

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Whos in charge? Who decides? How its done? Who pays & where it stays? Who owns what? Who works & how long?

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Initial Short Term Long Term Need  Warning Signal System  Contingency Plan

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Between 30-60% of alliances fail.

Timing Bad Too weak a partner Priorities not shared Roles & responsibilities unclear

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If we are together, nothing is impossible. If we are divided all will fail.

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Technology leaks, stealing Providing vital info on future plans Customers switch to competitor Delays in decision making Asset sales below market value Fake alliance Alliance float ally fails to deliver
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Priorities misplaced Me first, You last Lack of trust Missed deadlines Roles confused Team conflicts Win-lose position of ally Cost overruns Missed goals and milestones
Why you need a contingency plan.
Business Success Center, Austin, TX 2011. All rights reserved


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Blue Ocean Strategy by Kim & Mauborgne Handshake Strategy by Triplett (ebook Spring 2012) Checklist Manifesto by Gawande Long Tail by Anderson Mastering Alliance Strategy by Bamford Networkers Guide 4th Edition by Triplett (ebook Spring 2012)

Business Success Center, Austin, TX 2011. All rights reserved

Jan Triplett Jan Triplett

Blog: 512-933-1983

Business Success Center, Austin, TX 2011. All rights reserved


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