FNCP Power Baby

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1.Poor Environmental

Inability to provide a home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development due to lack of knowledge of the importance of hygiene and sanitation, lack of skills in carrying out measures to improve home environment

After 1-2 hours of the student nurse client interaction, the family will effectively promote and maintain an environment conducive to health, and will start disposing the garbage in the proper way

After the interaction between the family and student nurse the family should be able to: 1. Demonstrate effective cleaning in their environment by segregating the garbage before throwing it. 2. Give Importance on a clean environment. 3. Know the effects of an unsanitary environment

INTERVENTION PLAN Nursing Intervention Method of Nurse-Family Contact - Emphasized the -Home Visit importance of -Health cleaning and Teachings sanitizing. - Enumerated the proper techniques on keeping surroundings clean; through using proper method of garbage disposal. - Discussed techniques and methods used in cleaning and sanitizing -Discussed the possible health threats when garbage is not properly disposed. -

Resources Required -Visual Aids -Student Nurses time and effort

Health Problem

Family Nursing Problem

Goal and Objectives Our goal is that, After 4 days of nursing intervention, they will able to have a clean and harmonious environment To live in Objectives: After nursing intervention, the family should be able to a.) give importance of having clean surroundings to live in b.) Knows the dangerous effects of having a bed environment



Poor sanitation Cues: - Inability to recognize how hazardous the environment is due to

Poor sanitation in their environment Existence of flies & other insects that can cause illness The house has many unnecessary things that make it look crowded Presence of waste in front of their house

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Lack of time Lack of income to but resources (Cleaning materials) Lack of security Lack of space Personal problems

1. A.) Discuss some methods or how to maintain their surroundings clean. b.) Enumerate to them the illness and diseases they can acquire of having a bad environment c.) Check the situation of the family of they are able to maintain their surroundings clean & decrease the existence of their & mosquitoes.

Was the family able to perform methods in maintaining their surroundings clean? __Yes __No

Were they able to enumerate the illness and diseases they can acquire of having a bad environment. __Yes __No Were they able to decrease the possibility of having mosquitoes in their surroundings? __Yes __No




2. Malnutrition

-Inability to recognize the presence of malnourishment due to lack of awareness. - Inability to take proper action due to failure to comprehend the nature, magnitude and scope of the problem. -lack of knowledge regarding the health condition.

After the intervention the families nutritional condition especially the children is expected to improve after 6 months.

INTERVENTION PLAN Method of Nurse-Family Contact After Nursing Discussed: -Home visit Intervention - the implications of during the the family the signs and community should: symptoms of exposure -Be able to plan malnourished child -Health and prepare (moon faced, often teachings balance meals experience during the for the family diarrheal.) assembly members the consequences within a of malnourishment specified 2. Give some health budget or teaching focusing allowance. on the basic -Be able to nutrition and proper improve the food handling. quantity and 3. Discuss the quality of foods importance of the serve in the food rich in: family. - Carbohydrates (e.g. rice, corn, wheat) -Protein (e.g. dairy food, legumes, nuts) -Lipids (e.g. animal fats, vegetable fats) -Vitamins and Minerals -Water 4. Recommended recipe cheats that can help children in eating unwanted food. 5. Educated the necessary food intake in undernourished children and necessary lessening of food intake for the over nourished members Nursing Intervention


Resources Required -Visual Aids -Quality Time of the student and effort of the nurse and the family especially the mother.


FAMILY NURSING PROBLEMS Inability to recognize the presence of health threat due to lack of knowledge about the problem


OBJECTIVES OF CARE After the nursing interventions, the family should be able to: -Determine the importance of a complete immunization. -Enumerate the possible illness that can occur due to incomplete vaccination. -Follow-up the vaccine of the child. -Give specific attention and time to the schedule of the child s immunization. -Understand the advantages of having complete immunization.

3. Incomplete Immunization

After the nursing interventions, the family should be able to determine the importance of having complete immunization, the mother should feel encouraged, rather than threatened to take her child to the health center to have her immunized.

INTERVENTION PLAN Method of NurseFamily Contact -Assessed the family s -Home visit during degree of perception community with concern to the exposure immunization. -Health Teaching -Discuseds the one on one significance of completing the immunization schedules of the children. -Encouraged the family to actively visit the health center during scheduled immunization. -Included health teachings to protect the health of the family. -Encouraged the family that the health center is offering free immunization. Nursing Intervention

Resources Required -Visual Aids of what is to expect from a child who have not completed his/her immunization. -Immunization program of the health center.




4. Cold and Persistent Cough

Inability to manage the condition due to the lack of knowledge regarding its management.

After the nursing intervention the family should be able to be equipped with the necessary knowledge they need in dealing with the problem.

INTERVENTION PLAN Nursing Intervention Method of Nurse-Family Contact After nursing - Established Rapport -Home visit intervention the - Educated about the during the family should be problem and its exposure able to: management. - One on One -Identify the - Enumerate to the Health Teaching causes and family the danger effects of the signs they needed to problem watch-out. -Identify the -Recommended the appropriate family to have a intervention for formal check-up at the problem the health center -Enumerate the and not just to do danger signs self medication. they need to -Discussed the watch for: different ways to -Sleepiness prevent having cold or difficult to and cough by wake up. drinking vit. C and - Convulsions increasing in citrus foods.


Resources Required -Visual Aids -Time and effort of the student as well as the family.




5. High Level of Cholesterol -Excessive intake of certain nutrients

Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to: -Failure to comprehend the nature, magnitude/scope of the problem. -Low Salience of the Problem.

After the nursing intervention the family should have the knowledge of the causes and effects of the problem, especially when dealing with it.

INTERVENTION PLAN Nursing Intervention Method of Nurse-Family Contact After the -Educate the family -Home visit nursing on the right during intervention the management of the community family should be problem, also the exposure able to: proper nutrition. -One on One -Identify the -Enumerate the health teaching causes of the possible dangers of problem and its this problem. effects. -Educate the family -Identify the on correct meal appropriate planning. intervention to - Educated the family the problem on the risk of high that would not cholesterol level if affect the the not taken care of health of the (e.g. increased risk in children. Coronary Heart Disease.) -Educated the family of proper exercise that could also help the patient/grandmother in lowering her cholesterol level.


Resources Required -Visual Aids (especially pictures of severe high cholesterol patient) -Time and effort of the family and the student nurse.

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