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By : Niel Ferriol & Hyazinth Lim

Meaning of Abortion

the expulsion of a living fetus from the mother's womb before it is variable. termination of pregnancy, spontaneously or by induction (sic), prior to viability. -Dr. Andre E. Hellegers

Types of Abortion

Natural abortion - the expulsion of the fetus through natural or accidental cause. - also known as spontaneous or accidental abortion. - or miscarriage in layman's term. - this type of abortion is unintentional and involuntary, and is devoid of moral significance. Direct/intentional abortion - the deliberately induced expulsion of a living fetus before it has become viable.

Therapeutic abortion - deliberately induced expulsion of a living fetus in order to save the mother from the danger of death brought on by pregnancy. Eugenic abortion - this is recommended in certain cases where certain defects are discovered in the developing fetus. - termed eugenic because it is meant to get rid of abnormal babies. - also known as selective abortion or abortion of fetal indications in the sense that it is only recommended on a case-to-case basis, depending upon the gravity of the fetal indications.

Three General View Points of Abortion:

1. The Conservative declares that abortion is never permissible, or at most, is permissible if and only it is required to save the pregnant womans life.

2. Liberal Position states that abortion is always permissible, whatever the state of fetal development may be. This stand stresses the rights of a woman to make a decision which affect her own body.

3. Moderate Position holds that abortion is morally permissible up to a certain stage of fetal development, or for some limited set of reasons sufficient to justify the taking of life of this or that special circumstances.

Pro-life Movement

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Pro-life movement
Exodus 20:13 Thou shall not kill Jeremiah 1:4-10 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you, I appointed you a prophet to the not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you declares the Lord.

Pro-choice movement

Video presentation.

Points of Pro-Choice:
It underscores freedom of choice. It liberates procreation decisions from the control of the Church. It safeguards the mother from a pregnancy that would threaten her life. It protects the reputation of the woman. Those who suffer the consequences of their moral decisions should be the one to make those judgements.

Ecclesiastes 6:3-5 Clearly there is a quality of life issue being put forth in the Scriptures. And in this case, Solomon makes the point that it is sometimes better to end a pregnancy prematurely than to allow it to continue into a miserable life. This is made even more clear in these following verses:

Ecclesiastes 4:1-3 Here we have an argument for both euthanasia and abortion. When quality of life is at stake, Solomon seems to make the argument that ending a painful life or ending what will be a painful existence is preferable. Now remember, we're not talking about David's songs here. We're reading the words of the man to whom God gave the world's greatest wisdom.

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