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 Topic: Product & Services Strategies.

Product Products, services & Experiences Level of product & services: Product & Service classification: Branding & its Advantages Packaging & its Advantages Labeling Product line decision Product line length A company product mix possesses 4 major dimensions Brand Equity & its Advantages The Nature & Characteristics of services Marketing strategies for service firms Suggestion

 Topic: General Strategies For Global Branding

 Introduction  Kinds Of Brand  The Brand Environment  Internal Factors & External factors  IMPACT ON BRAND STRATEGIES  Kinds Of Specialists  Conclusion  Refrences


Anything which is offered by markets for the consumption purpose that may satisfy needs or wants of customers.

Products, services & Experiences  A market provide products (tangible goods) known as a vegetables, flour, automobiles & cell phones.  Services are the intangible goods known as a (financial services), Experian & memorable. Level of product & services: It includes core benefits, actual product & augmented products.  The initial point is core benefit which assures the question that, what buyers like to buy.  One who plane the product that person must convert core benefit into actual product.  The planners of product must create an augmented product around the core benefit.

Example of core product benefit: Core product is most basic level, what consumer really wants to buy in terms of benefits. Such as: Biscuits,soaps,Medicines & also cosmetic kinds of items. Example of actual product: It includes features, branding, designs &styles of the product. Such as: Vaseline for Petroleum Jelly, Roller blade for inline skates & Kleenex for tissues. Example of augmented product: A product to which additional products & services are added. Such as : MacDonald & Helicon plasma CVD equipment.

Product & Service classification


Consumer product: Such a goods & services that purchased by final consumers for the personal use. Convince Product: Such a consumer goods which consumers use in their routine life. Its best examples are: Bread, Butter, Milk & Eggs. Shopping Products: Such a products which consumer purchase or buy after having information about its quality, price & resale value. It includes: Gold, Diamond, Luxury Vehicles & luxury apartments. Specialty Product: It is preferred on high brand & as well as loyalty. It requires high cost for the purchasing of products. Unsought Products: Such a products which consumers generally would not like to buy. In this lot of efforts of an advertisement are required for its promotion. Industrial Products: It is a raw material which required further processing to come into the shape of final good. Material & Parts: It includes raw material, manufactured materials & parts.


Capital Items: Industrial goods which aid in buyers production or in those products which required further processing. Supplies & Services: It includes starting supply or stuff like pencils & papers. Organizations, Persons, Places & Ideas: Organizational Marketing: It includes companies snap advertising. Personal Marketing: It includes implementation to political candidates. It includes entertaining sports figure & professionals. Place Market: It involves tourism sector. Social Marketing: Methods used for the promotion of the product.



 This is about logo or symbol which evident market or seller of products or services. Example: Fallowing are brands of unilever: Axe, blue band, sunslik, lipton ,dove, lux & knorr.

Advantages of Branding:  Branding support to boost familiarity of product.  Branding is supportive hand for buyer in the terms of acknowledgement about product.  Branding is beneficial for seller as well as for market.  The maintenance of brand is major task for marketers.

Packaging: Such activities which involve products to finalize them with the help of wrappering them. Packaging plays vital role to influence on costumers. Advantages of Packaging: Important component for market. Attract Attention. Describe Product.


It describes specification of products.


Labeling includes: Product identification. Describe stuff of points linked with product. Unit price Open dating

Product Line Decision: Such a products which gives same functions in the sense of some outlets & fall with in similar price range. Example of unilever company: As unilever provides many such kinds of product which gives same functions such as : Sunslik,clear,lux & dove all are products of unilever and they give same function. Product line length : The line is too short, if manager wants to increase price by adding other products, the line will is long if manager can expand profit level by eliminating items.  Line stretching: It includes goods either the price of goods is high or low than the exisisting line.  Down Market stretch: A company positioned in the middle market may want to introduce a low price items.  Up Stretch: Companies may wish to enter the high end of the market for more growth, higher margins or simply to position themselves as full time manufacturers.

A company product mix possesses 4 major dimensions.


Width: The set of discriminative goods company sustain. Length: The exact or total number of Items Company sustain in product line. Depth: The number of models offered for each product in the product line. Consistency: It is about close interrelation of different product lines which are in end use.

Brand Equity: It is positive or fruitful effect that consumers known about the brand name & how they response to products or services.  Advantages of Brand Equity:  Supportive hand to enhance company to introduce new products.  Boost awareness of costumers.  Strong brand liability.  Brand Valuation: It describes financial position of brand.  Costumer Equity: The brand develops the value of consumer relationship. Brand Development  Line Extension: In this company expand product line, such as company introduces new flavors, colors & package size.  Example: Initially unilever provides single flour of lux soap but now unilever provides different flavors of lux soap like in the flavor almonds, rose & milky. Unilever also provides different colors in lux soap like in rose color, sky color & half white color. Unilever also provides different sizes of lux soap like medium, large & small.


Brand Extension: Company involves effective brand name to introduce new product in new category. Example: Uniliver have introduced many new brands along with time.such as OMO washing powder of clothes & lynx body spray. Multi Brand: Multi brand offer different characteristics & asks to different buying motives. Example: Unilever has established many different features of their products to attract their consumers. like unilever provides different features in their food product like cornetto in different brands. New Brand: When organization wants to produce new products in markets for that first company also need to introduce new brand. Services Marketing: Government offers services in the shape of courts, jobs services & health care services. Not for profit organization: Services are offer through museums & colleges. Business organization: Organization offer services through airlines, banks & hospitals

The Nature & Characteristics of services:


Intangibility: Services which can not be seen, tested & felt. Inseparatability: Such a services which can not be performed without its providers or from machines. Perishability: Such a services which can not be stored for later use or sale

Marketing strategies for service firms


Service-profit chain: The chain which is linked with service firm profits with employees & consumer satisfaction. The chain consists of 4 links: Internal service quality. Employees selection & training. Quality work environment. Strong support for there dealing. Greater Service Value: It includes powerful costumer value. Satisfied & Loyal Costumers: Loyal, satisfied & purchaser should repeat purchasing. Health service profit & growth: Includes great performance. Internal marketing: Internal marketing is a process that took place with in a organization. Interactive marketing: In this buyer look for the nature & applications of goods they want to purchase & seller try to complete demand or requests


In this article I have quoted few examples of unilever so that is why iam giving few suggestion for unilever. Unilever needs to increase its brand to be a number one company in world. Unilever must introduce their products in those fields where unilever does not posses any product line. Unilever must improve its labeling is its some items. Unilever should increase its distributors areas like larkana. Unilever must maintain its multi brands. Unilever need to increase its brands in food items

General Strategies For Global Branding


The effects that this globalization have had from the last decennium of 20th century this is not a new or unique know in this period of time the process has only being giving an added impact by political, technological and economical development. Brands has being spectacular new brands are seemingly born global or at the very least experience which quickly role out markets of home and other country markets a long established brands have their dominant positions across the world as compare to local Brand but local brands also encountering the opposition and also finding the way it fight back some global brands managing local institutions just to fill a local role in the societies but international (global) has specific opportunities and limitations when it comes to standard or localization we introduced four general strategies to examine internal and external factors that influence the general brands strategies than extended to 20 strategies subtypes.

Kinds Of Brand

BRAND DOMAIN : Brands domain are experts in one or more of the brand domain aspects (products/services, media, distribution, solution) they requires a knowledge of a product what types of products customer behavior and needs also for the technology shaping the brands domain specialist like a cheetah hunter with the superior speed to chase and claws and teeth to kill these animals domain specialist are same like cheetah are very familiar with the habits of its prey.

BRAND REPUTATION: In brand reputation that type of products who are superior to all have a full reputations no competitor will compile you can take the example of any company unilever companies or kolson without giving the advertisement and information to our customers our customers know that products because these products are fully reputated everyone know the quality of that product and brand reputation specialist is like a horse because the qualities of horse is grace, speed and looks good thats why a brand reputation is like a horse the quality of that products is good everyone likes the product.


The goodwill that a brand has established among consumers

Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi cola

 Brand Recognition:

A brand is the identity of a specific product, service, or business . A brand can take many forms, including a name, sign, symbol, color
 Suzuki  Coca-Cola

The Brand Environment

It is all about the Company or organization in the society Internal Factors: Internal factors are those who effect and organization internally Such as: Suppliers, Distributers , Staff External Factors: External factors are those which effect on organization externally Example: Government Competitors Customers


The factors discussed above each have their own specific impact on the four general brand strategies and their strategy sub-types. Due to the limitations of its format, this paper focuses on factors that influence the four general strategies only. We also limit the discussion to one global branding issues that has attracted a lot of Attention among practitioners in recent years, namely brand harmonization or Standardization. This is not say that the factors discussed above do not also have profound effect on other global branding issues such as global brand extensions, Rationalizing a global brand portfolio, global brand architecture and co-branding Global brands.


Kinds Of Specialist
Domain Specialists

Domain specialists generally require economies of scale to be able to sustain their investments in constant innovation Domain specialists can also be prone to cultural conventions, especially beliefs and customs directly related to the products or services involved. For instance, there is a Traditional belief in Chinese culture about the efficacy of certain herbs

Reputation Specialists

Reputation specialists are often good at tweaking their brands to ensure relevance o consumers in specific societies. This means that brand and marketing management need to be largely localized, with a largely a guiding task for global Management.

Affinity Specialists

Affinity specialists are able to pluck then heartstrings of consumers. They way they do so differs markedly between brands,

Recognition Specialists

Recognition specialists succeed by using two aspects, namely consumers. Inability to discriminate between a multitude of brands in a category and their inability to Know more than a few brands in a category.

 Whatever the factors discussed in this article that brand internationally

depend apoun those factors. Brand strategy can not be given & needs to continue achieving. Brand Managers must take those decisions which linked with effective brands in specific market. It consists of internal & external influences on brand.


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