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Police Refresher Training

Regional Sexual & Domestic Assault Program

Who Refers Clients to the Treatment Centre?

Police. Shelters. Physicians offices. Walk-in clinics. Other hospital emergency departments.

However . . . clients do not have to be referred

in order to access the treatment centre.

How Do Police Refer a Person to the Treatment Centre?

Before coming to the emergency
department, call the hospital and ask to speak with the RN on-call for the sexual/domestic assault program. 705-325-2201 or 1-877-377-7438.

Sexual Assault

When did the assault happen? How old is the person? Does the person agree to our service? Is the person able to sign an informed consent?

Client Has Choices

Physical examination
and treatment of injury Evidence collection with police involvement Evidence collection without police involvement Third party report to police

Medication for the

prevention of STIs HIV medication post exposure prophylaxis Morning after pill Support and crisis intervention Referrals to community resources

HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis

NEW option for client Client will be sick!! Assessment of the risk Medication is taken
of HIV transmission to for full 28 days the client We will provide client Offer or not offer HIV with a doctors note PEP to client for absence from work Health history of or school client Review side effects of Important for client to include this on impact HIV PEP medications statement with client

Paediatric Sexual Assault

Paediatric Centre is staffed by a specialized paediatrician, nurse and social worker. Goal - is physical assessment of the child and support for the child and family members. If the time frame since the assault is greater than twenty-four hours or the child has displayed behavioral changes that may indicate sexual assault/abuse the child may be referred to the Paediatric Sexual Assault Day Centre. Over time frame for evidence collection.

This aspect of the program can be accessed by calling 705-325-2201 ext. 3722 and leaving the prompted information. Referrals must be made by a police officer, a CAS worker, a physician, or by the SA/DV Program on call nurse. Report will be sent to referring agency with parental consent it is not unusual to have normal examination. This appointment occurs in a child friendly environment not at the hospital.

Domestic Violence / Partner Assault

When did the assault happen? How old is the person? Does the person agree to our service? Is the person able to sign an informed consent? Any woman over the age of 16 who has experienced a recent (within 4 days) physical assault by a current or former intimate partner

Domestic Violence
Crisis intervention Risk assessment Safety planning Photography of injuries In-depth injury mapping and documentation Referrals to community resources Discharge to a safe place Follow-up phone call and/or visit in 2-3 days

Suggestions for Officers Meeting With Victims of Violence

Introduce yourself by your
first name rather than by your title. Put yourself at her eye level or lower. Look at her face, maintain good eye contact, dont look at your watch or take notes initially (if possible). Let her know that you believe her. Avoid questions that begin with why?.

Be aware she may initially view

a male officer with fear. Be aware she has been traumatized and her experience will be painful to talk about. Act in a calm manner, especially if she is agitated: give her time to calm down and regain some of her dignity. Dont rush her or interrupt her. Listening is the most important thing you can do. Tell her it was not her fault and she is not to blame.

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