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Parallel Computing

CS 702 Fall ( 2011 / 2012) An Introduction to Pyramids Archtichture

Presented by :Hatim Mussad Al Sum

Presented to: Dr. Mohammed Anwar Asal.

Introduction to Pyramid Architecture. Pyramid Properties. Two level Pyramid. Advantages. Pyramid Computer. Lower Bounds. Fundamental Algorithms.
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Introduction Pyramid Architecture

A pyramid is a repetitive structure whose building block consists of the basic unit. Pyramids are widely used in image processing, where large data is segmented and decomposed.


Introduction Pyramid Architecture


Pyramid Properties
There are five nodes in the building block of the pyramid. The node on the top is called the parent of the four lowerlevel child nodes. Each parent can have only four children, and all the children are connected in a mesh. Each level of a pyramid is a mesh, and the bottom level or the level with maximum nodes (2n X 2n ) is called the base level. The ratio of nodes in a lower level to the node(s) in the adjacent upper level is 4:1. The topmost level ( level 0) is called the apex of the pyramid, and it has only one node (20 X 20 = 1 )


Two Level Pyramid

A two-level pyramid has 21 nodes one apex node requires four links four nodes at level 1 require seven links, and 16 base-level nodes require a maximum of five links.


Two Level Pyramid


Pyramid: 3-D hierarchy

The offers several advantages when you build a pyramid. The concurrent DMA and CPU operations over the links reduce communication overhead for large amounts of data. The apex node has two free links that can be used for data I/O. Also, the children can pass data among themselves without slowing down the parent nodes. This is an advantage in image processing, where data decomposition and task scheduling are common.
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Pyramid Computer
A pyramid computer (pyramid) of size n is a machine that can be viewed as a full, rooted, 4-ary tree of height log n, with additional horizontal links so that each horizontal level is a mesh. It is often convenient to view the pyramid as a tapering array of meshes. A pyramid of size n has at its base a mesh of size n, and a total of (4/3 *n -1/3) processors. One advantage of the pyramid over the mesh is that the communication diameter of a pyramid computer of size n is only Q(log n). This is true since any two processors in the pyramid can exchange information through the apex
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Pyramid Computer of size 16

The levels are numbered
the base is level 0 and the apex is level log4n. A processor at level i is connected via bidirectional unit-time communication links to its 9 neighbors (assuming they exist): 4 siblings at level i, 4 children at level i - 1, a parent at level i +
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Pyramid Computer of size 16

Each processor contains registers with its level, row, and column coordinates, the concatenation of which are in the processor identification register. These registers can be initialized in Q(log n) time if necessary.
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Lower Bounds
A pyramid computer of size n has a communication diameter of Q(log n) Any two processors can exchange messages in O(log n) time, by communicating via the apex, and some pairs of processors, such as those at opposite corners of the base mesh, require W(log n) time to exchange messages. This gives a worst-case lower bound of W(log n) time on any problem that may require information to be exchanged between arbitrary processors.
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Fundamental Algorithms
Initializing Identity Registers. Bit Counting Problems. Computing Commutative Associative Binary Functions. Point Queries.



Initializing Identity Registers

a Q(log n) time algorithm is presented to initialize the identity registers of all processors in a pyramid computer of size n. The processors do not know any of the dimensions of the pyramid, including the number of levels in the pyramid, the size of the base mesh, or their mesh level with respect to the pyramid. Base processors querying for nonexistent children. Apex of the pyramid querying for a nonexistent parent.



Initializing Identity Registers: Phase 1



Initializing Identity Registers: Phase 2



Initializing Identity Registers: Phase 2



Bit Counting Problems

Digitized black/white picture is initially stored one pixel per processor in the base of the pyramid. The interpretation is that the picture represents a single black figure on a white background. The area of the figure, that is, the number of black pixels in the figure, can be determined in Q(log n) time.
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Bit Counting Problems cont.

First stage :
every processor at level 1 obtains the values of the pixels stored in its four children (these children are base processors) and computes the number of these that are black, storing the result in register local_count. So, at the end of stage 1, every processor at level 1 will know the number of black pixels that exist in base of the subpyramid under it. At stage i, every processor at level i- 1 sends local_count to its parent. Every processor P at level i adds the 4 values sent from its children, which gives the total number of black pixels in the base of the subpyramid under P, and stores this value in local_count. At the conclusion of stage log

n, the apex knows the total number of black pixels in the entire base. Since each of the log4n stages requires constant computation time, the algorithm runs in Q (log4n) time.





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