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What is nano computing?

Nano computing describes computing that uses extremely small, or nano scale, devices. Nano computing come from two sources:
It will be integrated into existing products and technology (disk drives, for example). Fundamentally new products, software, and architectures will be developed.

Why bother?
Nano computing change the computer industry in many ways.
Existing technologies, like memory and backing storage, will become even more plentiful than they already are. New technologies will be created to replace obsolete machines. New standards and architectures will be needed to make use of the new systems when they are created.

All of this requires enormous effort and resources. So why bother?

Types of nano computers

Nano electronic computers Nano mechanical computers Nano chemical computers Nano Quantum computers

Basic terms
Quantum-Computer : A quantum computer
is a machine, that performs calculations based on the behavior of particles at the sub-atomic level .

Qubits : Engineers have term qubit (

pronounced KYEW - bit ) to denote the fundamental data unit in a quantum computer.

Basic terms (contd)

Teleportation: it involves dematerializing an
object at one point, and sending the details of that object's precise atomic configuration to another location, where it will be reconstructed.

Quantum mechanics :a quantum computer

involves quantum mechanics quantum computer uses subatomic particles, such as electrons and protons, to solve problems

Devices of nano computing

ipad, iPhone, HP Slate, Android devices like ICD Gemini etc

How nano computing works?

Nano computer would work by storing data in the form of atomic quantum states or spin. (SEM and quantum dots) There are several methods of nano electronic data storage currently being researched. Among the most promising are set electron transistors and quantum dots. All of these devices function based upon the principles of quantum mechanics

The simple answer is that it should be worth it Nano computers could be small enough to fit in a jacket pocket and still have enough storage to fit all of todays Internet and more The same computer would have processing capabilities surpassing todays super computers by far. Not for at least 15 years, though.

Risks in nano computing

Electrons scientists need to develop new circuits to cope with nano circuits working with carbon nano tubes. The transistors will be 100 times smaller than the thickness of human hair. The ultra capacitors produces high heat till today there is no remedy given to cool it.

Application of nano technologies

Washing machine that inhibits bacterial growth it washes the cloths. It is on the market today and 60% of cars these fuel lines. They make a refrigerator. Contact lens that let you check your blood sugar level by looking at a mirror.

High computing performance Low power computing Easily portable flexible Faster processing Lighter and small computer devices Noise Immunity: isolating the circuits from noise from both inside and outside the circuit.

Possible loss of jobs in the traditional farming and manufacturing industry It is very expensive and developing it can cost you a lot of money. It is also pretty difficult to manufacture, which is probably why products made with nanotechnology are more expensive. These particles are very small, problems can actually arise from the inhalation of these minute particles. Products made with nanotechnology are more expensive.

Future of nano computing

National science and technology council (USA) claim that Nano computing is an enabling technology that change the nature of almost every human made object in the next century.

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