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First Aid

Wanda Opland Health Careers


Artificial Respirations
Brain Damage Airway Assess Breathing Respirations
Adult Child / Infant

Primary technique to stop bleeding Do you remove a soaked dressing? Pressure Dressing


Pressure Points
Rt. and Lt. Brachial Artery Rt. and Lt. Femoral Artery

Pressure on Brachial Artery

Put Thumb on outside of arm, fingers on inside of middle upper arm and Squeeze.

Pressure on Femoral Artery

Place heel of hand directly over femoral artery (located between upper leg and pubic area), lean forward keeping arm straight and apply pressure.

USE ONLY AS A LAST RESORT !!!!!!!!! Once applied Never loosen Get Help at Once!!

Related Bleeding Emergencies

Internal Bleeding
Blood from rectum, mouth, vagina or blood in urine Bruise or contusion Rapid pulse Cool and/or moist skin Painful, tender or hardspot on abdomen

Penetrating Object

Severed Body Part

Control bleeding Do Not scrub body part Wrap in clean cloth, place in sealed plastic bag and place in bag containing ice

In case of Poisoning, the first thing to be done. Why 80% of poison victims under 5y/o

Information for Poison Control Center

Age Weight Amount Type How long ago ingested

Should the empty container be kept? Only safe way to induce vomiting Labeled directions for poisoning

Poisoning By Fumes
Move victim into Fresh Air

Beware: poisons can be inhaled, Swallowed and absorbed by the skin - Chemicals - Plants - Fumes Best First Aid is Prevention

A serious weakening of the body causes by the loss of blood pressure or sudden injury Sudden upset of mental or emotional balance

Rapid, weak pulse General Weakness Irregular breathing Cold, pale, clammy skin

As Victim Deteriates
Eyes appear vacant, sunken Pupils may dilate Listless ** May die from Shock**

Treatment for Shock

Positioning and why

Positioning if spinal cord injury suspected

Positioning with head injury Positioning if unconscious Blankets No Fluids

Classified according to depth or degree of skin damage. First Degree Burn Second Degree Burn Third Degree Burn

First Degree Burn

Cause: overexposure to sun
Light contact with hot objects Scalding by hot water or steam

Signs of First Degree Burns

Erythema Mild Swelling & Pain Rapid Healing

First Aid: First Degree Burns

Cold Water NOT Ice Water Burn Lotion or Spray Dark Vinegar NO BUTTER OR OINTMENTS

Second Degree Burns

Results from a very deep sunburn Contact with hot liquids Flash burns from gasoline etc.

Signs of Second Degree Burns

Erythema Swelling Blisters Pain Open Wounds Wet appearance due to loss of plasma through damaged skin layers.

First Aid: Second Degree Burns

Immerse in cold water NOT ice water Apply cool conpresses Blot dry & apply sterile guaze or clean cloth for protection DO NOT break blisters or remove tissue

DO NOT use an antiseptic preparation, ointment, spray or home remedy on a severe burn. If arm or legs are affected, keep them elevated.

Third Degree Burns

Caused by flame, ingnited clothing, immersion in hot water, contact with hot objects, or electricity.

Signs of Third Degree Burns

White or Charred appearance Deep tissue destruction Complete loss of all skin layers Nerve Damage Pain or No Pain

First Aid: Third Degree Burns

DO NOT remove pieces of adhered particles of charred clothing. Cover burn with thick, sterile or freshly laundered cloth. If hands or legs involved, elevate.

Face burns to sit up or prop them up. DO NOT immerse or apply ice water to burn area. Transport ASAP. DO NOT apply ointment, commercial preparations, grease, or other home remedies.

Chemical Burns of the Skin

First Aid:
Remove clothing Flush with water ASAP for 15 20 minutes Get name / source of Chemical Seek Medical Attention ASAP

Burns of the Eyes

First Aid:
Flush face, eyelid, & eye for 15 20 minutes ASAP Avoid rubbing eye Cover eye Seek medical attention ASAP

A break or crack in a bone Cause: most commonly a MVA or:
Accident related to a fall & recreational and sports activities

Signs and Symptoms

May hear a bone snap Pain & tenderness, difficulty moving injured body part Report of grating sensation Shortening of injured leg/arm Unusual angle or position of body part

First Aid
Prevent motion to injured part or adjacent joints (immobilize) Apply splint Elevate involved extremity

Splinting a Fracture
Splint body part in position as found Prevent injured area from moving Check for circulation before and after splinting

Head, Neck or Spinal Injury

Change in consciousness Difficulty breathing Impaired vision Tingling or numbness in hands, fingers, feet and/or toes Loss of balance Headache & vomiting

First Aid
Keep lying down Leave in position found in Call EMS If you do need to move, logroll & support head and neck

R. I.C.E. R = rest I = ice C = compress E = elevate

Allergic Reaction
Anaphylaxis result of:
Insect bite or bee sting Severe allergic reaction to something ingested

First Aid:
Epinephrine and EMS

Too much or too little sugar in the body
Symptoms: cool clammy skin, weak dizzy First Aid: give sugar in form of candy or drink

Frozen Body Parts

Do not attempt to rewarm if a chance the body part may freeze again Needs to be thawed gradually Treat as though body part may break

Heat Related Illness

Heat Cramps Heat Exhaustion Heat Stroke

Heat Cramps
Symptoms: Painful muscle cramps Moist-cool skin - Heavy sweating First Aid: Move to cool place Massage and stretch muscles

Heat Exhaustion
Symptoms: Cold, clammy skin Weak pulse Heavy sweating Shallow breathing Nausea Dizziness Weakness First Aid: Move to cool place cool by fanning Elevate legs - Apply cool packs

Heat Stroke
Symptoms: Hot, dry, red skin - Confusion or unconsciousness Little or No sweating Fast weak pulse First Aid: Move to cool place Call EMS Life Threatening

Dental Emergencies
Knocked out tooth:
Place in container of whole milk if tooth can be replaced in 30 min. Rinse tooth in cold water and place back in socket, then go to dentist ASAP:

Nose Bleeds
Position victim in a sitting position

Keep head tilted slightly forward Pinch both nostrils

Apply ice to bridge of nose Put pressure on upper lip beneath nose Once controlled DO NOT rub, blow, or pick the nose

Rescue and Transfer

Emergency rescue is a procedure for moving a victim from a dangerous location to a place of safety

Indications for Immediate Rescue

Fire, danger of explosion Danger of asphyxia due to lack of O2 or gas Serious traffic hazard Risk of drowning Exposure to cold / heat

Possibility of injury from collapsing walls or building Electrical injury or potential injury Pinning by machinery

Avoid unnecessary disturbances Ensure open airway Control Bleeding Check for Injury Immobilize injured parts before moving Transport

Methods of Transfer
Pulling the Victim Lifting the Victim Supporting the Victim Chair Carry Two Man Carry Blanket Lift Three Man Hammock Carry

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