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Contents Introduction Objective Ideas Technology involved Conclusion

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Democracy - Democracy (Greek demos,the people; kratein, to rule), political system in which the people of a country rule through any form of government they choose to establish.

Hamper - To restrict the free movement or progress of somebody or something. Progress - To achieve positive development, usually of a gradual kind, toward achieving a goal or reaching a higher standard.

1.Communism is a socio economic system that stands for the establishment of a classless, egalitarian and stateless society. Democracy is a political system of governance either carried out by the people directly or by elected representatives. 2.In communism, the power is vested in a group of people who decide the course of action. Democracy is a rule by the people and the elected representatives are bound to fulfil the wishes of the society.

Difference in communism and democracy

3.In communism private ownership is not allowed whereas in democracy it is allowed


Democracy definitely hampered the progress because the people who have chosen by the Indian people are not educated enough and capable enough to run the government properly. Democracy putting forward lot of restrictions on business to run it as profitable enterprise rather then it is becoming more like running for social causes. In some sense yes. You know, because of the way the system is built, lot of regulations and formalities come into picture. The bureaucracy leads to delays. Yes, as all can see from the TV news and read the papers, everything is being molded according to the wishes of the so called protectors of the democracy. Why separate scales are being used for same kind of work/service.


Democracy is the only reason of India's progress. there is no greater system for a country than a vibrant democracy . there may be problem, but then what system does not have the problem. there will always be problem in any system, but we have to overcome that and keep trying to do so. no system can ever be foolproof because no two men always can think alike. just look to Pakistan for a reference. or if you have China in mind, there bubble will burst one day like USSR did. At the time of Independence, the average income of Pakistanis was higher than that of Indians. Today after almost 60 years of democracy in India (bloody and violent democracy at time I will admit) and 60 years of dictatorships, military rule and religious control in Pakistan, the average income of Indians is about 300% higher than Pakistan and India is now in the process of becoming a genuine world "superpower." In 2008 we didnt face the problem like AMERICA and other country ; because our democracy is like wall no one can brake it and even in scroll.

Rubbish condition
Of the people, by the people, for the people" as originally said; these-days but instead it is "off the people, bye the people, far the people . Nepotism is the other outcome of democracy where bureaucrats favor their social circle in providing services against to the procedures and rules. Redtapism is another evil of democracy where intentional delaying of work is done due to laziness or the unaccountability and irresponsibility with a view of no challengers for their deeds. Now a days our people follow as the king ,so are subject. Today we are accepting monopoly situation slowly.such as ombudsman, naxlism, monopoly company. Now a days democracy means (demos +

Technological idea
What we should do to get optimum result in development of our country being a democratic country: Develop a technical card like atm so that our government provide handsome salary through the card without rotating currency. There should be one more option in evm having this option people can cast a vote not in favor of electing leader. One of fantastic idea it is , we have to change some rule in our constitution ;there is no intervention of our democracy in commercial activities.


1. There might be some problem with the democracy but no system is fullproof we can rectify them. 2. We are the root cause of our problem.wemay have listen the proverb poverty breeds strife and as you sow ,so you reap .those legendry actor follow this proverb indeed he was really great . But in modernize era most of follow this proverb crying in wilderness.


rat beautiful
rotten rat

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