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Guided By A.SARAVANAN.MCA,M.Phil.,

Submitted By


 The project entitled CONSTRUCTING INTER-DOMAIN PACKET FILTERS is used to avoid the Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS). This attack is a serious threat to the legitimate use of the Internet.  Prevention mechanisms are thwarted by the ability of attackers to forge, or spoof, the source addresses in IP packets.  By employing IP spoofing, attackers can evade detection and put a substantial burden on the destination network for policing attack packets.

 An inter-domain packet filter (IDPF) architecture has been proposed which can mitigate the level of IP spoofing on the Internet.  IDPFs are constructed from the information implicit in BGP route updates and are deployed in network border routers.

 Route-based packet filters as a way to mitigate IP spoofing.  The intuition in this scheme is that, assuming singlepath routing, there is exactly one single path p(s, d) between source node s and destination node d.  Hence, any packets with source address s and destination address d that appear in a router not in p(s, d) should be discarded.

 Constructing a specific route-based packet filter in a node requires the knowledge of global routing decisions made by all the other nodes in the network.  In the network connectivity potential path between Source and destination domain are available .  A commercial relationship is to identify the feasible path between source and destination.

 The system describes how to practically

construct inter-domain packet filters locally at an Autonomous Systems by using only the BGP route updates being exchanged between the AS and its immediate neighbors.  To evaluate the effectiveness of the architecture, the system conducts an extensive simulation studies based on AS topologies and AS paths extracted from real BGP data provided by the Route-Views project.

 The IDPF architecture provides better protection against IP spoofing based DDoS attacks on local networks, which presents incentives for network operators to deploy IDPFs.  IDPF can localize the attacker, thus reducing the effort and increasing the accuracy of IP trace back schemes.

 Analyzing BGP  Modeling Networks  Constructing routing policies  Inferring feasible paths and building IDPF

 Analyzing BGP:
 BGP4 provides a set of mechanisms for supporting Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) defined in RFC 4632.  These mechanisms include support for advertising a set of destinations as an IP prefix and eliminating the concept of network "class" within BGP.

 Modeling Networks:
 The network can be modeled as an AS graph. Nodes are AS and edges are BGP sessions.  Nodes own network prefixes and exchange BGP route updates to learn the reach ability of prefixes. Attributes associated with routes: AS path, prefix.

 Constructing routing policies:
 BGP is a policy-based routing protocol in that both the selection and the propagation of best routes are guided by locally defined routing policies.  Two distinct sets of routing policies are normally employed by a node: import policies and export policies.

 Inferring feasible paths and building IDPF:

 IDPF decides feasible routes under BGP. Feasible routes in BGP are constrained by routing policies (AS relation).

 Hardware Requirements:
Processor  RAM : : Intel Pentium IV 3.0 GHz 512 MB 80 GB DVD+RW Multimedia Keyboard Optical Mouse 15 Color CRT / TFT

 Hard Disk :  Drive :

 Key Board :  Mouse  Monitor : :

 Software Requirements:


WINDOWS XP VB.NET 2005 SQL Server 2005


 Constructing Inter-Domain Packet Filters to Control IP Spoofing Based on BGP Updates Communications of the ACM, Volume 21, pages 120-126, February 1978.  Controlling IP Spoofing Through Inter-Domain Packet Filters Zhenhai Duan, Member , IEEE, Xin Yuan, Member , IEEE, and Jaideep Chandrashekar, Member , IEEE  R. Beverly and S. Bauer. The Spoofer Project: Inferring the extent of Internet source address filtering on the internet. In Proceedings of Usenix Steps to Reducing Unwanted Trafic on the Internet Workshop SRUTI'05, Cambridge, MA, July 2005.

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