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Environment & Health


Dr Anshuli Trivedi MBBS MD Assistant Professor GMC Bhopal

Safe &Wholesome water

(a) Free from pathogenic organisms (b) Free from harmful chemical substances (c) Acceptable to taste and appearance (d) Usable for domestic purposes

Water requirement
Drinking-2Litres Adequate-150-200Litre.per capita Supply-40 litre.Per capita(Target)

Domestic use of water


Sources of water
Rain Water Surface water Underground water

Sources of water-Rain

Sources of water-Surface water

Sources of water-Surface water

Source of water -underground

Source of water -underground

Source of water -underground

Cheapest Free of pathogens & contamination. Available in dry season. They do not lose water through evaporation. Their quality is not so likely to be affected by natural, urban or industrial pollution as surface water. They do not require expropriation of large areas of land. They may be located nearer to the points of use than are surface impoundments. High mineral content Requires pumping. Slow replenishment. De Contamination difficult.

Source of water -underground

Shallow well Source Chemical quality Bacteriological quality Yield Derived from above Ist impervious layer Moderately hard Grossly contaminated Dries in summer Deep well Derived from below Ist impervious layer. Much hard Taps purer water Present all year

Source of water -underground

Sanitary Well
A properly located, well constructed and protected against contamination, yielding safe water supply is known as Sanitary Well. a)Location : 50 ft (50m)away from likely source of contamination. Within 100 mt from consumers. b) Lining : lining of the well is built by bricks or stones in cement upto a depth of about 20 ft (6m). c) Parapet : upto a height of 60-90 cm. d) Platform : 2-3 ft wide.

Sanitary Well
e) Drain + soakage pit. f) Cover g) Handpump /manual or electric pump.

Problem village
A problem village is defined as one where no source of safe water is available within a distance of 1. 6 km Or where water is available at a depth of more than 15 meters Or where water source has excess salinity, iron, fluorides and other toxic elements or where water is exposed to risk of cholera & guinea worm.Q

Health hazards of impure waterBiological)

Category Diseases

Water borne diseases : Caused by the ingestion of water contaminated by human or animal faeces or urine containing pathogenic bacteria or viruses.

Cholera, typhoid, amoebic and bacillary dysentery, viral hepatitis, leptospirosis, giardiasis.

Water washed diseases : Diseases due Scabies, skin sepsis & ulcers, yaws, to lack of water. Poor personal hygiene trachoma, conjunctivitis, favours spread. flea-, lice-, and tick- borne diseases

Water washed diseases

Health hazards of impure water

Category Diseases

Water based diseases : Caused by parasites found in intermediate organisms living in water.

snails, Cyclops etc Schistosomiasis, dracunculiasis.

Water related diseases : Transmitted by Yellow fever, dengue, encephalitis, insect vectors which breed in water. filariasis, malaria, onchocerciasis.

Health hazards of impure water



River blindness

Health hazards of impure water(Chemical)

Detergents & solvents-Benzene,toulene. CN & Heavy metals-As,Cd,Hg. Organic acids-Glycol Nitrogenous compounds-nitrites ,nitrates. bleaching agents, Dyes & pigments, sulphides, ammonical compounds insecticides.

Health hazards of impure water(Chemical)

Chronic Arsenic Poisoning

Chronic mercury poisoning


Health hazards of impure water(Chemical)

Dental flurosis

Skeletel flurosis


Health hazards of impure water(Chemical)

Calcium oxalates crystals in urine


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