Six Sigma

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Six Sigma

By; Heba Zakaria Abou Hashish

Assistant Lecturer Womens College Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt 2009

What is Quality? What is Six Sigma? Historical overview of Six Sigma The Power of Six Sigma Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) Applications of DFSS People roles in DFSS The Implementation of Six Sigma in the Apparel Industry (case study)

Companies are organizations that must understand the two voices that of the Customer (external voice) and that of the Process (internal voice).. Processes inside the company must help to produce a Quality products/services to meet customer needs..

The Voice of the Customer (VOC)

Any product/service that reaches the desired level the customer considers, the customer perceives it as having


VOC refers to information from customers gained from a variety of sources about the expected and/or actual performance of a product or process VOC data can be Quantitative or Qualitative and is derived from a number of sources. It can be expressed by the customer's actions. VOC data can be offered freely by way of interviews, surveys, focus groups, feedback forms etc.

The Voice Of Customer has four aspects;

demands that the product meets certain specifications (Quality Quality), 2. demands that those specifications be fulfilled consistently (Reliability Reliability), 3. demands a reasonable price (as Low as as possible), possible and 4. demands that the product be available when the customer is ready to buy (Availability Availability) 1.

Any organization needs to study customer needs before the beginning..

What is Quality?
Quality is a mark set by a customer for a product or service.
Quality make the first sale, but Reliability is what keeps the customer coming back.

The Voice of the Process

What occurs in the processes must reflect the voice of the customer. The process speaks through the product itself so If defects are occurring, that is a sign that there are errors in the process.

What is Six Sigma?

It is a Quality Philosophy and a management technique It is a methodology for continuous improvement It is a methodology for creating products/ processes that perform at high standards It is a set of statistical and other quality tools arranged in unique way It is a way of knowing where you are and where you could be!

Six Sigma is a more recent initiative quality improvement to gain popularity and acceptance in many industries across the world. Six Sigma is a management philosophy focused on eliminating mistakes, waste and rework Doing many of the things youre already doing, but doing them better, with fewer mistakes.

Six Sigma Overview

It is a Process It is a Philosophy
Anything less than ideal is an opportunity for improvement, Defects costs money, Understanding processes and improving them is the most efficient way to achieve lasting results To achieve this level of performance you need to: Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control

It is Statistics
Six Sigma processes will produce less than 3.4 defects per million opportunities

Sigma is a Greek letter used to designate standard deviation, which measures two things:
1. how much one thing varies from a specific point or target, and 2. how much one thing varies from another. The Higher the Sigma Value, the Fewer Defects you have. A Defect is anything that results in Customer Dissatisfaction.

Sigma levels and Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO)

Sigma levels and Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO)

Near Perfection!

The Growth of Six Sigma

The company that invented Six Sigma in 1987

General Electric (GE)

The company that perfected Six Sigma in 1996

The Power of Six Sigma is the combination of

People Power
People trained in the Six Sigma philosophy and tools, and then given the support and resources they need to work on a specific project.

Process Power
Include main steps to solve certain problems known as DMAIC Improvement Methodology

Convert the statistical solution to a practical solution Identify and state the practical problem

Confirm and test the statistical solution

Validate the practical problem by collecting data

Convert the practical problem to a statistical one, define statistical goal and identify potential statistical solution

Six Sigma Improvement Methodology It is a logical and structured approach to problem solving and process improvement, It is a quality tool with focus on change management;

Effective Results

Acceptance and Support

Quality Improvement

Six Sigma Two Processes

Existing Processes

DFSS for New Processes

Define Measure Analyze Improve Control

Define Measure Analyze Design Verify

The organizations that want to reach the next level of efficiency need to adopt a program called Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)

Six Sigma (helps fix what is broken) focuses on streamlining the production and business processes to eliminate mistakes, improvement and save money. DFSS (helps design things that dont break in the first place, things that do more and cost less) for starts earlier, to develop or redesign the process from the beginning, thus systematically preventing downstream errors. Every organization should consider tailoring Six Sigma and DFSS to maximize their effectiveness for its business.

Applications of DFSS
Design for Six Sigma can be applied for the following three environments: Business Transactions Manufacturing Processes Engineered Products, including materials, hardware and software

People Roles in DFSS

Mentor, trainer, and coach of Black Belts and others in the organization. They are responsible for creating lasting, fundamental changes in the way the company operates, and have the ability to pick the right Projects. People who really do the work. Leader of teams implementing the six sigma methodology on projects. They define, develop, optimize and verify the processes to increase customer satisfaction and company savings Project Team Members with some training in Design for Six Sigma Help the Green and Black Belts with technical, managerial or analytical support, typically in the context of their existing responsibilities.


The role of Champion requires perfecting the balance between providing the team members the autonomy to make their own decisions and giving them the guidance theyll need to direct their efforts.
Level 1: Executive Champion Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Level 2: Deployment Champion President/Corporative Executive Level 3: Deployment Champion Vice President/Division Executive Level 4: Project Champion Director

Champions Responsibilities include:

Setting goals for the DFSS Projects consistent with the companys priorities. Providing coaching on the Project and approving changes in the scope or direction of the Project. Finding the resources needed to the Project. Support the team and smooth out any issues that arise among them. Working as the Process Owners to ensure a smooth hand-off at the end of a DFSS Project.

The Executive Leadership has several important tasks in planning and marketing that must be done well for the Projects to succeed.

The Leadership Group must do the following:

Establish the specific ground rules of the DFSS initiative. Select the area for Projects and provide the necessary resources. Review the progress of Projects periodically to instill accountability, provide guidance. Help calculate the Projects impact. Share best practices with other divisions, key suppliers and customers.


A garment production process faces numerous kinds of problems leading to quality defects and subsequent alterations and rejections of the product. The implementation or application of Six Sigma starts with the recognition of a problem, and the defining of a project to cure or alleviate that problem.

DMAIC methods (which stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) can be used for the improvement of Structured and Repeated process, Focus on defects reduction and Existing product and process improvement.

Case Study
Define: Annual customer complaints were well
over 10%

Measure: Major faults that occurred in Final

product were analyzed by using Histogram for prioritization (Defects per unit (DPU), Defects per
million opportunities, Defects%, Yield%).

Analyze: Process Failure Mode Effects Analysis

(PFMEA) tool was used to find out the Risk Priority Number (RPN) value and action taken accordingly. It is a systematic analysis of potential failure modes aimed at preventing failures or errors.

Improve: Some of the major suggestions for

improvements were: Proper Training was imparted to the Quality Inspector, Quality Awareness Program was conducted for Operators and Checkers, A suitable Quality Manual was prepared for the unit, Work Instructions were developed and issued to each of the departments, Quality Defects Identifiable Boards were put up across the departments

Introduction into Quality Checking Systems or Formats and Constant Monitoring by a Trained Quality Inspector has brought about drastic reduction in quality defects level. There is a significant decrease in Defect Per Million Opportunities (DPMO) before and after quality system implementation. The process sigma level has also improved the product types in percentage terms; there is a jump in Process Sigma level by 22.48% in the product. It can be stated that this kind of a change is evident only after measures to check quality and by creating its awareness among the middle management, workers and checkers.

Control: Create Control Chart and Control Plan.

At The End of This Study You Might Know;

Two voices affect any company

Internal (processes) External (Customer)

The importance of Quality and Reliability. Six Sigma definitions. Six Sigma as
Philosophy Process Statistics

The growth of Six Sigma (from Motorola to GE). The power of six sigma
People Power Process Power

DMAIC improvement methodology (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control). Design for Six Sigma (DFSS). Application of DFSS People Roles in DFSS
Transactions Manufacturing Engineered Products MBB Black Belt Green Belt Yellow Belt Champions Leadership

The Implementation of Six Sigma in Apparel Industry (Case Study)

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