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Rana Muhammad Waseem MC090202324 MBA


Oracle E.R.P Order Management Module Implementations of Textile company

Introduction / Scope
Oracle Supply Chain Management ERP.
Order Entry Module Production Planning Module Discrete Manufacturing Module Shipping Executions Advance Planning Auto Invoicing Account Receivable AR Integrations General Ledger Transfer

Actors Catalog

Functional Requirements
One Customer may have one to many ship to locations. Customer Can become Trading Partner / Supplier @ same time Netting functionality net out exact receivable is required. Credit Limits can be defined and different levels. Customer need to get insight of Order Work in Process status Customer can update /Insert data of Manufacturing Vendor system EDI System should have seamlessly integrate with Oracle ERP modules. Customer Refund & Receivable Applications to Invoices is required to Apply. System Hold & processing Constraint auto release functionality is required. Bill of Material & Routing & Move Transactions are required Assembly completions & job completion. Auto Invoicing programme need to generate auto invoice after every dispatch Receivable Summary sale register report is required General Ledger Transfer & Period Closing processes Automations.

Use Case Diagram

Architectural Design

Project Scope

Project Schedule

Sequence Diagrams Cont d

Sequence Diagrams Cont d

Sequence Diagrams Cont d

Sequence Diagrams Cont d

Sequence Diagrams Cont d

EntityEntity-Relationship Diagram

Logical Model/Class Diagram

Database Design

Provide database design of your application here

User Interfaces (If Developed)

User Interfaces (If Developed)

User Interfaces (If Developed)

User Interfaces (If Developed)

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 x86-64 bit x86Redhat Linux Enterprise Server 5.3 x86-64 x86Oracle Developer Suite 10 g R2 Quest Soft Toad V9 for Oracle Putty Client Linux script execution Winscp 2 windows Client Visio for modeling MS project 2007 Erwin Molder. SQLPlus Editor Oracle Designer Java Application Objects. Oracle BIEE Enterprise Edition

Test Cases
1.Use Case Title 2.Actors Enquiry Entry Customer

3. Description : Entry of Customer Enquiry 4.1.Pre Conditions: Customer / Prospect must be defined in system, 4.2.Task Sequence: Customer launch the sale enquiry 4.3.Post Conditions: upon receipt of enquiry the customer coordinate marketing dept for product line prices. 5.Modification history: Date 6.Author: 15-DEC-2010 MC090202324

Test Cases
1.Use Case Title 2.Actors 3. Description : Ask Trial Sample Customer Customer require the trial development programme sample

4.1.Pre Conditions: Customer Account configured in system , The basic contact info , bank detail , programme details are logged in CRM system , Customer Trail Budget approval is obtained form Marketing Director. Pricing method, & shipment charge are decided , The policy is to take the sample charge to customer and return/adjust after bulk Order. 4.2.Task Sequence: Trial sample are manufactured , according to customer design instructions. 4.3.Post Conditions: Sample Request Note is send form Head Office to Production Department . Mill dispatch Instructions are stipulated with. Mill Site Sampling Dept receive the SRN and arrange the production with approved raw material purchase. Transact the inventory and dispatch the sample to HO for customer shipment. 5.Modification history: Date 6.Author: 15-DEC-2010 MC090202324

Test Cases
1.Use Case Title 2.Actors 3. Description: Confirm Order Customer Order Confirmation Process

4.1.Pre Conditions: Customer Account is configured. SRN is generated. 4.2.Task Sequence: Customer confirm the Sample Receipt and confirm the Programme approval bulk quantities. 4.3.Post Conditions: Programme Planning and Accessory sourcing planning sheet and forecast sheet is generated . Finance dept arrange the budget for raw material purchase. 5.Modification history: Date 6.Author: 15-DEC-2010 MC090202324

Test Cases
1.Use Case Title 2.Actors
Take Order _ Order Entry Marketing Executive

3. Description : Marketing Executive Enter the confirm Order into the system 4.1.Pre Conditions: Order Entry , shipment schedule and payment terms are defined 4.2.Task Sequence: Marketing Dept convert the quote into confirm sale order and shipping terms and payment terms are finalized 4.3.Post Conditions: Order entry invoke the Sale Booking process. Revenue cost sheet and contribution margin analysis sheet generated and circulated to Production Planning Manger & Account Executive. 5.Modification history: Date 6.Author: 15-DEC-2010 MC090202324

Test Cases
1.Use Case Title 2.Actors
Schedule Production Production Planning Manager

3. Description production planning process finalize the machine/ resource arrangement according to shipment schedule 4.1.Pre Conditions: Raw Material Sourcing should approved , Rates should lock and shipment of material dates are get confirmed 4.2.Task Sequence: Plan Board Interface fill with calendar Month wise date , hourly production recording is get interfaced with LOOM DATA system into Oracle ERP, Plan are updated if any revision entry due to sourcing or machine loom stoppage exist. New dates are re-sent to Marketing dept for L/C and ASN note 4.3.Post Conditions: Production Plan Output circulated to all concerned 5.Modification history: Date 6.Author: 15-DEC-2010 MC090202324

Test Cases
1.Use Case Title 2.Actors Generate Raw Material Demand Production Planning Manager

3. Description : Bill of Material used to Generate Raw material demand planning 4.1.Pre Conditions: Per unit of Measurement material consumption are formulated. 4.2.Task Sequence: Enter the material consumption , Wastage margin , B-grade margin , Assemble Operation type (PUSH , PULL) is finalized 4.3.Post Conditions: Raw Material Consumption sheet get dispatch to Costing Department for approval of Selling rate adjustment. 5.Modification history: Date 6.Author: 15-DEC-2010 MC090202324

Test Cases
1.Use Case Title 2.Actors Bill of Material BOM/Receipt Production Planning Manager

3. Description : Entry Of BOM of approved Material consumption ratios 4.1.Pre Conditions: Item Codes of Raw materials are opened in system, Approved supplier list are configured. Rates are finalized 4.2.Task Sequence: Enter Itemized Bill data 4.3.Post Conditions: Production Planning Manger generate the BOM to purchase dept for automated purchase quantities demand formations upon Sale Order Quantities. 5.Modification history: Date 6.Author: 15-DEC-2010 MC090202324

Test Cases
1.Use Case Title 2.Actors Create Production Job Production Manager

3. Description Production Discrete Job is get entered into the system 4.1.Pre Conditions: BOM and Sale Order should be created into the system 4.2.Task Sequence: Production Job is created according to optimum lot size 4.3.Post Conditions: production job sheet is circulated to concerned mill mangers. 5.Modification history: Date 6.Author: 15-DEC-2010 MC090202324

Test Cases
1.Use Case Title 2.Actors Resource Transaction Production Manager

3. Description Resource Transaction are configured into the system 4.1.Pre Conditions: JOB , Sale order wise production requirements should feed 4.2.Task Sequence: Calculate the Machine Hours and , Human Resource requirements , Work Days and shift planning are arranged and duty hours and action planning are performed. 4.3.Post Conditions: Order wise plan are generated and circulated 5.Modification history: Date 6.Author: 15-DEC-2010 MC090202324

Test Cases
1.Use Case Title 2.Actors Job Routing Production Manager

3. Description Process Route Card are prepared according to process requirements 4.1.Pre Conditions: BOM , Resource Transaction should be in place 4.2.Task Sequence: Enter Department wise Process Card info. 4.3.Post Conditions: Routing Entry is being generated 5.Modification history: Date 6.Author: 15-DEC-2010 MC090202324

Test Cases
1.Use Case Title 2.Actors Floor Move Transaction Production Manager

3. Description: Production Move Transaction are get performed. 4.1.Pre Conditions: BOM , resource , Routing are get in place , JOB , order are in reference , shipping plan are already defined. 4.2.Task Sequence: Enter the dynamic production operation In Put and Transfer to subsequent department and operation already defined in Process Route Card. 4.3.Post Conditions: Production Entry Floor wise , date wise report is circulated to all concerned and Work in process Stock are get valued. 5.Modification history: Date 6.Author: 15-DEC-2010 MC090202324

Test Cases
1.Use Case Title

Issue Raw Material Store Manager


3. Description Material Issuance Process are gone side by side.

4.1.Pre Conditions: BOM already generate Material Requirement Sheet, Stock in Hand already updated , Quality control dept has already been approved the quality of Incoming Material.

4.2.Task Sequence: Upon Material Requirement Note , Store dept issue material to fulfill the job order requirements. Integrated inventory control system dynamically update the Balance to Procure and balance to Issue statues. Surplus material are returned to store and re-issue to another lot of same order.

4.3.Post Conditions: Material Balance Purchase report & Balance Issue are get generated and LOT closing process get cost adjustment of balance to cost modification.

5.Modification history: Date 6.Author:

15-DEC-2010 MC090202324

Test Cases
1.Use Case Title 2.Actors Finish Good Receipt Store Manager

3. Description Finish Good Production Entry 4.1.Pre Conditions: Job wise move Transactions are get consolidated into Folding & packing department get Grading Stock and A-Grade stock is determine by Quality control department . 4.2.Task Sequence: Finish Good Entry in generated Lot /Serial wise. 4.3.Post Conditions: Stock of respective Assembly Items are populated and stock report are updated 5.Modification history: Date 6.Author: 15-DEC-2010 MC090202324

Test Cases
1.Use Case Title 2.Actors Ship Goods Store / Dispatch User

3. Description goods Dispatch Plan Entry 4.1.Pre Conditions: Marketing User generate the Delivery Order to site for Dispatch of good to customer location. 4.2.Task Sequence: Dispatch User Enter the Delivery Chelan DC to fulfill the DO requirements, the Packing List information is updated. Truck / Container loading plan is stipulated with DC. 4.3.Post Conditions: Packing List , DC , Gate pass are generated , Bill of Landing Report is formulated. Export Processing User generate the custom clearance documents of said shipment and bank documents are prepared for cash receipt /discounting, Auto Invoice are generated. Customer Receivable module get updated . 5.Modification history: Date 6.Author: 15-DEC-2010 MC090202324

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The End

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