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Sweden emerged as an independent and unified country during the middle ages. In the 17th century , the country expanded its territories to form the Swedish empire . The empire grew to be one of the great powers of Europe in the 17th and the early 18th century . Most of the conquered territories outside the Scandinavian peninsula were lost during the 18th & 19th century.

Life Expectancy Time Zone Type of Government Head of State GDP Per Capita Population 80.73 +1 Constitutional Monarchy King Karl 16 Gustav $36,500 9,379,116 Location Capital Area Language Religion Currency Literacy Rate North Europe Stockholm 446949SqKm Swedish Christianity Swedish Krona 99%

Sweden is located in Northern Europe, bordering the Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia, Kattegat, and Skagerrak, BY MAARR between Finland and Norway. Sweden is near to north Atlantic ocean.

Animal Language Sport Bird Lion



Turdus merula

Swedens national anthem

SEVENSKA Du gamla, du fria, du fjllhga Nord, du tysta, du gldjerika skna! Jag hlsar dig, vnaste land upp jord, din sol, din himmel, dina ngder grna, din sol, din himmel, dina ngder grna. Du tronar p minnen frn fornstora dar, d rat ditt namn flg ver jorden. Jag vet, att du r och du blir vad du var. Ja, jag vill leva, jag vill d i Norden! Ja, jag vill leva, jag vill d i Norden ENGLISH Thou ancient, thou freeborn, thou mountainous North, In beauty and peace our hearts beguiling, I greet thee, thou loveliest land on the earth, Thy sun, thy skies, thy verdant meadows smiling. Thy sun, thy skies, thy verdant meadows smiling. Thy throne rests on memries from great days of yore, When worldwide renown was valours guerdon. I know to thy name thou art true as before. In thee I'll live, in thee I'll die, thou North Land, In thee I'll live, in thee I'll die, thou North Land

Famous People
Bridget of Sweden Andres Celsius Alfred Nobel Bjorn Borg Ingmar Bergman BjornUlvacus Carl Sandburg Carl Linnaeus Greta Grabo Saint Astronomer Inventor Tennis Player Film Director Musician, Writer Journalist Ecologist Actress

Krona U.S.A dollar Rupees Ore cent Paisa

The krona (Swedish dollar) has been the currency of Sweden since 1873,One krona is 100 ore . The Swedish currency is the same concept that U.S.A follows or what India follows.


Stockholm is the capital and the largest city of Sweden and constitutes the most populated urban area in Scandinavia. Stockholm is the most populous city in Sweden, with a population of 851,155 in the municipality(2010), 1.37 million in the urban area (2010), and around 2.1 million in the 6,519 km2 (2,517.00 sq mi)metropolitan area (2010). As of 2010, the Stockholm metropolitan area is home to approximately 22% of Sweden's population.


The flag of Sweden is a Scandinavian cross that extends to the edges of the flag. This Scandinavian cross represents Christianity

Head of the government : prime minister Fredrik Reinfeldt. Ministers are appointed by the Prime Minister and announced to the parliament. The Prime Minister is first appointed by the Speaker of Parliament and then confirmed by Parliament. Election results 2006: Fredrik Reinfeldt elected Prime Minister on 5 October 2006 after the victory for Alliance for Sweden in the Swedish general election, 2006. The new government was presented on 6 October 2006.


English Hello Thank You Yes No Good Bye Please

Swedish Hej Tack Ja Nej HejDa Snlla


MEDICAL FACILITIES AND HEALTH INFORMATION: Medical care in Sweden is comparable to that found in the United States. The Swedish medical system is state-run, so instead of visiting a local private general practitioner, you can visit a local medical center or clinic, called an " Akutmottagning" or "Vardcentral."


TRAFFIC SAFETY :You can use a valid U.S. driver's license while visiting Sweden, but you must be at least 18 years old to drive. Driving is on the right in Sweden as in the United States. Road signs use standard international symbols and Swedish text.


THREATS TO SAFETY AND SECURITY: Sweden has been subject to terrorist incidents in the recent past, and the potential for a terrorist incident remains. Like other countries in the Schengen area, Sweden's open borders with its Western European neighbors allow the possibility of terrorist groups to enter and exit the country with anonymity. You should remain vigilant and exercise caution.

y Education in Sweden is mandatory for all children from

year 1 to year 9 - generally from the year of the childs seventh birthday to the year of the childs 16th birthday.The school year in Sweden runs from mid/late August to early/mid June. The Christmas holiday from mid December to early January divides the Swedish school year into two terms. Homeschooling is forbidden, unless there are "exceptional circumstances".

Gamla Stan (old centre) Skansen (open air museum) Archipelago Stadshuset (city hall) SergelsTorg (plaza) Vasa museum Kungliga Slottet (royal palace) Kungstrdgrden (garden) Sdermalm (neighborhood) Drottningholm (royal palace)

The misconception that polar bears roam the Swedish landscape could actually be true were it not for this warm Atlantic current that delivers us from freezing. Sweden is also sheltered from cooler and moister Atlantic winds by the mountains to our west.


Sweden has one of the world's longest life expectancies and lowest birth rates. The country counts at least 20,000 indigenous Sami among its population. About one in every five Swedes is an immigrant or has at least one foreign-born parent. The largest immigrant groups are from Finland, Iraq, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Somalia, Iran, Norway, Denmark, and Poland. This reflects Nordic immigration, earlier periods of labor immigration, and more recent refugee and family immigration.

popular government in Sweden rests upon ancient tradition. The Swedish parliament (Riksdag) stems from the ting (tribal courts) and the election of kings in the Viking age. It became a permanent institution in the 15th century. Sweden's government is a limited constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. Executive authority is vested in the cabinet which consists of a prime minister and 19 ministers who run the government departments. The present Social Democratic government, led by Prime Minister Goran Persson, came to power in 1994 after losing power briefly in 1991. King Carl XVI Gustaf (Bernadotte) ascended to the throne on September 15, 1973. His authority is formal, symbolic, and representational.


The Swedish economy emerged from the financial crisis as one of the strongest in Europe. A high-tech local economy and a comprehensive system of welfare benefits allow Sweden to enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world. Sweden has one of the most globalized and competitive economies today.

Lakes & Rivers

Sweden has 97.500 lakes larger than 2 acres, which add to the beauty of the varied Swedish landscape and provide a rich environment for Swedish wildlife. Sweden is therefore not surprisingly famous for its fishing, especially the salmon and the salmon trout, even though a very large part of the fishing

The Swedish Smorgasbord has great many recipes inside it. You see, smorgas means open sandwich and bord means table . Ok fine, this doesn't mean that they'll have a table full of sandwiches. It just means this dish has many small dishes to pick from.

y Music is one of the most important part of eastern Swedens

culture. y It all began with ABBA, the first Swedish group to achieve international success in the 1970s. ABBA proved that it was possible to export Swedish pop music abroad.

Sweden art

Sweden has had famous artists ,among them Johan Tobias , Carl millies , Anders Zorn , Carl Larsson and Carl Eldh Lately the art of Sweden has been influenced by culture and includes modern paintings and sculptures. The term Swedish art refers to the history of painting and the visual arts in Sweden or by a Swedish artist.


Polska : Dances from across Sweden belong to the polska family and each village or parish developed its own variant. These dances are done to music in 3/4 time, where the relative length of the beats to each other varies from region to region.


Lucia is a festival that happens on December 13, or Lucia Day. The Lucia festival is based on the legend of a girl who wanted to give her life to God instead of marrying.

Advent is the time of four weeks right before Christmas. Each Sunday a new candle is lit in a special Advent candlestick. This means that, on the fourth Sunday, there are four candles burning, and Christmas is about to begin.

In Sweden a lot of preparations for Christmas are made. Cookies, cakes and bread are baked and the ham is served at the Christmas buffet rather boiled or roasted. "Christmas" to Swedish children means Christmas Eve, the day when Father Christmas comes. He does not put his gifts into a stocking, but gives them to the children directly.

Easter is the most important festival of the year. In the old days, it was thought that all witches went away to see the devil and the place where they met was called Blkulla. If you spend Easter in Sweden, you will see you will see something related to this belief in the papers and on TV. Also, on Easter Eve many children today dress up as Easter witches.

Midsummer's eve
Midsummer's eve is probably the most popular festival day in Sweden, together with Christmas. Midsummer is an old celebration, dating back to the Viking Era. In modern times, it is a national holiday, where family and friends meet, eat fresh potatoes and drink schnapps and beer. The actual day of the celebration is also the longest day of the year (summer solstice), signifying that summer has reached the half-way point. Thats why its called Midsummer's eve.

Walpurgis Night
The celebration of Walpurgis goes back to the Viking times. It was a festival to honor the return of Spring, and is only one of the several traditional festivals still celebrated in Sweden.

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