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Indah Lestari Arie Marchel Richart Mevil


History Introduction

Parallel Universe


Conclusion Theories Possibilitie s


Parallel Universe is a universe or space time continum that exist alongside ours,and which may posses different physical laws or a different history.

In 1954, a young Princeton University doctoral candidate named Hugh Everett III came up with a radical idea: That there exist parallel universes, exactly like our -universe. These universes are all related to ours; indeed, they branch off from ours, and our universe is branched off of others.

Thomas Young (13 June 1773 10 May 1829)

Double-slit Experiment

Erwin Schrdinger
(12 August 1887 4 January1961)

Schrdingers Cat Experiment

Max Tegmark revealed that there are 4 levels of parallel universe. 1. Beyond Our Cosmic Horizon 2. Other Postiflation Bubbles 3. Quantum Many World 4. Other Mathematical Structures

Physicist Dr. Michio koku analogize the existence of a parallel universe for us as they are outside the pool area for a living carp in a pond.

According to a poll of 72 leading physicists conducted by the American researcher David Raub in 1995 (published in the French periodical Sciences et Avenir in January 1998), the multiple universe theory is widely accepted:
58% of physicists (including Stephen Hawking) think multiple universes exist 18% (including Roger Penrose) do not accept this theory 13% admit the possibility, but remain unconvinced and 11 % have no opinion.

Sadly, we are not yet able to cross these bridges, if they exist. In fact, it would require a tremendous amount of energy to open a wormhole artificially, and the gravitational force inside would be so strong that we would be completely crushed.

From the Theory, researcher, and experiment above. Our Group can conclude that Parallel Universe is Exists.


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