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These issues can vary depending upon the size of the organization, the industry and immediacy of the

situation at hand.

y Employee turnover is often a metric organizations view as having a negative impact on the organization 1) If a poor performing employee quits, there is no risk of a wrongful discharge claim. But it can also be an opportunity for positive change for the organization.

In this scenario, the organization can: 1. Promote a current employee 2. Hire someone with greater skills 3. Evaluate the department for possible restructure 4. Realign the budget

2) If a high performer resigns, there may be a temporary negative impact for the organization if it affects the ability of the organization to function properly. There are also costs associated with hiring and training a new employee. But it also provides the organization an opportunity to reevaluate its career and employee development and total compensation programs. High turnover is a concern, but low turnover can also be a concern if it means that low performers are rewarded with continuing employment. Low turnover can also be a sign of stagnation within an organization, and begs the question, "Why are these employees not being hired by other organizations?"

Hr issues
y Personnal issues y Training issues y Legal issues y


HR Issues in the New Workplace

y Teams and Projects y Temporary Employees y Technology y Work-Life Balance y Downsizing

HR Issues in the New Workplace

y Teams and Projects

Teams and Projects

major trend in today s workplace

y With emphasis on projects, distinctions between job categories and descriptions are collapsing y Many of today s workers straddle functional & departmental boundaries; handle multiple tasks/responsibilities y Virtual team = made up of members who
y are geographically or organizationally dispersed, y rarely meet face to face, and y do their work using advance information technologies.

HR Issues in the New Workplace

Temporary Employees

y In opening years of the 21st century, largest employer in U.S. was a temporary employment agency, Manpower, Inc. y Temporary Employees do everything from data entry to interim CEO y Contingent workers = people who work for an organization, but not on a permanent or full-time basis, including temporary placements, contracted professionals, or leased employees

HR Issues in the New Workplace


y Telecommuting and virtual teams are related trends y Telecommuting = using computers and telecommunications equipment to perform work from home or another remote location y Work anywhere - wireless Internet devices, laptops, cell phones, fax machines y Extreme telecommuting = people live nd work in countries far away from the organization s physical location

HR Issues in the New Workplace

Work-Life Balance

Many European companies ahead of U.S. companies

y Telecommuting is one way organizations help

employees lead more balanced lives

y Flexible scheduling important in today s workplace

27% of workforce/flexible hours

y Broad Work-Life Balance initiatives critical

retention strategy on-site gym & childcare, paid leaves & sabbaticals

HR Issues in the New Workplace


y Downsizing = intentional, planned reduction in the size of a company s workforce y Managers can smooth the downsizing process
y Regularly communicating with employees y Providing them with as much information as possible y Providing assistance to workers who will lose their jobs y Using training and development for remaining


HR Issues in the New Workplace

y HR issues present many challenges for

organizations and HR managers as they work toward the three primary HR goals

Attracting Developing Maintaining an effective workforce



y Indian airlines is known for its continuous loses over years, frequent human resourse problems, gross mismanagement were just some of the few problems plagued the company. y IA's recurring human resource problems were attributed to its lack of proper manpower planning and underutilisation of existing manpower. y IA's eight unions were notorious for their defiant attitude and their use of unscrupulous methods to force the management to agree to all their demands. . From November 1989 to June 1992, there were 13 agitations by different unions.

y During December 1992-January 1993, there was a 46-day strike by the pilots y In in April 1995. The pilots began the agitation demanding higher allowances for flying in international sectors.

the issue was not been addressed .so they refused to fly
y Thereafter they went on a strike, saying that the cabin crew earned higher wages than them and that they would not fly until this issue was addressed y In 1996, there was another agitation, with many pilots reporting sick at the same time.

y In January 1997, there was another strike by the pilots,

this time asking for increased foreign allowances, fixed flying hours, free meals and wage parity with Alliance Air. y April 2000 saw another go-slow agitation by IA's aircraft engineers who were demanding pay revision and a change in the career progression pattern...

y The recruitment and creation of posts in IA was done

without proper scientific analysis of the manpower requirements of the organization y IA's employee unions were rather infamous for resorting to industrial action on the slightest pretext and their arm-twisting tactics to get their demands accepted by the management. y IA was been focussed only on customer satisfaction rather than knowing its own crew satisfaction.

y One Union in One Industry y Management and work force co-ordination y Outside leadership y Bargaining powers (management only) y Incentives based on profits

HR Issues
y Women security:

( recent issues about girls been misbehaved so security should be given to them) y Food problem (high cafeteria prizes) y Downsizing
y Holding an employee when he is not interested y Firing employee when he is not needed.

y Managers can smooth the downsizing process

y Regularly communicating with employees y Providing them with as much information as possible y Providing assistance to workers who will lose their jobs y Using training and development for remaining employees

y Outsourcing ( giving work to third party)

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