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Biology Cell & Molecular


Adelya Desi K. Novia Nur R. Rista Anggriani

Central Dogma
synthesis of RNA using DNA as the template duplication of DNA using DNA as the template

synthesis of proteins using RNA as the template

Procaryotes VS Eucaryotes


Unlike procaryotes, for the RNA to be translated, it must move out of the nucleus into the cytoplasm.


General Transcription
The RNA polymerase attach to DNA promoter, begin synthesis the mRNA

RNA polymerase

DNA template

Elongated the mRNA by RNA polymerase

Release the RNA polymerase from DNA template, and the product is mRNA


Transcription in Eucaryotes
eucaryotes genes, there are only monocistronic [one transcription product only coding one expression]
o In

oTranscription in eucaryotes occur within the nucleus under the direction of 3 separate forms of RNA polymerase.
RNA Form I II III rRNA mRNA 5S rRNA & tRNA Product Location Nucleous Nucleoplasm Nucleoplasm Gene Class I II III

Transcription in Eucaryotes
In the class I gene, the product is rRNA this gene only transcript, and not to be translate, because the product expression needed is the rRNA. in the class II gene, its include all genes which coding many kinds of protein. The product of this transcription is mRNA. the promoter in this gene included by 4 element, there are initiator sequence, downstream, TATA box, and upstream. In the class III gene, its coding the tRNA, 5S rRNA, and some little RNA molecules in nucleus.

Transcription in Class II Gene

: initiation, elongation, termination Enzyme : RNA polymerase II Product : mRNA Transcription begin from the Promoter sequence. The difference of the eucaryotes and procaryotes is the TATA box, which its included in promotor sequence. TATA box is located in 25bp upstream (-25) from the start point of transcription TATA box has resposibility for fixing the site of initiation of transcription, which is the place for RNA polymerase attached.

Promoter of RNA polymerase II

Transcription in Class II Gene When RNA polymerase attached into the promoter (TATA box), its also need some protein which its called Transcription Factor (TF) There are some type of TF such as TFIIA, TFIIB, TFIID, TFIIE, TFIIF, TFIIH, TFIIJ

Transcription in Class II Gene


Transcribed gene sequence

5 DNA 3 TATA 25 +1

Transcription in Class II Gene


5 DNA 3 +1

Transcription in Class II Gene


5 DNA 3 +1

Transcription in Class II Gene


5 DNA 3 +1

Transcription in Class II Gene


5 DNA 3 +1

Transcription in Class II Gene

5 3 5

3 5

Function of Human GTFs (General Transcription Factors)

mRNA Processing
In eucaryotes, the product of transcription gene is pre-mRNA. There are one more process to make the pre-mRNA become mature mRNA, its called mRNA Processing.

1. 2. 3.

mRNA splicing capping and polyadenylation rRNA and tRNA processing

Splicing mRNA Pre-mRNA in eucaryotes formed by exon (coding sequence) and intron (non-coding sequence). Intron sequence are present in initial RNA transcripts, but they are removed before the mature mRNA is translated. The removal of the sequence present in intron occurs as a result of an excision and rejoining process of RNA reffered to as


mRNA Splicing takes place within spliceosome

mRNA Splicing

Removed the intron sequence and splicing the exon

5 Capping
Most eukaryotic mRNAs have a 5 cap Increases the stability of mRNA

1. Fosfatase 2. Guanylyl transferase (5-to-5 GMP) 3. Guanine methyltransferase

3 Polyadenilation

5 Capping & 3 Polyadenilation

Adding 7-methylguanosin (GTP + CH3) in 5 site to prevent degradation by endonuclease in 5 site

Adding 250 adenin in 3 site to form poli-A tail to prevent degradation by endonuclease in 3 site

Transcription in Class I Gene

Enzyme : RNA polymerase I Product : rRNA (ribosomal RNA) General architectur of gene promoter

A comparisons between procaryotes and eucaryotes ribosom Procaryotes (70 S) Large subunit 50 S Small subunit 30 S Eucaryotes (80 S) Large subunit 60 S Small subunit 40 S

Transcription in Class III Gene

Enzyme : RNA polymerase III Product : tRNA

RNA polymerase III recognizes several different types of promoters

tRNA Processing
There are 74 95 RNA nucleotides together and make a cloverleaf structure
3 A C C 5

Acceptor arm

TNC arm dHU arm Optional arm

Anticodon arm

tRNA components

Acceptor arm: has CCA3 site, which is the binding site with amini acid Anticodon arm: has a function to recognize and attached the match codon in mRNA


Interpreter between base sequence of mRNA and amino acid sequence of protein 45 different types About 80 nucleotides Long Anticodon base pairs with codon of mRNA

Biology Cell & Molecular


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