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Implementation of IT in Big Bazaar

Adeeb Wahab, Akhil Kumar, Anand Singh, Aniket Samat, Balla Suryakumar, Dhaval Panchal, Jitjyoti Pegu, Sai Nihar Reddy, Tarun Saini, Raghu C

We express our sincere gratitude to Anup Mishra the Wipro personnel at Big Bazaar

Overview IT in Big Bazaar The IT Implementation The Interface Future Developments

IT in Big Bazaar
Inventory Management
Internal Inventory

Employee Management
Attendance keeping

Billing System
Centralized System


Stock Transfer mode

Architecture Hardware Software

Data Flow

Data base


Head Office SAP BI/GP POS1

Store POS2

Article wise Transaction Data

Master's & Promotions

Sales data

Master's: Tax Article wise & Article Aggregate Sales Data

5 TPAdmin 2

Store sales Data

Master's & Promotions

The Architecture (2/2)

Central Server in Ahmedabad Zonal Server in Gurgaon Local Server at each store Database: they use is RDBMS Oracle v10.0 They are about 200 tables in the database.

Hardware Used
Three Tier Approach Client Application Server Database

Basic System- 80 GB, 256 Mb Server- 160 GB, 2 GB

Stock Tables Supplier Table Customer Table Employee Table

What is POS?
POS (point of sale) is the physical location at which goods are sold to customers. A point-of-sale (POS) software terminal is a computer replacement for a cash register. More sophisticated than traditional cash registers includes the ability to track customer orders, process credit cards, and manage inventory.

Rem Server(Local) Anti Virus Server(Local) Employee Discount Service(Local)

Q- How pricing is controlled? They send a mail to the Ahmedabad team. Where they generate a Information Document ( iDoc file) which is verified at the Zonal Office and then sent to the Local Store in Delhi for uploading the files in the local REM SERVER. The IDOC file is uploaded in the FTP and then locally imported.

JCAPS Server is the Intermediate software between SAP and REM iDoc is the common language between the SAP and REM Server Redundant Array of Independent Disk(RAID) is the backup for each server. Each back up is saved in the three systems The TP Linux will replace these three servers Hardware Requirements for these 3 servers 160 GB, 2 GB RAM

Authorization Control- User Rights Flow

Zonal Office
Request for User rights for new Store rollout Validate request for User rights for existing store

Creation, deletion and updating request for User rights for existing store

Access control User rights

Head Office

User rights definition and assignment



New Store: User Rights Setup Work flow

Zonal Ops
Submit store details and request for user rights creation to HO IT

Store Ops
New Store User Rights request templa

Validate request and check if all details are present else ask Zonal Ops to resend request

Store IT

Assign Store It Personnel for new store rollout

Set up store server for rollout and notify HO It

Access TP Admin and set up User Profiles and assign user rights as per request on store server

Communicate set up of access rights to Zonal Ops

Communicate set up of access rights to Store Manager

User ID and Password template

Submit user ids and passwords to Store Ops Team

Managing Promotion Request

Store Ops Category Team Chief promotion Controller Receives request from Store Asst. Promo Controller Raises & send request for Promotion

Raises & send request for Promotion

Receives request from Category

If required sends request from store to category for approval

Category Approves or Disapproves request

If Approved send request to Control Centre

Promotion team does the feasibility study and configures

Try to establish alternate Configuration Acknowledges and inform to Request initiator

Promotion not configurable, Consult Chief Controller

Configuration Done, Updates FEC

Sales Transaction
Customer `
Bring article to billing counter

Check products Scan the article Product Identified in system Scan every product in the basket

Store Executive

Give Cash, Credit Card or Gift Voucher to pay the bill

Finalize the Bill Convey bill amount to customer and ask for payment mode

Swipe Credit Card at EFT and POS Till Receive Customer copy and submit signed Merchant copy of Credit Card slip to Cashier

Receive GV and enter GV number in POS

Collect Cash amount

Receive signed Merchant copy and enter approval code in system

Enter GV number in system

Place cash in POS Till

Generate Invoice and check if VAT Bill to be printed Hand over the bill to customer Print VAT Bill if required along with Invoice Seal the bag


Generated Report

POS Functions Log In

2. Click on Sign On

1. Enter the User ID

Pos Functions Log In

1. Enter Password

2. Click on Enter

Every 15-20 days the REM server is maintained. Crashes :Failure of the Rack( routers ) will lead to the stoppage of the transactions. It has to be manually rectified



Ingoing- Purchase Orders are generated using the system- Inwarding or Receiving of the goods - Internal Transfer Note Getting Goods from other stores Outgoing - Damaged Goods Reports: Stock Inventory Report - Can generate daily, weekly monthly Inventory Levels ReportsNegative Inventory ReportQuartly Damaged Report - The damaged goods per category can be seen in this report

Future Developments
Future of IT in Big Bazaar Big bazaar is moving towards Centralized architecture. One update will be reflected at all the places. Transaction at any place will be updated instantaneous at the central database.


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