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Culture : the dominant values espoused by a society Values : beliefs of a person or social group in which he or they has / have an emotional investment (either for or against something) OR traits or qualities that are considered worthwhile; they represent an individuals highest priorities and deeply held driving forces.
Examples of Values : Individuality, equality, respect, innovativeness, teamwork, discipline/order, persistence, optimism, dependability, flexibility, etc. Example for Core Values: Core value in family might be close relationships; in church, spirituality. Core value in the class room will be learning.

Why is value important?


impact every aspect of an individual or an organisation. Your values will tell you what is your life priorities / goals / vision / mission Values guide in your decision-making Your values bring rewards and recognition for you Your values must be matched with that of the organisation and society.

Transcultural Values
Trans-cultures are those beliefs that people across the world are associating themselves with.

dominant values espoused across the globe

These beliefs have come in various people because of social changes brought by globalization, increased mobility and ethnic intermingling. The implied meaning of TC is that people will go out of their way to change their natural behaviour to mirror that of the person with whom they interact.

Trans-culture : Also called as Multi-culture, Cross-culture, and Polycentric Culture.

Opposite of Trans-culture is Monoculture, Ethnocentrism, and Parochialism.

Some examples of TC

The Key Characteristics along which Culture Differ:

The degree to which individual freedom and independence given by the society. To which degree the society encourages innovation, aggression, and risk-taking The level of rules and regulations in a society. Eg. Japan Less rules and regulations and India Too many rules and regulations. Rewards system. :- Whether they follow equity or equality. Tolerance level of a society Hierarchical level of the society Dominant culture vs. subculture

The Myths and Realities about Trans-culture Myth

TC is more relevant even in the areas of marketing, PR, negotiations, advertising, etc. Rather it is for production of new knowledge and retheorising Rather it is a continuous process But also the majority understanding the minority. It is a two-way process.

TC is relevant only for HR points of view. TC competence is for comparative study of cultures. It is an instant response / one shot affair TC is only the individual understanding the majority groups. TC is an one-way understanding

Importance of TCV Competence

Process of Transcultural Values

3. Distrust due to lack of information / interaction 4. Acceptance due to enough experience over a period of time

1. Fear due to unknown

2. Dislike due to difference

6.Liking due to sharing many things in common

5.Trust due to quality time spent together

Transcultural Knowledge Inputs


awareness (conscious or alert or selfexamination of own culture and that of others), Cultural knowledge (specific information), Cultural skill (thro training), Cultural encounters (unplanned or unexpected exposure), and Cultural desire (wish or longing for practicing).

Barriers in Transcultural Values

Racism Ethnocentrism Stereotyping Language Religion Food and drinks

Importance of Transcultural Human Values in Management Education

Problems in Teaching Cross-cultural Values in Management Education Bias of the Faculty Students Mix Not every student will be interested Global Village Universalists

To conclude :
Standardization of culture not possible. So be adaptable. Culturally be sensitive. We cannot fully understand others culture, but we can only have insights Recognize naturally the existence of diversity or alternatives. Be tolerant to others culture Culture has no rationality, so dont question a culture

Cultural difference is reality rather than rhetoric. Celebrate the Difference Like leaderless movement (e.g. Tunisia, and Arab nations) and autonomous (driverless) cars, the future is for culture-less (meaning less importance to culture) society. Social media reduces the cultural differences. The more we understand about others culture, the less difference we feel.

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