AvisMap GIS Products Overview

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AvisMap GIS Products Overview

AvisMap GIS Technologies

Copyright 2006, 2007, AvisMap GIS Technologies

Our Visions

GIS and CAD are sharing similar industrial domain. Business will force them convergent; Geospatial Industry is merging into the mainstream IT technologies; Technology is not monotonic; Spatial is enabling on daily life.

Copyright 2009 AvisMap GIS Technologies

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Our GIS environment

Supporting CAD data structure (objectbased structure) and CAD functionality; Not only user-friendly, also developerfriendly and system integrator-friendly; Providing equivalent or better, and more innovative choice in different functional area; Reducing the entrance barrier of GIS.

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Navigation and Vessel/ Vehicle Tracking

Military Command Control Automation System

Markets and Our Positioning

Mobile Fighting Unit Tactic Terminal


Utilities Civil Aeronautic Banking; Insurance

Education; Transportation and other 20 industries

Commercial; Taxation; Public Health Hydro; Environment; ocean exploring Town Planning; Population Management; Public Security Land Use; Estate Management; Census

Government IT Solution

Agriculture and Forestry; Resources Management

Copyright 2009 AvisMap GIS Technologies

Database Warehouse

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Nature Resource

Corporation IT Solution

BI/CRM and other10 industries

GIS Core Platform

Soldier Tactic Terminal

Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, DM, Kingbase

Internet Mapping and Information Kiosk

Military IT Solution

General Public

LBS/Mobile Service

AvisMap Focus
GIS End user Applications

GIS Platform for Specific Business

GIS Platform

Database Operating System

Our focus is on the providing of the GIS Platform. We do our best and let the other do their best.

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2. AvisMap GIS Architecture

Clients Solutions
AvisMap GIS Desktop AvisMap GIS Develop Platform

AvisMap Viewer

AvisMap Deskpro

AvisMap Engine

AvisMap SDM



File Engine

SQL Server







Windows OS
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AvisMap Deskpro

Copyright 2006, 2007, AvisMap GIS Technologies

AvisMap Deskpro

What you see in Deskpro= what you see in AvisMap Engine Developed by AvisMap Engine Same controls and functionalities Developed for easier demonstration

Copyright 2009 AvisMap GIS Technologies

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Workspace Datasource Datasets Maps 3D Scenes Resources Layouts

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Resources Symbol Lib Line Lib Fill Lib

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Double-File Storage



Database Storage

SQL SQL+ Oracle Oracle Spacial SyBase DM

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Supported Data Format

CAD Data
dxf dwg dgn

Other GIS Data

E00, mif, tab, Coverage, shp, etc.

Image Data
Bmp, jpg, tif, etc. ECW Mrsid

Attibute Table Data

Mdb, dbf
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Supported Data Format

Common images, such as *.bmp, *.jpg, *.tif, *.img, etc.

Can be imported directly.

Other compressed images, such as ECW MrSid.

We can create a new ECW, MrSid dataset. AvisMap Deskpro provides free decompression under 500MB.

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Create Dataset

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Create Dataset By Digitization By CAD

Copyright 2009 AvisMap GIS Technologies

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Avis 3D


Copyright 2009 AvisMap GIS Technologies

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3D City

Copyright 2009 AvisMap GIS Technologies

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Grid Analysis

Copyright 2009 AvisMap GIS Technologies

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Grid Analysis

Profile Graph

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Grid Analysis


Copyright 2009 AvisMap GIS Technologies

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Network Analysis

Path finding

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Network Analysis

Service Area

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Network Analysis

Closet facilities

Copyright 2009 AvisMap GIS Technologies

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Thematic Map

Unique Values Ranged values Graduated Symbols Dot Density Charts Labels Custom They are all for Vectors!

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Thematic Map

Unique and Ranges Values

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Thematic Map

Graduated Symbol & Dot Density

Copyright 2009 AvisMap GIS Technologies

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Thematic MapGraph & Label

Graph and Label

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Copyright 2009 AvisMap GIS Technologies

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AvisMap Engine

Copyright 2006, 2007, AvisMap GIS Technologies

AvisMap Engine
AvisGridView AvisWorkspace Manager AvisWorkspace Avis3D AvisMap AvisLegend List AvisLegend Combobox AvisLayout



The common core of AvisMap; The language defining GIS; Scaleable and effective Rich functionalities sets (300+ programmable objects with 3000+ interfaces)
Copyright 2009 AvisMap GIS Technologies
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Main controls and functionalities Core components

AvisMap & AvisWorkspace & SDM
Workspace management, Multi datasources acessing, Map management; Map displaying, Querying; Data editing; Map projection Register & Rectify; Basic spatial analysis; Symbol library designing; Overlay, Path analysis; Long Term Transaction Management; Temporal Filter and etc

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Main controls and functionalities

Analyst component (AvisAnalyst)
Providing more professional and advanced network and spatial analysis functions. With this control, you can do
Network analysis
Path and TSPPath Service Area Locations Allocation Closest Facility, etc.

Grid surface analysis

Hydrology Interpolation Surface Modelling Extracting Isoline, hillshade, profile etc.

Grid analysis
Raster and Vector conversion Grid Distance Grid generalization Grid Algebra and Statistic computing, etc.

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Main controls and functionalities 3D component (Avis3D)

Creating TIN and DEM Rendering 3D scenes Hillshade and Ortho 3D Image Using Texture Displaying and Rotation 3D scenes Flooding model Cut and Fill, etc.

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Main controls and functionalities Layout component (AvisLayout)

Layout designing and output, including laying out map, legend, direction, scale and other objects etc.

Topology component (AvisTopo)

Creating polygon and network for line dataset Topology error processing

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4.1 AvisWorkspace

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4.2 Map control(AvisMap)

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4.3 Recordset(soRecordset)

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4.3.2 Recordset, selection and dataset



Vector soDatasetVector

Action soSelection

Query soRecordset ToRecordset


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4.4 Geometry(soGeometry)

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4.4.1 Geometry Type

Parameterized Geometry soGeoPoint soGeoLine soGeoRegion soGeoText soGeoLineM soGeoCompound soGeoCircle soGeoArc soGeoEllips soGeoEllipsOblique soPoints soPoint


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4.4.2 Geometry Style

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4.5 Layout control (AvisLayout)

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4.6 3D control (Avis3D)

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4.7 Analyst control (AvisAnalyst)

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The End


Copyright 2006, 2007, AvisMap GIS Technologies

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