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Digital Image Processing

MS Computer Science Manipal University Previous Year Question Papers (Unit Wise)

Introduction 1/3

Color representation and color models

Introduction 2/3

Introduction 3/3
Definition of 2D fourier transform and how it is used in image processing

Image Operations 1/2

Describe the method of spatial filtering? Describe the different masks used for edge detection and the theory behind them.

Image Operations 2/2

Describe the frequency domain filters Ideal LPF, Butterworth LPF and Gaussian LPF used in Image Processing. How are they useful in image processing.

Image Analysis 1/2

What is point processing? Describe contrast stretching, log transformation and Power law transformation with neat diagrams for all the different transformations

Image Analysis 2/2

Image Segmentation

What is image segmentation? How is it useful? Describe adaptive thresholding, region splitting and region merging method of segmentation.

Image Data Compression 1/3

Image Data Compression 2/3

Compression of images-Huffman and Arithmetic coding MPEG II and MPEG 4. - http://www.buzzle.com/articles/mpeg2-vs-mpeg4.html What is meant by GOP? Explain the need for I P and B frames in MPEG2

Image Data Compression 3/3

4.Define the wavelet transform for any function(). What is the characteristics of wavelet 5.Explain the concept of dilation and translation in wavelet transform.


.What is multi resolution analysis and how it is used in image processing. http://www.multiresolution.com/cupbook.pdf



Sampling and Quantization

UMCP ENEE631 Slides (created by M.Wu 2001)

Computer handles discrete data. Sampling

Sample the value of the image at the nodes of a regular grid on the image plane. A pixel (picture element) at (i, j) is the image intensity value at grid point indexed by the digital image integer coordinate "simultaneous contrast" (i, j). processing
255 (white)


Is a process of transforming a real valued sampled image to one taking only a finite number of distinct values. Each sampled value in a 256-level grayscale image is represented by 8 bits.
=> Stay tuned for the theories on these in future weeks.
M. Wu: ENEE631 Digital Image Processing (Spring'09) Lec1 Introduction [16]

0 (black)

Sampling, Quantization, and Operations Relationships between pixels



DCT versus DFT than DFT DCT has a higher compression efficiency
does DCT avoids the generation of spurious spectral components

DFT periodicity

DCT periodicity


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